IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 13-20 September 2024.


Samoa: Stringent media rules imposed ahead of Commonwealth meeting raises press freedom concerns - Monitor Civicus

Report: Violations of journalist and media rights in Egypt (May 2023 - May 2024) - People in Need

Hong Kong’s John Lee says harassed journalists can ‘file police report,’ but sidesteps condemnation of ‘attack’ - Hong Kong Free Press 

Global Gender Pay Gap in Journalism Must be Addressed Immediately - Namibian 

Indiscriminate cases against journos an obstacle to freedom of expression: Law Reporters Forum - The Business Standard

Botswana: Journalists in Southern Africa launch united front against disinformation and misinformation - Relief Web

Why Is South Korea’s President Yoon So Unpopular? - The Diplomat 

Family of slain Filipino scribe hails arrest of 'mastermind' - UCA News 

After 13 years, fugitive ex-guv tagged as mastermind in broadcaster’s murder surrenders - The Sun Star

General information conference: a “right of continuation” requested - The Media Leader

Journalists in Southern Africa launch united front - In Publishing

165 journalists murdered by the Israeli army - Agence Media Palestine

UK Using Terrorism Law To Silence Journalists, Protestors Who Commit ‘Speech Crimes’ - Scheerpost

German media just came together to slam Israel over it not letting journalists into Gaza - The Canary

John Ronan Architects reveals first glimpse of Fallen Journalists Memorial in Washington, D.C. - Archpaper

Iranian Security Forces Arrest Kurdish Student and Journalist - Basnews


La journaliste libanaise Amal Khalil affirme être menacée de mort par un numéro israélien - l'Orient le Jour

SNJT: ouverture des candidatures pour obtenir la carte « presse internationale » - Realites



El periodista Humberto Padgett anuncia su retiro  del periodismo tras ser asalto - Alianza de Medios 

Humberto Padgett deja el periodismo por amenazas a él y su familia - Municipios Puebla 

Asociación de la Prensa de Málaga (APM) | #8M, Día Internacional de la Mujer - Malagaldia

La OIT lanza la décima edición del Concurso Mundial de Medios sobre Migración Laboral - Asociación de la Prensa de Málaga

El Día de la Igualdad salarial clama por la equiparación real en las retribuciones entre hombres y mujeres - Noticias Obreras

La FIP insta a los Gobiernos a promulgar leyes que eliminen la brecha salarial en el periodismo - AP Madrid 


رئيسة الاتحاد الدولي للصحفيين للتلفزيون العربي: فؤادنا ينفطر حينما نرى كل هذه المجازر في غزة- Al Arabiya

(President of the International Federation of Journalists to Arab TV: Our hearts break when we see all these massacres in Gaza)

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