A Croatian Supreme Court decision published on 16 May said the extraordinary dismissal in 2018 of Hrvoje Zovko, president of the Croatian Journalists'…

En la apertura de sesiones ordinarias del Congreso de la Nación, realizada el viernes 1 de marzo durante la noche, el presidente Javier Milei afirmó…

De acuerdo a un relevamiento realizado por el Departamento Intersindical de Estadística y Estudios Socioeconómicos (Dieese), la remuneración promedio…

Durante la noche de ayer, el mandatario argentino impuso por decreto y sin aval legislativo más de 300 modificaciones y derogaciones de leyes para…

Freelance media workers from the Metro Manila area launched a guild dedicated to their professional rights on October 21, following years of research,…

One month has passed since 24 journalists from the Russian news agency Sputnik in Istanbul and Ankara were dismissed. As members of the Journalists'…

The Council of Global Unions (CGU), representing over 200 million workers, including journalists, condemns the escalating violations of trade union…

BBC journalists in Cairo deserve fair pay that takes account of Egypt’s recent financial crisis, was the message delivered outside the Corporation’s…

Media workers from several Jang Media Group (JMG) outlets, including television network Geo News, have begun a series of protests against systemic…

Al menos 37 agresiones contra trabajadorxs de los medios de comunicación fueron registradas tanto durante los disturbios en Brasilia como después. En…

The Indonesian government has passed a controversial new Criminal Code that seriously violates international human rights standards and will…

In a week crucial to the future of their media, dozens of Hong Kong journalists, who relocated in recent years to the UK, gathered on 1 November at…

On October 23, the High Court of Malaysia ruled that the former media workers of Utusan Malaysia, which ceased its operations in October 2021, are…

Durante los días 11 y 12 de septiembre en la ciudad de Lima, Perú, se llevó adelante el congreso de la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y…

Journalists in Palestine will join a sit-in organised by Labour unions to demand improved social conditions for media workers. In a joint statement…

El proyecto creado por la administración del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador continuaría el año entrante con fondos destinados desde del…