15057 results:

2451. Russia: Police raids homes of investigative journalists  

The Russian police searched the homes of several investigative journalists and their families on 29 June in Moscow. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), in denouncing a blatant attack on the freedom and independence of the press. The target was the independent Russian online outlet Proekt. According to the media, the home of its founder and editor-in-chief Roman Badanin was searched by the authorities on 29 June, as was the home of the media's co-founder and journalist, Maria Zholobova. The police also confiscated laptops, mobile phones, flash drives and SIM cards. In addition, the deputy editor…  
2452. Iran: Local journalist jailed following his reporting over the presidential election  

Local journalist Aman Mohammad Khojamli was summoned to Gonbad City court and was transferred to the prison following his reporting over the presidential election in Iran. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this illegal and groundless arrest and urges the Iranian authorities to release him immediately. Update July 5, 2021: Journalist Aman Mohammad Khojamli was released from Gonbad Kavous prison on bail on July 5. He was arrested on Wednesday, July 23rd, by the court of Gonbad Kavous and transferred to this prison. Khojamli is an experienced local freelance journalist who worked for local print media like "Salim" and "Golshan Mehr" as well as several news…  
2453. Palestine: Journalists attacked by security forces during demonstration  

Several journalists have been attacked and their equipment damaged or confiscated by security forces as they were covering a demonstration in Ramallah, Palestine on 26/27 June. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands by its affiliate the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) in condemning such unjustifiable attacks on the press and calling on the Palestinian authorities to ensure journalists' safety. Several journalists, including a number of women, were attacked and their equipment confiscated as they were covering violent clashes between demonstrators calling for an independent investigation into the killing of activist Nizar Banat, a fierce critic of President…  
2454. Hong Kong: Former Apple Daily employee arrested while trying to leave Hong Kong  

Police arrested former senior editorial writer Fung Wai-kong, who worked for the recently shutdown pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily at Hong Kong International Airport on June 27. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) condemn the police’s arrest of Fung. While boarding a flight to the United Kingdom, police arrested Fung on suspicion of colluding with “foreign countries or foreign forces to endanger national security”. Fung had written for Apple Daily since 1997 until his recent resignation, publishing his last column on June 21.  The arrest follows the recent announcement on June 23 of Apple…  
2455. El orgullo es una respuesta política  

Hoy se cumplen 52 años de la revuelta de Stonewall, la primera gran reacción de la comunidad LGBTTIQ+ a las constantes agresiones policiales y sociales. Por este hecho, en todo el mundo se celebra el Día Internacional del Orgullo, una jornada de lucha y reivindicación que invita a reflexionar acerca de los avances en materia de derechos en el mundo del trabajo, pero principalmente sobre el camino que aún falta recorrer. El derecho a trabajar en espacios libres de agresión y discriminación continúa siendo un desafío, muy especialmente para el colectivo LGBTTIQ+. El acoso, la disparidad laboral, y la discriminación por la orientación sexual o la identidad de género en los lugares de trabajo…  
2456. Starting up a career in journalism during the pandemic  

The COVID-19 pandemic has been an uncertain time for early-career journalists as many media stopped their activity, put their internships and entry-level positions on hold, reduced their staff and shifted all their mentoring schemes online. In this context, how can a young journalist start building their career? What resources have they used more? How have they adapted to remote reporting? And most important of all, how can journalists’ unions help young media workers in their first professional steps? One of the main changes the pandemic brought for journalists starting their careers was the closing of physical newsrooms, which used to be the key place for young journalists to meet and…  
2457. Trust in news grows, need for diverse and gender-balanced newsrooms demanded  

The Reuters Digital News Report 2021 has revealed that public’s trust in news has risen sharply during the Covid-19 pandemic and that younger audiences are demanding more diverse and inclusive newsrooms. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has welcomed the report and reiterated that having strong journalists’ unions is crucial to delivering quality journalism and diverse newsrooms. The report is the most comprehensive piece of research on news consumption worldwide, based on more than 92,000 interviews and covering 46 countries from across the world. It examines how COVID-19 is transforming the news industry, how audiences think about impartiality and the rise of more visual…  
2458. Syrie: atelier sur la sécurité des journalistes  

En collaboration avec son affilié le Syndicat des journalistes syriens (UJS), la FIJ a organisé un atelier de concertation sur le renforcement de la sécurité professionnelle des journalistes et des travailleurs des médias le 23 juin 2021 à Damas. L'événement a rassemblé des directeurs et rédacteurs en chef de 9 médias, des représentants de la Fédération des syndicats de Syrie, et le directeur des programmes et politiques dans le Monde arabe et au Moyen-Orient de la FIJ, via une plateforme numérique. Lors de cette réunion, différentes thématiques ont été abordées, telles que les défis et les risques auxquels sont confrontés les journalistes sur le terrain et le rôle des médias pour assurer…  
2459. Diego Charles  

The reporter for Radio Vision 2000 and for the online media Gazette Haiti was shot dead by unidentified men on a motorbike while investigating the unsolved murder of the president of the Port-au-Prince Bar Association. A former journalist turned political activist who was driving him home was also killed.   
2460. Argentina: se sancionó la Ley de Promoción del Acceso al Empleo Formal para personas Travestis, Transexuales y transgénero  

