Raad Yassin,Jamal Abdel Nasser,Mohamed Ahmad Al-Khatib, Wissam Al-Azzawi, Wissam Al-Azzawi

The five Iraqi journalists and media staff were killed on Monday, 23 December 2013 in a bomb attack when gunmen carried out a suicide attack on the headquarters of Salaheddin TV in the northern Iraqi city of Tikrit.

According to reports, two of the four gunmen detonated their explosive vests while security forces shot the other two before they could detonate theirs.

The five Salaheddin TV employees killed by the explosions are reported to be chief news editor Raad Yassin, producer Jamal Abdel Nasser, cameraman Mohamed Ahmad Al-Khatib, presenter Wissam Al-Azzawi and the archives manager Mohamed Abdel Hamid. Four other employees were injured.

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