China Reports to UN without Disclosing Media’s Deteriorating Working Environment

With the United Nations scheduled to review China’s human rights situation by the end of October, the Chinese authorities have already submitted their own report to the UN. In the report, China says that it has the world’s largest volume of books published and daily newspapers circulated. It also claims the Government voluntarily uploaded information to its own websites.

However, the report does not mention that journalists’ working conditions are getting worse, with many journalists being attacked by local government officers or unidentified people. In addition, the authorities have further tightened up on the free flow of information on the internet, which has constrained people’s ability to enjoy their right of access to information.

There has been censorship of the reporting of many sensitive cases, such as the detention of activists accused of being connected with the Jasmine Revolution in 2011 and the continuing illegal house arrest of Liu Xia, the wife of Nobel Peace Prize-winner Liu Xiaobo.

Furthermore, the report does not mention that foreign journalists are prevented from enjoying the rights which were guaranteed by Decree No 537 of the State Council of China, which states: “Foreign journalists are allowed to report freely when the interviewees consent and to apply for permits to restricted areas when necessary”.

Many journalists have been denied entry to the Tibetan zones or Xinjiang Province to carry out their duty to investigate self-immolation cases and suspected terrorist attacks.

You can read more on IFJ Press Freedom in China Campaign Bulletin