A diez días de que se promulgara la Ley de Equidad de Género en los medios de comunicación, la Cámara de Senadorxs aprobó esta nueva iniciativa, pionera en el mundo, que establece un cupo obligatorio destinado a esas comunidades en todas las dependencias estatales del país, e incentiva la inclusión en las empresas privadas. Ayer finalmente se consiguió la promulgación de ese proyecto, que había obtenido media sanción en la Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Argentina el mismo día que se logró aprobar la ley que establece la paridad de género en los medios de comunicación, que también contenía una cláusula acerca de la inclusión de personas travestis, transexuales y transgénero. Esta nueva…  
2461. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 18 and 25 June 2021. English Global Trade Union Movement Launches Toolkit In Campaign To Eradicate Violence And Harassment In The World Of Work, Scoop PPP legislator submits bill in KP PA Sectt for protection of journalists, The News International SOC Films addressed freedom of press in Pakistan via Webinar, Cutacut Parliament and democracy under attack, claims Sherry Rehman, The News International US Condemns Hong Kong Government for…  
2462. IFJ holds workshops for lawyers on freedom of expression and media rights  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) conducted two online workshops for lawyers from Burundi, Mexico, Sri Lanka and Yemen on the international norms which underpin freedom of expression and media rights. The workshops, which took place on 17 and 18 June 2021, are part of the project funded by UNESCO/Global Media Defence Fund (GMDF) designed to set up legal representation networks to support journalists under threat. The project involves establishing and operationalising a network of licensed lawyers, who will provide legal representation to journalists based on international standards. The IFJ invited Ms Catherine Anite, an experienced Ugandan lawyer and a member of the High…  
2463. Iran: Two journalists die in bus crash  

A bus carrying journalists on a press trip crashed near the city of Naqadeh in Northwestern Iran on 23 June killing 2 female reporters and wounding 21 others. The International Federation of journalists (IFJ) joins the Iranian Journalists Association (IJA) in asking for a swift investigation into the crash. The bus, traveling to Tehran, Iran's capital,  from Urmia Lake, and carrying over 20 reporters and media workers, overturned near the city of Naqadeh on its way back from a environmental press trip organised by the government. Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) correspondent Reyhaneh Yassini and Iran Students News Agency (ISNA) reporter Mahshad Karimi lost their…  
2464. SOUTH EAST ASIA: Call for stronger protections for media workers amid Covid-19  

Members of the South East Asia Journalist Union (SEAJU) network call on governments to do more to protect media workers amid the Covid-19 pandemic and more adequately support journalists as frontline workers. SEAJU and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) remain concerned that that journalism as a profession is under threat from wage instability, lack of access to vaccines and insufficient personal protection equipment. In a meeting on June 17, SEAJU leaders and activists from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Timor Leste and Thailand said journalists working through the Covid-19 pandemic were being exposed to infection while performing their vital role in to…  
2465. Pakistan: Sindh Governor rejects journalist protection bill  

Sindh Governor Imran Ismail on June 20 controversially returned the new Sindh Protection of Journalists and Other Media Practitioners Bill 2021 without signing it. The international Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) urge the Sindh assembly to honour its commitment and urgently pass the bill again without distorting its key provisions. “The Sindh Protection of Journalists and Other Media Practitioners Bill 2021” was passed by the Sindh Assembly on May 28. Among its provisions, the bill envisions the creation of a “Commission for Protection of Journalists and Other Media Workers” to proactively protect journalists under the law. Drafted in…  
2466. Cambodia: Journalists stopped and intimidated by authorities  

Cambodian journalists have been intimidated by authorities in a series of incidents documented by the Cambodian Journalists Alliance (CamboJA). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and CamboJA urge Cambodian authorities to respect the rights of journalists to report. A Voice of Democracy (VOD) videographer was stopped and threatened by Prek Pnov district authorities on June 18. The authorities consisted of more than 10 members and were led by the district governor. The male videographer was filming a temporary stopping place for civilian’s floating houses and fish farms. He was caught after being evacuated from the space. Authorities took photos of him and his press card and…  
2467. Global trade union movement launches toolkit in campaign to eradicate violence and harassment in the world of work  

As the International Labour Organization Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the world of work comes into force on 25 June 2021, the IFJ is joining global unions in launching a toolkit to support the Convention 190 (C190) and its Recommendation 206 (R206). The manual will provide thousands of unions around the world with critical tools for the fight to eradicate violence and harassment in the world of work. Affecting millions of workers globally, physical assault, bullying, sexual harassment, online abuse, economic violence and abusive work practices are the most widespread forms of violence in the world of work. COVID-19 outbreak reports show that all types of violence…  
2468. Palestine: IFJ mourns the death of former journalist and union leader Abdelnasser Najjar  

Palestinian former journalist and union leader Abdelnasser Najjar passed away on June 25 at the hospital. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) mourns his death and sends deep condolences to all his family, friends and colleagues. Abdelnasser, who served as president of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) and was member of the IFJ Executive Committee from 2010 to 2016, was the first Palestinian journalist leader to address the UN Human Rights Committee. He led several weeks of demonstrations for the right of movement of Palestinian journalists and was victim of Israeli violence against Palestinian journalists in 2015, when he was hit by a stun…  
2469. Unions highlight plight of Iranian journalists at UN event  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is joining forces with the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in the UK and Ireland, the BBC World Service and legal experts from Doughty Street Chambers to highlight the plight of Iranian journalists at an online event today to coincide with the United Nations Human Rights Council’s 47th session. The IFJ and NUJ continue to campaign on behalf of journalists working for the BBC Persian Service and Iran International who are being systematically targeted and harassed by the Iranian authorities because of their work as journalists. Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ general secretary, said: "We have seen…  
2470. Hong Kong: Democracy crumbles in Hong Kong as Apple Daily shutters HK operations  

