​Musa Mohamed, Randa George, Musa Adam, Dalia Marko and Boutrous Martin

Five journalists were among eleven people who died in an ambush incident against a convoy in Raja county, westen Bahr al Ghazal state, according to media reports quoting the state governor Rizik Zakaria. The journalists worked for state media in South Soudan, including South Soudan TV and Radio Raja.

They were Musa Mohamed Dahiya (Abu-Kalam), Radio Raja Director, the station's journalists Ms Randa George, AdamJuma Adamand Ms Dalia Marko together with cameraman Butrous Martin who worked for South Soudan TV.

The area where the attack took place borders Sudan's troubled Darfur region as well as the Central African Republic. Several armed groups are known to operate in the area, although the report said no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, media reports said.

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