​Maolana Nurul Islam Farooqi

The TV host at ‘Channel i‘ where he presented two programmes‘Shantir Pothe and Kafela’ was killed in his own home in East Razabazar, Dhaka.

According to the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF), more than half-a-dozen youths allegedly entered the house on the pretext of talking about Hajj pilgrimage, but then proceed to tie up all members of his family. Farooqi, who was also the Khatib of High Court Mazar mosque, was murdered in his bedroom.

Reports quoted Farooqi’s supporters as saying that he had received death threats before for opposing militancy in Bangladesh. Dhaka City police said they were investigating whether the murder was due to the TV programs Farooqi hosted or due to personal animosity or rivalry over other matters.

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