The Hong Kong edition of Apple Daily, published by the Hong Kong-based Next Digital media group, will print its last paper on June 24. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) express deep concern over the dark day for  journalism and independent media in Hong Kong that saw government pressure shutter Apple Daily. Next Digital said in a statement on its website that “Tomorrow (June 24) will be the last publication day” for its print edition. In addition, digital content will no longer be available on any platforms and subscriptions to the paper will not be renewed. Apple Daily was the last major pro-democracy newspaper…  
2471. Jordan: Journalist and union leader who reported on mismanagement of public advertisement money faces pressure  

Khaled Al Qudah, a journalist working for Al Rai newspaper and board member of the Jordanian Press Association (JPA), submitted testimony to the Jordanian Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission (JIACC) over suspected corruption over the management of the public advertisement involving advertising agencies and top management of some newspapers. The IFJ demands a full investigation in this claim and protection for the journalist from retaliation. On 3rd June, Al Qudah participated in Voice of the Mamlaka talk show aired on Al Mamalaka TV, one of two public broadcasters in Jordan, to discuss the crises facing print media in Jordan. He criticised a number of the existing…  
2472. Pakistan: FIA summons journalist for critical reporting  

Federal Investigation Agency’s Cyber Crime Reporting Centre in Islamabad summoned journalist Muhammad Bilal Ghauri for questioning for alleged defamatory remarks made through his YouTube channel. The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) urges authorities to cease the intimidation of journalists who have a right to freedom of expression and questioning attacks on their profession. The summon notice issued on June 22 under the Pakistan Electronic Crime Act (PECA), ordered Ghauri to appear before the Cyber Crime Reporting Centre of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) in Islamabad at 11 am on June 25. But the notice failed to mention the specific accusation levelled against him.…  
2473. México: asesinan a un periodista en Coahuila y es el tercero que se contabiliza este mes  

Saúl Tijerina Rentería fue encontrado muerto el martes luego de permanecer unas horas desaparecido. Los motivos de su muerte aun se investigan pero crece la preocupación al tratarse del tercer trabajador de prensa en ser asesinado durante junio en ese país, y el cuarto en 2021. El periodista y operador de drones era colaborador del medio La voz de Coahuila, portal en el que se reportó su desaparición la madrugada del martes. También trabajaba en otros medios digitales como Noticias Web y Policiaca Acuña. Si bien todavía no pudo ser confirmado que su asesinato esté vinculado a su labor periodística, la situación no deja de ser alarmante por ser ya el tercer periodista en morir en…  
2474. Brasil: denuncian persecución y hostigamiento en EBC  

La Federación Nacional de Periodistas (FENAJ) y el Sindicato de Periodistas Profesionales del Distrito Federal (SJPDF) denunciaron que Víctor Ribeiro y Gésio Passos están sufriendo actos de acoso y persecución por parte de la dirección de la Empresa de Comunicaciones de Brasil. Ambos son trabajadores de Radio Nacional y dirigentes sindicales. Gésio Passos, quien es director del SJPDF y vicepresidente regional de FENAJ, fue trasladado sin motivo alguno y sin aviso previo. Esta situación de persecución se suma a la sufrida por él en 2020, cuando fue desplazado de la cobertura en el Ministerio de Salud tras intentar preguntar en una rueda de prensa por la idoneidad de las fuerzas militares…  
2475. Nicaragua: preocupación ante los procesos judiciales que involucran a periodistas  

Tal como sucedió en otros países de la región, el proceso electoral que está por comenzar se enmarca en un tenso clima de polarización y una fuerte influencia internacional. Como ya se ha visto en la experiencia reciente de Perú, uno de los sectores que más padece estos momentos de confrontación es el de lxs trabajadorxs de prensa. Las recientes causas judiciales que involucran a miembros de los medios de comunicación que participan de la vida política del país, hacen crecer el estado de alarma y obligan a prestar especial atención a la situación que atraviesa el periodismo, que debe poder prestar testimonio fehaciente y libre del proceso en marcha en Nicaragua. Desde la Federación…  
2476. Saúl Tijerina Rentería  

  The lifeless body of the journalist was found, a few hours after the media he worked La Voz de Coahuilia first reported his disappearance.  Renteria also worked for other digital media like Noticias and Policiaca Acuña. He was the the third journalist killed in the month of June 2021 alone .             Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
2477. Reyhaneh Yassini, Mahshad Karimi  

The two female reporters, Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) correspondent Reyhaneh Yassini and Iran Students News Agency (ISNA) reporter Mahshad Karimi lost their lives in a bus crash near the city of Naqadeh in northwestern Iran.   The accident occurred when the bus was traveling to Iran's capital Tehran from Urmia Lake carrying over 20 reporters and media workers.  Several other journalists were injured in the accident, including four who were in a critical condition and taken to Urmia city hospital. According to media reports, the commander of the country's traffic police announced after the crash that the bus, which belonged to cement factory, was not road worthy.…  
2478. SEAJU: Respect human rights and stop the intimidation of Myanmar’s media  

Members of the South East Asia Journalist Union (SEAJU) network this week issued a joint statement of solidarity with media colleagues from Myanmar, while also condemning ongoing attacks and intimidation of journalists and media in the country since the military coup in February 2021. SEAJU and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) together call on the military to stop restricting Myanmar’s press freedom and cease the attacks on Myanmar’s journalists. In a meeting on June 17, SEAJU leaders and activists from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Timor Leste discussed the dire decline in media freedom in the South East Asian nation since February 1. The SEAJU…  
2479. Ukraine: Prosecutors and police deliver public update on investigation into murder of journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on the Ukrainian authorities to continue to pursue the killers of Cherkasy journalist Vadym Komarov, two years after his death following a brutal attack. The call came as the head of the Cherkasy Regional Prosecutor's Office Oleksandr Voronin and deputy head of the Cherkasy police Yevhen Rohachov updated reporters at a press conference about the progress of the investigation. During these 2 years, more than 1,700 interrogations and more than 200 investigative leads have been followed. Data from hundreds of cameras and more than 1000 phone calls have been analyzed. The investigation is still ongoing. An identikit of the…  
2480. Belarus: harassment of journalists’ association is unacceptable  

The Belarusian Ministry of Justice ordered on 21 June an inspection of the activities of the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ). The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) will denounce at the highest level any attempt to intimidate and harass its Belarussian affiliate and those responsible will be held accountable. On 21 June, BAJ received an official letter demanding them to submit thousands of documents dating from 1 January 2018 to the Department of Non-Profit Organisations of the Ministry of Justice. From these documents, the Ministry of Justice demands to see BAJ’s membership lists, membership application forms,…  
2481. Nigeria: Radio presenter Titus Badejo brutally killed  

Radio presenter Titus Badejo was brutally murdered by armed men outside Club 407, in Ibadan, on 19 June. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) in calling on the authorities to investigate this terrible crime and prosecute Badejo's killers. Titus Badejo, also known as Eja Nla, was a well-known radio presenter who worked for Naija FM in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital. He was also an actor and a disc jockey.  He was driving home from a club with friends when two gunmen stopped him and brutally shot him. According to witnesses, the journalist was the only person targeted by the assailants, who quickly left without taking anything…  
2482. Iran: Tehran journalists’ association expands to become national association  

The Tehran Province Journalists’ Association approved a name change and increased its scope of activity to become the "National Association of Journalists" during its General Assembly earlier this month. Members of the newly-elected Board of Directors held their first meeting on Sunday, June 20. Hassan Namakdust Tehrani was elected president and Davood Mohammadi as vice president. Tabassum Namazi was elected Secretary and Nafise Zare-Kohan as treasurer. 173 members took part in the general assembly and approved the name change and expanding the scope of the association’s activity. Members elected a new board of seven directors - Tabassum Namazi, Kambiz Norouzi, Hassan Namakdoost Tehrani,…  
2483. Israel: Bomb explodes at journalist's home  

An explosive device detonated in the new house of Israeli Arab journalist Hassan Shaalan two weeks after gunmen fired at the reporter’s current home. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Israeli authorities to investigate the attacks thoroughly and to take urgent steps to ensure the safety of Hassan Shaalan and his family. Despite the extensive material damage, there were no injuries as the reporter and his family haven't yet moved in to their new house.  However, they were in the house when, in a separate attack, two masked men opened fire at their current home two weeks earlier. Three of the bullets hit the…  
2484. Thailand: Censorship laws stifle criticism of government vaccine rollout  

Citizens and journalists may face criminal prosecution under Thailand’s censorship laws for criticising the government’s AstraZeneca vaccine rollout, produced by a company owned by Thailand’s King Maha Vajiralongkorn. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the government to repeal the censorship laws and ensure freedom of expression is protected. In Thailand, Siam Bioscience, a biopharmaceutical company owned by Thailand’s King, entered into a contract in 2020 with AstraZeneca to produce 200 million vaccine doses a year for distribution in Southeast Asia. Throughout the vaccine rollout, existing laws that have been used in the past to censor journalists or criminalise…  
2485. AJB, IFJ organise un atelier sur l'organisation dans les médias numériques  

L’atelier sur l’organisation dans les médias numériques, la réforme syndicale et le recrutement des jeunes journalistes s’est ouvert ce jeudi 17 juin 2021, au Centre national de presse Norbert ZONGO à Ouagadougou L’atelier se tient à l’initiative de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) en collaboration avec l’Association des journalistes du Burkina (AJB) dans le cadre du projet UTU 2021. Il a réuni 20 jeunes journalistes autour des opportunités du numérique et les avantages de se mobiliser dans les syndicats. Ces journalistes sont issus dans la majorité des médias en ligne, de la presse écrite et celle audiovisuelle.   L'objectif de cet atelier est de "renforcer les…  
2486. Titus Badejo  

The radio presenter, was gunned down by armed men outside Club 407, in Ibadan. He was driving home from a club with friends when two gunmen stopped them and shot him. According to witnesses, the journalist was the only person targeted by the assailants, who quickly left without taking anything from him or the car. The journalists, also known as Eja Nla, was a well-known radio presenter who worked for Naija FM in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital. He was also an actor and a disc jockey.  Journalists' safety, Nigeria, IFJ, Impunity  
2487. México: condenan a 32 años de prisión a uno de los asesinos de Javier Valdez  

