IFJ Gender Council Midterm Meeting: "Gender equality is a union issue"

The IFJ Gender Council Midterm meeting took place in an hybrid format in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan and online on 22-23 April 2024. Check all the panelists' presentations and speeches.

Credit: IFJ

The meeting focused on “Empowering Women Journalists: Breaking Barriers to union leadership and combating violence and harassment”, and was an opportunity for Gender Council members to foster the work of unions to tackle gender equality and improve the state of play, in particular on issues such as violence at work, sexual harassment, access to leading roles.

Gender Concil members adopted a declaration calling for a safer and more equal workplace for women journalists. 

In his speech, IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger reminded that "Gender equality is a union issue. We take this issue very seriously at the IFJ: inclusive language, projects, choice of images, banning of all-male panels."



Speech of IFJ President Dominique Pradaliéhere

Speech of IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellangerhere

Speech of Chair of IFJ Gender Council María Ángeles Samperiohere.

Amal Toman, PJS, Palestine, “Life as a woman journalist in Gaza” here

Sara Hassan, freelance journalist, “Patterns of power abuse in journalism”here

Jane Pillinger, senior researcher, "Championing unions’ anti-harassment and violence policies”here

Jennifer Moreau, UNIFOR, Canada,

  • “IFJ Policies on sexual harassment” here
  • UNIFOR Video here

Lubna Jerar, PFJU, Pakistan, “Asia Pacific: Women in media in Pakistan”here.

Nadir Senhadji, IFJ, "Middle East: UTU anti-harassment committees" here

Zuliana Lainez, IFJ Vice-President, “Towards more parity and women leadership in the unions at IFJ 2026 Congress” here.

For more information, please contact IFJ on +32 2 235 22 16

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