Rodrigo Neto de Faria

The radio reporter and columnist was gunned down at his home in Ipatinga, a city in Brazil's Minas Gerais state, according to news reports quoting officials. He was shot by two unknown gunmen on a motorcycle when he arrived home after an evening out with friends.

The journalist, who hosted a program on Radio Vanguarda and wrote a columnist for the Ipatinga daily Vale do Aco, had  reportedly denounced corruption among the police and organised crime in Belo Horizonte, the state capital, and had been receiving frequent death threats.The country’s Human Rights Minister, Maria do Rosario conceded this was a targeted killing, tweeting that the journalist's death "has characteristics of an execution, a crime against life and an attack on human rights freedom."State police "will spare no effort to discover the authors of the crime", Minas Gerais Gov. Antonio Anastasia said, media reported.Source:(IANS/EFE)

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