Swedish Freelance Journalist Kim Wall Found Dead in Denmark

The headless torso of the 30-year-old Swedish journalist was found on a beach south of Copenhagen on 21 August, ten days after she had gone missing. According to media reports, DNA from the torso matched that from Ms Wall's hairbrush and toothbrush.

Ms Wall, a freelance journalist who had written for the Guardian, New York Times and South China Morning Post, disappeared during a trip on a civilian submarine, the Nautilus, with its in inventor Peter Madsen. She had been researching a feature about him and the Nautilus he had built in 2008 with crowdfunding, reports added.

After failing to return from the trip, police arrested Peters Madsen who first claimed he had dropped her safely near Copenhagen but later said she had died in an accident and he had buried her at sea. However, investigators revealed that the torso had been weighted down with metal and mutilated in what appeared to be an attempt to ensure that decomposition gases passed out of the body so as to stop it from floating, according to reports.