Yemen: YJS reports 17 cases of violations against media freedom in the first quarter of 2024

The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), in cooperation with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), launched its first 2024 quarterly report on media freedom in Yemen, which has listed 17 violations of press freedom since the beginning of the year. The IFJ condemns the threats posed to journalists and media workers in the country and calls on warring parties to end the enduring climate of danger facing Yemeni journalists.

Credit: - / AFP

Published in April, the YJS quarterly report provides a clear overview of journalists’ unacceptable working conditions. It also highlights the persisting state of impunity for all violators of press freedom. 

Among the major violations, the syndicate highlights 4 cases of deprivation of freedom and 4 cases of attacks on journalists and their property. In addition, the report documents 3 cases of threat and incitement, as well as 3 cases of prevention, suspension, and confiscation of property. 

Other violations are attributed to two cases of trial and summons, and a case of forced deportation of Yemeni journalist Tawfiq Al-Jand by the Egyptian authorities.

The YJS urges the Yemeni government as well as other armed groups to investigate all cases of violations against journalists in areas under their jurisdiction and operate actively to stop the continuous state of hostility towards the press. 

IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger said: “We welcome the great work conducted by YJS to document the press freedom situation and we join them in demanding that such attacks on journalists in the country be investigated and that perpetrators are brought to justice. The IFJ reiterates its support to all journalists in Yemen and their crucial work.”

For more detailed information, download YJS’s press freedom report here.

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