​IFJ Joins Call for End to Human Rights Violations in Central African Republic

The Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Central African Republic (CAR), Ms Marie-Thérèse Keita Bocoum, today gave an update to the 28th Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

She particularly addressed the measures being taken to end impunity for serious violations of human rights since the outbreak if the political crisis in the country. In this regard, the Independent Expert told the Council that the interim authorities have begun arresting suspects for these violations and are cooperating with the International Criminal Court in its investigations into potential crimes under international law. The interim government is also considering adopting a law establishing special criminal courts to ensure accountability in the country.

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined many delegations which called for an end to ongoing acts of violence committed by various armed groups in the country. In its statement, the IFJ highlighted the widespread attacks on media, especially independent and broadcast journalists, including four who were killed in 2014 and scores more who went into hiding or left the country for their safety.

The IFJ noted that none of these killings have been investigated and urged the Council "to make press freedom a key priority in the process of nation building."

The Independent Expert promised to take the concerned raised during today's debate up with the authorities of Central African Republic on her next visit to the country.

The IFJ Statement is availablehere