Journalists' Leader Receives Death Threats in Pakistan

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its ongoing concern for the safety of journalists in Pakistan with reports that a senior leader of IFJ affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), has received death threats in direct response to his activism and campaigning. The IFJ is calling on the Pakistan government to take heed of the calls by Pakistan's journalists to take action on journalist killings.

The threat on Rana Azeem follows increased national actions by PFUJ members since the shooting assassination of three Express News workers last week and the murder of investigative journalist Shan Dahar on January 1. The PFUJ has called for "10 days of mourning" and increased its visible protests against Taliban and terrorist threats to the media, especially in the troubled Balochistan province.

"Mr Azeem and the PFUJ have strongly conveyed the message to Pakistan government officials, including the Prime Minister but there has been no response on how the government intends to tackle the issue of journalist killings," the IFJ said. "The government must respond and the media must be protected."

Read the IFJ statement in full here: