IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 17 - 23 August 2024.


Israel Accepts Proposal to Bridge Differences on Cease-Fire, Blinken Says - New York Times

Police solve journalist murder case - Nation

Israeli forces 'deliberately target' TRT Arabi crew in Gaza's Khan Younis - Head Topic

Somalia: Official Information Bill Endangers the Right to Access Information - AllAfrica

Somalia press lobbies raise concern over proposed Information Bill - The East African

IFJ joins local affiliate in condemning attacks, torture of two Pakistani journalists - Arab News

Gaza Conflict Mortally Targets Journalists Amidst Chaos - The Pinnacle Gazette

Somalia information bill gets press lobbies worried - Nation Africa 

Israel Kills another Journalist in Gaza – Death Toll Rises to 169 since October 7 - Palestine Chronicle

Sami Barhoom's account on Israel's deliberate attack on TRT crew in Gaza - TRT World

113 journalists send letter to Blinken, demand Israeli arms embargo - Al Mayedeen


La FIJ tenir l’entité d’occupation responsable des crimes contre les journalistes palestiniens - Tunisie Tribune

600 jours derrière les barreaux : La FIJ exhorte l’Algérie à libérer Ihsane El-Kadi - Maghrebe Mergent

La FIJ travaille pour tenir Israël responsable pour ses crimes à Gaza - Mosaique FM

Pakistan : deux journalistes agressés et torturés - Nouvelles du Monde 

Gaza: les forces israéliennes “ciblent délibérément” l’équipe de TRT Arabi - TRT Francais

113 journalistes demandent aux États-Unis d’imposer un embargo sur les armes à Israël - Temoignages.re


Gustavo Petro se reúne con la Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa tras varios meses de tension - El Pais

Anya Schiffrin: “Las grandes plataformas tienen que compartir de manera equitativa el valor del periodismo de calidad” - Adepa

Gremio internacional condenó ataques israelíes contra periodistas - Prensa Latina

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