Mohamed Mohamud Tima'ade

Somali broadcast journalist Mohamed Mohamud Tima'ade died of wounds sustained in an assassination attempt on 22 October 2013. He was taken to Madina hospital where he died on Sunday.

The reporter of the London-based Universal TV was attacked by gunmen who shot him in the neck, stomach, chest and shoulder, according to IFJ/FAJ affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ).

The NUSOJ said that Mohamed was a respected journalist who had earned credibility with some incisive reporting on social, security and political issues in Mogadishu, which often featured in the top headlines of Universal TV. The union added that he had been at the forefront of the independent media campaign to fight the government's draft draconian media law and had campaigned activities for media rights in the country.

He is the sixth journalist to be killed in Somalia this year. For more, please read on

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