​Sandeep Kothari

The 40-year-old journalist working for Jabalpur based newspapers, in Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh was abducted after an accident between his motorcycle and a car on June 19. On June 21, Kathari’s half burnt-body was found near Nagpur in Maharashtra. According to reports, prior to his death, Kothari had reported extensively on illegal mining in the area and had filed a case against an illegal mining gang. Police said that they suspected that the journalist was killed as he refused to withdraw the case against illegal mining in a local court.

Following the discovery of Kothari’s body, police arrested three persons in connection with the murder, identified as Rakesh Nasvani, Vishal Dandi and Brijesh Duharwal. The trio were engaged in illegal mining in the area. The incident took place less than 10 days after Jagendra Singh, 42, died of injuries sustained from being set on fire allegedly by police officers for his writings against a minister in Uttar Pradesh, India.

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