Police arrested former senior editorial writer Fung Wai-kong, who worked for the recently shutdown pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily at Hong Kong…

The Reuters Digital News Report 2021 has revealed that public’s trust in news has risen sharply during the Covid-19 pandemic and that younger…

En collaboration avec son affilié le Syndicat des journalistes syriens (UJS), la FIJ a organisé un atelier de concertation sur le renforcement de la…

A diez días de que se promulgara la Ley de Equidad de Género en los medios de comunicación, la Cámara de Senadorxs aprobó esta nueva iniciativa,…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) conducted two online workshops for lawyers from Burundi, Mexico, Sri Lanka and Yemen on the…

A bus carrying journalists on a press trip crashed near the city of Naqadeh in Northwestern Iran on 23 June killing 2 female reporters and wounding 21…

Members of the South East Asia Journalist Union (SEAJU) network call on governments to do more to protect media workers amid the Covid-19 pandemic and…

Sindh Governor Imran Ismail on June 20 controversially returned the new Sindh Protection of Journalists and Other Media Practitioners Bill 2021…

Cambodian journalists have been intimidated by authorities in a series of incidents documented by the Cambodian Journalists Alliance (CamboJA). The…

La pandémie de Covid-19 a été une période incertaine pour les journalistes en début de carrière, car de nombreux médias ont arrêté leur activité,…

[Translate to French:]

A l'occasion de l'entrée en vigueur de la Convention 190 de l'Organisation internationale du travail sur la violence et le harcèlement dans le monde…

Palestinian former journalist and union leader Abdelnasser Najjar passed away on June 25 at the hospital. The International Federation of Journalists…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is joining forces with the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in the UK and Ireland, the BBC World…

The Hong Kong edition of Apple Daily, published by the Hong Kong-based Next Digital media group, will print its last paper on June 24. The…

Khaled Al Qudah, a journalist working for Al Rai newspaper and board member of the Jordanian Press Association (JPA), submitted testimony to the…