IFJ Greek affiliate JUADN held a two-day training seminar on "Gender equality in the public and political discourse" on 31 May. This training is part…

On 23 May, journalists’ unions in Greece and the government signed a collective labour agreement for journalists employed by the State and public…

Rewriting the story/Mahtab Dadarsefatmahboob

Eight community media journalists convened in Freiburg, Germany, on 27 April, for an International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)’ one-day training…

En vue des prochaines élections du parlement européen qui se tiendront du 6 au 9 juin prochains, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ)…

Cordoba played host to Spain’s second training for journalists on the portrayal of women in politics on 15-16 March. Nineteen participants, drawn from…

“All topics can include a gender angle”. These were the words of Valbona Sulçe, one of the four mentors who joined the Peer-to-peer activity bringing…

Women politicians too rarely make the headlines in political coverage and when they do they are often subject to sexism and stereotypes.

The IFJ-led EU-funded project Rewriting the story ended, on 4 June, its second 'train the trainers' session in Zagreb, Croatia, with journalists from…

How can journalists provide the public with the best quality gender aware reporting on politics? Watch the video below to know more about the IFJ- led…

On the 25, 26, 27 January, University of Padova students presented their final projects as part of the EU-Funded project “ Rewriting the Story: Media,…

How can journalists best report on upcoming EU elections and provide the public with ethical, gender aware reporting on politics? The issue of…