Two columnists of the daily newspaper Yeniçağ, had their phones, Twitter and Gmail accounts hacked on February 23 after writing an article about the…

Akash Napa, a journalist working for JK 24×7 media was shot and at least four other journalists were injured during communal unrest in Delhi on…

Javedullah Khan, the bureau chief for Urdu language newspaper Ausaf, was gunned down on February 25 in Matta, 40-kilometres northwest of Pakistan's…

Comme chaque année, la FIJ met en valeur les activités de ses syndicats et de ses affiliés pour marquer la Journée internationale des droits des…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) call for urgent government…

When Julian Assange emerges from the tunnel connecting Belmarsh prison with Woolwich Crown Court this morning it will be his first public appearance…

IFJ in the News!

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Two people, including a Captain TV journalist were killed in a car accident at Kallankattupudur in Tamil Nadu on February 18. The IFJ is saddened on…

Swedish journalists, publishers and media jointly launched a petition on February 20, calling on China to release imprisoned Swedish writer and…

Chinese authorities have cancelled the press passes of three journalists from the Wall Street Journal and given them five days to leave the country in…

La tarde del pasado martes, la locutora de radio Teresa Aracely Alcocer fue asesinada a balazos en la colonia El Barreal, Ciudad Juárez. Trabajaba…

Thailand’s government announced plans on February 17 to reform media coverage to allow only one single state-run media outlet to cover so-called…

Mohammad Sadli Saleh, the chief editor of was arrested for publishing an article covering alleged corruption connected to road…

International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) leaders convened on 16-17 February in an International conference in Doha, Qatar, to address social…

Kamran Yousuf, a multimedia journalist who works with Newsclick, was detained by Pulwana police late in the evening of February 16 and interrogated…