The 16th of October will mark five years since the brutal assassination of Malta’s best-known investigative journalist and anti-corruption campaigner,…

À l'occasion de la Journée mondiale pour le travail décent (JMTD) le 7 octobre, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), la plus grande…

A military court has sentenced Japanese video journalist Toru Kubota to 10 years in jail for two charges on October 6 after he filmed a protest…

Cameraman Louay Samhan and reporter Mahmoud Fawzy, who work for Palestine TV, were shot and wounded on 5 October while covering an Israeli military…

Twenty-two international media freedom, freedom of expression and journalists’ organizations call on Members of Parliament (MPs) to vote against the…

On October 8th, at 1PM a human chain will surround the Houses of Parliament in London, UK, to oppose the extradition of Julian Assange, the founder of…

The law was submitted to the parliament on May 27 by the governing alliance of Justice and Development Party (AKP), President Recep Tayyip Erdogan‘s…

After nearly four months in jail, the Taliban has released journalist Abdul Hannan Mohammadi from a Kabul prison. The International Federation of…

Depuis le jour où les talibans ont pris le contrôle de Kaboul le 15 août 2021, nous avons essayé d'aider nos consœurs et confrères afghan.e.s dans le…

Radio commentator Percival Mabasa, also known as Percy Lapid, was shot to death in his vehicle in Las Piñas City on October 3. The International…

The ruling People Power Party (PPP) of the Republic of Korea has launched several intimidatory public and legal attacks against public broadcaster…

De acuerdo a una investigación colectiva realizada por el portal Animal Político, la Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales (R3D), la revista…

The campaign for a new binding international instrument dedicated to the safety of journalists has been formally launched at the 51st session of the…

Ahmed Mohamed Shukur, a reporter for the Somali National Television (SNTV), was killed in a landmine blast in the Basro neighbourhood of Bal’ad…

In the latest of a series of media shutdowns in Afghanistan, Khost-based radio station Rana Ghag has ended its broadcast on September 22 due to…

Fue visto por última vez durante la mañana del 20 de septiembre en el barrio La Pileta, en el municipio Comitán de Domínguez, Estado de Chiapas. Su…