IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 20 - 26 July 2024.


Wall Street Journal accused of double standards after sacking Hong Kong journalist - ABC Australia

Calls for police accountability after journalist shot covering Kenya protests - VOA News

Mongolia sentences prominent journalist to nearly 5 years in prison - VOA News

‘News isn't just another business’ - The Morning Star 

Wall Street Journal accused of double standards after sacking Hong Kong journalist - Head Topics

Fact-checkers condemn physical attack against journalist of Croatian fact-checking service Faktograf - Global Voices 

IFJ Demands Payment for Govt Commercials While Condemning Attacks on Journalists - Kenyans

Far-right Patriots want to lead Parliament's culture committee: What would change? - Euronews

Press freedom at risk as journalists targeted in Iraqi Kurdistan - Medya News

Union granted leave to join covert surveillance case - Yorkshire Bylines

Journalist Watchdogs Decry Egypt’s Arrest of Satirical Cartoonist - Hyperallergic

Joint Statement on the impact of AI on the European creative community - European Writer Council

Let’s Unite for Evan Gershkovich: Journalism is Not a Crime - Modern Ghana 


Média : les syndicats des journalistes et le droit de travail au menu d’un atelier de formation - Tchad Infos

Tchad : L'UJT et la FIJ renforcent les capacités des syndicats de journalistes tchadiens sur les droits du travail et les revendications - Alwihda Info

Inauguration du Centre de médias solidaires à Khan Younès - Horizons 

Les Patriotes d’extrême droite veulent diriger la commission de la culture du Parlement : qu’est-ce qui changerait? - Observatoire de l’Europe 


“Es una falacia, ese axioma de que la mejor ley de prensa es la que no existe” - Diario16+

SNTP condena palabras de Maduro contra agencias de noticias: «Pueden representar una amenaza contra periodistas» - El Pitazo 

Periodistas internacionales exigen respeto en París 2024 - Enfoque Noticias

La FIP exhorta al COI y la prensa a aplicar "tolerancia cero" ante la violencia y discriminación en París 2024 - Estadio de Portes

Piden rendición de cuentas por parte de la policía tras el tiroteo de un periodista que cubría las protestas en Kenia - Noticias del Mundo

Bangladesh: Asesinan a periodista en medio de protestas - El Digital Panama

Los Patriotas de extrema derecha quieren liderar el comité de cultura del Parlamento: ¿Qué cambiaría? - La Nota del Dia

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