IFJ Condemns Gang-rape of Photojournalist in India’s Mumbai City

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is shocked and horrified to learn of the gang-rape of a photojournalist in the western Indian metropolis of Mumbai on 22 August.

According to media reports, the 22-year old photojournalist, an intern with a Mumbai magazine, had gone on assignment to the busy Mahalaxmi area on the evening of 22 August. She was accompanied by a male colleague. While shooting in and around the compound of an abandoned textile mill in the area, the two were accosted by five persons who accused them of trespass.

Media reports indicate that three among the five then proceeded to brutally assault the woman photojournalist, while two others held her male colleague down.

“We are shocked to learn of this incident which according to media commentary in India comes as part of an alarming upsurge in violence against women,” said the IFJ Asia Pacific.

“While the increasing participation of women in the media is an undoubted positive, we continue to be concerned over them being denied fair opportunities and rewards.This recent incident however, shows that there are several other hazards that Indian women face in seeking fair and equal representation within the media. We call for the immediate arrest and prosecution of those behind this heinous crime and extend our support to India’s journalists in their struggle for gender fairness and equity.”