[Translate to French:]

« L’avenir du journalisme à l’heure du numérique », tel sera le thème du 30e congrès de la FIJ qui se tiendra à Tunis (Tunisie) du 11 au 14 juin 2019.

The International Federation of Journalists join the campaign of its Ukrainian affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), to call…

[Translate to French:]

Réconciliation et lutte contre l'impunité Le congrès de la FIJ à Tunis se profile à l'horizon, ainsi que la fin d'un mandat que je voulais notamment…

Representatives from governments in every continent today joined the IFJ, journalists unions, editors groups, public broadcasters and media…

A group of around 100 anti-government protesters stormed the building of the Serbian national broadcaster RTS in Belgrade on Saturday 16 March,…

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) call on the European Parliament to adopt a copyright directive that benefits all…

Two German journalists were compelled to leave Turkey on Sunday, 10 March 2019, after their press accreditations were not renewed for 2019 without any…

On the International Women’s Day, media organisations call upon all media leaders around the globe to stand up and protect the rights of female…

The International Federation of Journalists is looking for four media development experts to conduct a mapping of current trends in the media sector,…

À l’occasion de la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, célébrée le 8 mars, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) a lancé un…

María García Zornoza (Albacete, 1993) es una periodista al mando de Aquí Europa, un medio digital con sede en Bruselas dedicado a información de la…

Ana Pardo de Vera (Lugo, 1974) es periodista y dirige desde septiembre de 2016 Público, un cargo directivo que pocas mujeres ocupan en los medios de…

Pierre-Yves Ginet est co-rédacteur en chef du magazine Femmes ici et ailleurs, un magazine bimensuel d’information qui dépeint des portraits de femmes…

Ulrika Hyllert has been a board member of the Swedish union of journalists since 2014. The radio reporter was elected as the new president of the…

Building bridges among journalists, students and media educators to improve gender equality in newsrooms and media content. This is what the Advancing…

Les Commissions de la science, de l’éducation et de la culture (CSEC) de l’Assemblée fédérale du Parlement suisse ont tranché la semaine dernière en…