A report published by the Yemeni Journalist Syndicate (YJS) shows the grim state of the media since the start of the civil war in 2014.

El reportero fue baleado por personas que ingresaron en su domicilio, ubicado en Acapulco, el día 11 de mayo por la noche. Hasta el momento no hay…

Luis Gabriel Pereira fue baleado por hombres que se movilizaban en una motocicleta. Si bien las circunstancias de su muerte aún están siendo…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

In the wake of the arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan on May 9, freedom of expression in Pakistan has suffered significant setbacks as…

Freelance journalist Sakshi Joshi was assaulted and placed in detention by police officers on May 3 while covering a protest by Indian wrestlers in…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), representing 189 affiliates in 150 countries around the world (600,000 journalists) deeply regrets…

Journalist Arman Soldin was killed in the afternoon of 9 May 2023 in a shelling attack near Chasiv Yar, in eastern Ukraine. The 32-year-old was…

Journalist Anye Nde Nsoh was shot dead by a separatist group on 7 May, at around 9 pm, by unknown gunmen at a leisure spot in Bamenda, north-west…

The home of Ngaarda Media journalist Eliza Kloser was searched, with a memory card confiscated, after the journalist took photographs of the suspected…

Le média Euronews fête le 9 mai ses 30 ans d'existence après avoir annoncé près de 200 licenciements le 2 mars dernier. Les syndicats réclament une…

El pasado jueves, el Pleno del Congreso de la República sancionó un proyecto de ley que modifica artículos del Código Penal para incrementar las penas…

UPDATED ON 23.05.23 On 3 May, Raman Pratasevich, former editor of the Telegram opposition news channel Nexta, was given an eight year prison sentence…

Myanmar’s military junta has released five journalists jailed under arbitrary incitement and dissent charges in an amnesty on so-called ‘humanitarian…

In a rising trend of violent attacks against Pakistani media workers, Bannu-based journalist Gohar Wazir was abducted and allegedly electrocuted,…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…