La justicia mexicana sentenció ayer al segundo acusado por el asesinato del periodista en mayo de 2017. Para la fiscalía a cargo del caso, el condenado es coautor material del hecho y organizador del plan. El periodista era colaborador de la agencia AFP y corresponsal del diario La Jornada, y había llevado adelante numerosas investigaciones sobre el Cartel de Sinaloa. A más de tres años de su asesinato en Oaxaca, ayer se logró la segunda condena en el caso de Javier Valdez. Juan Francisco Picos Berrueta deberá pasar 32 años en prisión tras ser declarado culpable por la ejecución del periodista. En febrero de 2020 ya se había sentenciado a 14 años de cárcel a Heriberto Picos Barraza, quien…  
2488. Panamá: la periodista Flor Mizrachi recibió amenazas luego de una investigación  

Tras revelar un caso de vacunaciones irregulares contra el COVID-19, la conductora recibió amenazas telefónicas y por redes sociales en las que le dicen que debe “cuidar su vida”. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas condena todo tipo de amedrentamiento e intimidación que busque condicionar la labor periodística. Luego de denunciar irregularidades en torno al proceso de vacunación en Panamá con un informe en el que señalaba a una empresa y sus titulares, la periodista del periódico La Prensa y presentadora de ECO TV recibió llamadas telefónicas de número desconocido donde un hombre no identificado la amenazó. A estas intimidaciones, también se le agrega una amenaza por redes…  
2489. México: Asesinan al periodista Gustavo Sánchez Cabrera  

El trabajador de prensa falleció ayer luego de ser atacado en la comunidad Morro Mazatán, en el estado de Oaxaca. Cabrera ya había sufrido otro intento de atentado contra su vida el año pasado y también había recibido amenazas, pero no fue hasta hace algunas semanas que fue ingresado en el Mecanismo de Protección a Periodistas. El periodista se desempeñaba como director del medio digital Noticias Minuto a Minuto, y previamente trabajó en el portal La Policíaca. Su trabajo estaba orientado a temas de política local, motivo por el cual ya había recibido numerosas amenazas. En julio de 2020 fue atacado con armas de fuego en su hogar, en presencia de su familia. Pasaron once meses hasta que…  
2490. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 11 and 18 June 2021. English Foreign journalists covering Tokyo Olympics to be tracked by GPS, The Hill Tokyo Olympics’ Plan to Track Media With GPS Draws Opposition, Bloomberg Make no mistake, democracy is under attack: Sherry Rehman, Daily Times Algeria arrests prominent journalists, activist before election, Al Jazeera Pakistan continues unprecedented assault on civil liberties by attacking journalists, Ani News The Media And June 12,…  
2491. India: Criminal investigation against three journalists and The Wire  

Uttar Pradesh police initiated a criminal investigation against independent news- website The Wire and three journalists Rana Ayyub, Saba Naqvi, and Mohammed Zubair on June 15 for sharing a video. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) demand the immediate withdrawal of the case. The First Information Report (FIR) filed by an inspector at the Loni Border police station in Ghaziabad accused The Wire, Washington Post columnist Rana Ayyub, freelance journalist Saba Naqvi and co-founder of fact-checking website Alt News, Mohammed Zubair, of provoking communal sentiment by tweeting a video showing an elderly…  
2492. Pakistan: Report highlights serious flaws in Mujahid murder investigation  

An investigation by media freedom organizations has highlighted the police investigation failures following the murder of senior journalist Zubair Mujahid on November 2007. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) urge the re-investigation of the case. The report “Breaking the Silence: An Investigation into the Murder of Zubair Mujahid”  as part of  ‘A Safer World For The Truth’ initiative reveals how police investigators failed to obtain forensic report on the bullet that killed Zubair Mujahid, nor did it secure statements  from key witnesses.   Zubair Mujahid, a correspondent for…  
2493. Hong Kong: Five Apple Daily executives arrested in massive police raid  

Hong Kong police raided the pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily and arrested five senior executives on June 17. All were charged under the controversial national security law and accused of colluding with foreign forces to endanger national security. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the charges calls for their immediate release. At 7:30am on June 17, 500 police officers descended into the Apple Daily offices in Tseung Kwan O to arrest the company’s chief executive officer, Cheung Kim-hung; chief operating officer, Royston Chow; chief editor, Ryan Law; associate publisher, Chan Pui-man; and the platform director of Apple Daily Digital, Cheung Chi-wai. Journalists’…  
2494. Brasil: el Estado deberá responder por las heridas provocadas por la policía al fotoperiodista Alex da Silveira  

El fotógrafo había sido herido en un ojo por una bala de goma lanzada por la policía en una manifestación para la que estaba realizado una cobertura en el año 2000. En una primera instancia, la justicia de São Paulo lo había declarado culpable por considerar que él mismo se había puesto en una situación de peligro. Un fallo del Tribunal Supremo de Brasil desestimó esa decisión, y sentenció que el Estado debe hacerse responsable de la situación e indemnizar al trabajador de prensa. El pedido de justicia por el reportero gráfico fue impulsado por una campaña realizada por el Sindicato de Periodistas Profesionales del Estado de São Paulo, la Asociación de Reporteros Fotográficos de São Paulo y…  
2495. Perú: fuerte campaña de acoso y persecución contra corresponsales de medios extranjeros  

La Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) denunció que Paola Ugaz y Jacqueline Fowks, ambas trabajadoras de medios españoles, están sufriendo agresiones y amenazas en el marco del polarizado proceso electoral que se desarrolló en el país en los últimos meses. Como ya se ha alertado, las últimas elecciones presidenciales de Perú y su consiguiente segunda vuelta han llevado al país a altos niveles de tensión, que han tenido como principales afectadxs a lxs trabajadorxs de prensa. A las presiones a las que numerosxs periodistas han sido sometidxs en sus lugares de trabajo para que adoptaran forzosamente la línea editorial de las empresas de medios que decidían apoyar a la…  
2496. Gustavo Sánchez Cabrera  

The director of the digital media Noticias Minuto a Minuto was attacked and killed in the community of Morro Mazatán, in the state of Oaxaca. Cabrera, who had survived another attempt on his life by gunmen at his home with his family last year, had received threats and had been admitted into the Mechanism for the Protection of Journalists a few weeks before his killings. But, according to media reports, he did not have the assistance and location button that allows him to report a situation of danger at the time of his murder. Cabrera previously worked for the website La Policíaca, focusing on local political issues, for which he also received numerous threats. Journalists' safety,…  
2497. México: condenan a un ex alcalde por su participación en el asesinato de la periodista Miroslava Breach Velducea  

Hugo Amed Schultz Alcaraz, ex alcalde de Chínipas, en el estado de Chihuahua, fue sentenciado a ocho años de prisión y además deberá otorgar una compensación económica y una disculpa pública a la familia de la trabajadora de prensa. Alcaraz se declaró culpable de auxiliar a los responsables materiales e intelectuales del crimen, acción que llevó adelante durante su mandato como funcionario. Miroslava fue asesinada el 23 de marzo de 2017 cuando llevaba a su hijo a la escuela. El ex funcionario Hugo Amed Schultz Alcaraz, miembro del Partido de Acción Nacional (PAN) fue arrestado en diciembre de 2020 acusado de proveer la información necesaria para que se concretara el asesinato. En un juicio…  
2498. Egypt: Former journalist Tawfik Ghanem must be released immediately  

Retired journalist Tawfik Ghanem was arrested on 21 May for allegations of terrorism. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) denounces his arbitrary detention, and demands the immediate release of the veteran journalist, who suffers from ill health and needs urgent treatment. Tawfik Ghanem, former regional director of the Turkish news agency Anadolu, was arrested at his home on 21 May. He was interrogated on his former journalistic work, political views and information gathering methods before being arrested on terrorism charges. On 26 May, the Egyptian authorities announced that he would be held in pre-trial detention for a period of 15 days. His detention can be…  
2499. Hungary: Deterioration of press freedom under the pretext of COVID-19  

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has used COVID-19 as a pretext to extend his grip on the country, notably on the media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the anti-democratic practices adopted by the government. While it is not the first time that media freedom has been threatened in Hungary, press freedom has suffered an unprecedented decline this year. On 30 March 2020, a law was passed in Hungary stating -among other things- that spreading false information about the virus or government measures is punishable by up to 5 years in prison. This is a clear attempt to intimidate journalists as well as…  
2500. India: Television journalist dies under mysterious circumstances  

Sulabh Srivastava, a journalist affiliated with the private television channel ABP News, died a day after he filed complaints to Uttar Pradesh Police seeking protection. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliates, Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and National Union of Journalists (NUJ(I) urge authorities to conduct an impartial investigation in this case and to bring justice for Sulabh Srivastava. Preliminary investigation’s from the police revealed that Srivastava hit a handpump along the road and had an accident while returning home on motorcycle from Lalganj town in Uttar Pradesh on the night of June 13. Street laborers found Srivastava’s body lying near a…  
2501. Perú: continúan las presiones y las campañas de hostilidad contra periodistas  

A 10 días de la segunda vuelta electoral, el clima de violencia contra trabajadorxs de prensa aún no ha cesado. La Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú ya ha alertado que se han registrado renuncias forzadas, agresiones y amenazas por redes sociales a periodistas que han expresado desacuerdos con la candidata Keiko Fujimori durante el proceso electoral y también tras su derrota, a la que ahora adjudica a un supuesto fraude. Tal como alertábamos hace pocos días, las elecciones en el país andino han dejado al descubierto la falta de garantías para el desarrollo del trabajo periodístico. Ya son numerosas las denuncias de trabajadorxs de prensa en distintos medios que han sido…  
2502. Olympics: Call to stamp out sexism and harassment  

In the run-up to the Olympic Games, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has written to the games governing body to express its concern about sexism in the world of sport. The IFJ letter, calling on the International Olympic Committee to ensure the safety and well-being of female competitors and journalists, insisted sporting values must prevail and that it is intolerable that women are subjected to harassment, gender-based violence, insults and humiliation.  Voices have increasingly been raised against the prevailing misogyny in sport. In Brazil, where the last Olympic Games took place, the hashtags #DeixaElaTrabalhar (“let her work”) or…  
2503. Slovakia: Supreme Court overturned businessman's acquittal in Jan Kuciak's murder  

The Slovak Supreme Court ruled on 15 June sided with the prosecutors who appealed against last summer’s acquittal of two accused in the murder of investigative journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée, Martina Kušnírová. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) welcome the Supreme Court’s decision to refer the case back for a retrial. The two federations call for careful examination of all evidence in the case in order to provide justice and end impunity for the journalists' killers. Last summer, the controversial businessman Marian Kočner and a confidante, Alena Zsuzsová, were acquitted of ordering Kuciak’s murder in February 2018. The Specialized…  
2504. Myanmar: Court releases one of two detained US journalists  

