Two family members of Radio Free Asia (RFA) editor, Eset Sulaiman, have been confirmed as detained by Chinese authorities as part of an intimidation…

Myanmar’s military detained two journalists and raided a further two news outlets on March 8 as the military continues its onslaught to quell media…

The Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI) arrested a member of the youth wing of the country’s ruling Awami League on March 7 in connection with the…

El viernes 5 de marzo, periodistas, camarógrafxs y choferxs resultaron víctimas de los violentos actos represivos que tiñeron las jornadas de…

The United Kingdom's government has published the country's first national action plan to protect journalists from abuse and harassment. The…

Media organisations across Myanmar were ordered to close by the Myanmar Military Council on Monday, March 8 including Myanmar Now who had their…

A court notice published in The Daily Jang newspaper on February 28 has levelled allegations of criminal conduct against the secretary general of the…

The IFJ joins Global Trade Unions in their call to strengthen female workers' rights in the Middle East and Arab countries.

Hong Kong police detained and arrested the former executive director of Next Digital, Stephen Ting Ka-yu, on March 2 for alleged fraud as part of a…

[Translate to French:]

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) lance une campagne mondiale #PayMeEqual pour marquer la Journée internationale du droit des femmes…

Le 24 février 2020, le Tribunal du travail de Londres a jugé que les tâches effectuées par Samira Ahmed, animatrice de l’émission Newswatch sur la…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Myanmar authorities have charged six journalists for their coverage of anti-coup protests in Myanmar. The International Federation of Journalists…

[Translate to French:]

En 2012, l’UNESCO a publié ses premiers Indicateurs d'égalité des genres dans les médias (IGRM) afin de « promouvoir l’égalité hommes-femmes et…

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the pan-African organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) in collaboration with…

The latest survey conducted by the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China (FCCC) shows “a rapid decline in media freedom” in 2020, with foreign…