DRC: Authorities arrest journalist and accuse him of “spreading false information”

[UPDATED 20.03.2024] Authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have arrested and detained journalist Stanis Bujakera, who works for the international media outlet, Jeune Afrique. He was detained at the N’djili International Airport (Kinshasa) on Friday 8 September as he was about to board a flight to Lubumbashi in the south-east of the country. Bujakera is accused of “spreading false rumours” and disseminating "false information”.

Credit: @StanysBujakera Twitter

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this attack on media freedom and the apparent determination of the authorities to intimidate media professionals.

According to media reports, Stanis Bujakera was arrested and detained in connection with a story published by monthly magazine Jeune Afrique on 31 August in relation to the killing of former Transport Minister and opposition lawmaker, Cherubin Okende, “whose body was found on 31 July”.  The article cited “a leaked confidential report attributed to the National Intelligence Agency (ANR) that accused the military intelligence agents of possible involvement in the killing"

Journalist Stanis Bujakera was brought before the Prosecutor on 11 September after being held in police custody for three days.

Jeune Afrique Managing Editor, Francois Soudan, told the media that the authorities were trying to force Stanis to reveal his sources. The magazine also pointed out that the incriminated article was not signed by the journalist but only by Jeune Afrique  which calls into question the reason for his arrest. 

IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger, said that the arrest and detention of Stanis Bujakera was a parody of justice and an act of intimidation. “There is no indication anywhere that Stanis has committed  a crime, or had anything to do with the story, so how can he be held responsible? We demand his immediate release and call on the government to cease its intimidation of journalists". 

UPDATE On 8 March, a prosecutor in Kinshasa requested a 20 jail term for journalist Stanis Bujakera. According to his lawyers, on 27 February Kinshasa high court has denied bail to journalist Stanis Bujakera who has been held for nearly six months pending trial over his reporting on the murder of an opposition politician implicating military intelligence in the killing. 

UPDATE On 19 March, the journalist Stanis Bujakera was released from prison after spending six months behind bars, according to news magazine Jeune Afrique


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