A Myanmar court dismissed the case against US journalist, Nathan Maung, freeing him after he was detained in March. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the use of the Penal Code to detain journalists and urges the military junta to release Nyein and all others detained under this legislation. Maung, Kamayut Media’s editor-in-chief, and Hanthar Nyein, a news producer, were arrested on March 9 in the Kamayut Media office in Yangon under Article 505A of the Penal Code which prohibits causing fear, spreading misinformation, and inciting crimes against a government employee. Maung was released from Insein Prison, known for holding Myanmar’s political prisoners by…  
2505. Japan: Foreign journalists to be tracked by GPS at Tokyo Olympics  

The president of the Tokyo Olympics, Seiko Hashimoto, announced on June 8 that international journalists will be tracked by GPS while they are in Japan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the Olympic Organising Committee’s (OOC) complete disregard for privacy. The OOC has implemented this GPS monitoring system as a means of maintaining safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. If journalists do not comply with the tracking regime, their Olympic access passes will be revoked. Before a board meeting to discuss the Games, Hashimoto said, "To make sure that people don't go to places other than the places where they are registered to go, we will use GPS to strictly manage…  
2506. Algérie : Les autorités retirent son accréditation à France 24  

Le 13 juin, le ministère de la Communication en Algérie a annoncé que le pays retirait son accréditation à France 24. Raison évoquée : une « hostilité manifeste et répétée » de la chaîne d’information en continu, mais aussi « le non-respect des règles de la déontologie professionnelle, la désinformation et la manipulation ainsi qu’une agressivité avérée à l’égard de l’Algérie ». La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) dénonce une atteinte flagrante à la liberté de la presse. Le 13 mars dernier, les autorités algériennes avaient donné un « dernier avertissement » à France 24, mettant en cause la couverture médiatique des marches du mouvement de contestation Hirak. Le…  
2507. Maroc: la FIJ exige la libération immédiate de Souleimane Raissouni  

Dans une lettre adressée ce 15 juin au roi du Maroc Mohammed VI, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) a exigé la libération immédiate du journaliste Souleimane Raissouni, dont l'état de santé extrêmement préoccupant nécessite des soins immédiats. Souleimane Raissouni, rédacteur en chef du journal Akhbar Al-Yaoum est en détention depuis le 22 mai 2020, et a entamé il y a plus de deux mois une grève de la faim pour protester contre son incarcération et l'inéquité du procès dont il fait l'objet. En isolement depuis plus d'un an, notre confrère a perdu près de 40 kilos et se trouve dans un état de faiblesse extrême. Dans sa lettre datée du 15 juin, le Secrétaire général de la…  
2508. Belarus: Government toughens laws against independent journalism and protesters  

On 8 June, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko signed a new legislation which punishes with up to three year jail term those accused of participating in unauthorized demonstrations while those who participate in or promote "extremist activity" would face up to six years in jail. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Belarussian Association of Journalists (BAJ) reject this legislation which is repressive of freedom of speech and information. Since Lukashenko's contested re-election to a sixth presidential term in August 2020, demonstrations have been violently repressed, while journalists covering these protests have faced systematic harassment and arbitrary…  
2509. Frontera colombo-ecuatoriana: nueva sentencia por el secuestro y asesinato de Javier Ortega Reyes, Paúl Rivas Bravo y Efraín Segarra Abril  

El viernes 11 de junio, la justicia colombiana condenó a uno de los responsables del secuestro y asesinato del equipo periodístico de El Comercio, compuesto por Ortega Reyes, Rivas Bravo y Segarra Abril. Ya han pasado más de tres años de los hechos y todavía está pendiente investigar y enjuiciar al resto de los autores materiales e intelectuales del hecho. La Fiscalía General de la Nación de Colombia sentenció a 28 años de prisión a Gustavo Angulo Arboleda por el secuestro y homicidio del equipo periodístico del diario El Comercio de Ecuador entre los meses de marzo y abril de 2018 en la frontera colombo-ecuatoriana. Hasta ahora se había logrado sentenciar solo a un responsable, Jesús…  
2510. Argentina: se aprobó la Ley de Equidad de Género en los medios de comunicación  

El viernes por la madrugada, la Cámara de Diputadxs sancionó la Ley de Equidad de Género en los medios de comunicación, que tiene como objetivo fomentar la igualdad real de derechos, oportunidades y trato de las personas, sin importar su identidad de género u orientación sexual. Esta ley convierte a Argentina en el primer país del mundo en legislar para avanzar en la paridad de géneros en el periodismo. La ley fue elaborada en colaboración con distintos sectores como el colectivo Periodistas Argentinas y Federación Argentina de Trabajadorxs de Prensa, y estipula que en los medios públicos el principio de equidad será obligatorio en todos los sectores y en todos los estratos, desde…  
2511. Sulabh Srivastava  

The journalist who worked for BP News and ABP Ganga was found dead, after he had been investigating the mafia.  The day before the death, Srivastava had reported to the police that he was under threat and wanted him and his family to be protected.  Journalists' safety, India, IFJ, Impunity  
2512. Colombia: crece el número de agresiones y detenciones a periodistas durante las movilizaciones por el Paro Nacional  

En las últimas cinco semanas, durante las protestas sociales en Colombia se registraron numerosas agresiones por parte de las fuerzas de seguridad a trabajadorxs de prensa que se encontraban realizando la cobertura del Paro Nacional. En un contexto de constantes denuncias por las violaciones a los derechos humanos de la población civil que se moviliza en los distintos puntos del país, el número de periodistas agredidxs se estima que ya supera los 250 y crecen las denuncias por detenciones ilegales. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas ya ha alertado sobre la situación de violencia creciente que se ha desplegado por todo el territorio colombiano desde que el gobierno decidió movilizar…  
2513. Algeria: Two journalists arrested two days before the legislative elections  

Late on 10 June, two journalists Khaled Drareni and Ihsan El Kadi were arrested by the authorities in Algeria along with opposition leader Karim Tabbou. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Algerian authorities to free them immediately and to release all the journalists who are currently in prison for simply doing their job. The arrests took place only a few days before  the snap legislative elections of 12 June, called by the government but rejected by part of the opposition and the Hirak protest movement. Amid on-going protests against the forthcoming elections, the government is cracking down on protesters, multiplying arrests and passing of…  
2514. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 4 and 11 June 2021. English IFJ calls on Turkey to investigate mistreatment of Yemeni journalist in detention, Stockholm center for freedom Pro-Lukashenka media union may be expelled from International Federation of Journalists, Belsat TV Destroyed Media Building Calls into Question Future of Press Freedom in Israel and Palestine, MediaFile Press freedom, The Nation Global Journalism Community Slams Southern Yemen Militancy’s Media Takeover,…  
2515. Burkina Faso: Omega Médias suspendus cinq jours  

Le 8 juin, au lendemain de trois jours de deuil national suite à l’attaque de Solhan, le Conseil supérieur de la communication (CSC) a suspendu la radio et la télévision du groupe Omega Médias pour une durée de 5 jours. Raison évoquée : « manquements graves dans le traitement de l’information relative à l’attaque terroriste perpétrée contre les populations de Solhan ». La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) condamne cette suspension, qui porte gravement atteinte à la liberté et l’indépendance de la presse. Dans la nuit du 4 au 5 juin, une attaque non encore revendiquée a fait une centaine de morts à Solhan, au Burkina Faso. Cette localité située dans la région de…  
2516. Taiwan: Unions call for vaccination of media workers after journalist death  

Unions urged the Central Epidemic Command Centre (CECC) to consider journalists as frontline workers and be given vaccinations after the death of Next TV photographer, Liu. The International Federation of Journalists and its Taiwan affiliate, the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ), urges the CECC to fast-track the vaccination of Taiwan’s media personnel nation-wide. A 48-year-old man, surnamed Liu, was found dead in the Next TV office on June 7. It was later noted by the autopsy report that Liu had contracted COVID-19. Two days later, eleven Next TV employees also tested positive. 15 media unions and professional organisations have come together to send a letter to the CECC…  
2517. Hong Kong: Human rights concerns remain after anniversary of menacing SIM card registration program  

A year on from the introduction of legislation on the SIM Card Registration Programme (SCRP), human rights concerns still remain imminent. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this legislation as it makes it difficult for journalists to protect their sources. Hong Kong’s legislation on SIM card registration was originally announced on June 1 2020, and enacted on September 1 2020. It requires people to provide their names, identity document numbers, copy of identity documents and date of birth. The programme gives licensees 120 days to have the registration system ready and gives 360 days to SIM card users to register their existing cards. The program also allows…  
2518. Malaysia: Media vaccinations urged so journalists can carry out work safely  

Malaysia’s national journalist union is urging media companies to put journalist safety as a priority as the country continues to face huge numbers of Covid cases. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM), urge the Malaysia’s coordinating minister for the Covid-19 immunisation program to fast-track vaccination of Malaysia’s 5,867 media workers and not allow further delays. As Malaysia sees a surge of Covid-19 infections, now surpassing India in terms of infection rate per capita, the government imposed a strict lockdown from June 1 to June 14. As of June 7, Malaysia had recorded more than 622,000 cases,…  
2519. Bangladesh: Journalist attacked at a railway station protest  

Shahadat Hossain, a journalist for the Bengali language daily newspaper, Prothom Alo, was attacked on June 1 while reporting on a protest in Brahmanbaria railway station demanding the reopening of the railway. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the attack against Hossain. According to news reports, Hossain was attacked at the railway station protest organized by the Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL). The railway was closed following the nationwide anti-Modi protest against the killing and attack of Hefazat-e-Islam's activists by police and members of the Bangladesh Chhatra League, the youth wing of the ruling Awami League political party. Hossain told dainiksarod.com,…  
2520. Perú: fuerzan la renuncia de periodistas que habían denunciado presiones durante la cobertura electoral  

Más de diez trabajadorxs de prensa de América Televisión y Canal N se vieron forzadxs a renunciar tras negarse a ceder ante las presiones de la empresa, que buscaba impulsar la parcialización de la cobertura periodística de la segunda vuelta electoral para la presidencia del Perú, celebradas el último domingo. Tal como denunciara la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP), esta situación se da tras la negativa de lxs periodistas a aceptar la desnaturalización de su actividad informativa e investigativa. Según medios nacionales, lxs trabajadorxs se vieron obligadxs a tomar esa decisión luego de que la empresa les anunciara la decisión de apoyar la candidatura de la referente de…  
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