IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 22 June to 28 June 2024.


'Why did the International Federation of Journalists campaign for Julian Assange for many years?' - SKY News

How the case of US reporter Evan Gershkovich highlights the dangers journalists face, despite Julian Assange's freedom: Interview with Tim Dawson, the IFJ - SKY News

Julian Assange plea deal live: WikiLeaks founder will seek US pardon after accepting plea deal to go free, wife says - The Guardian

Experts warn Julian Assange plea deal could set dangerous precedent - The Guardian

Julian Assange en route to US Pacific island after accepting US plea deal – as it happened - The Guardian

Does Julian Assange's prosecution set a dangerous precedent for free speech? - ABC Australia

Assange freed after pleading guilty in US espionage case - RTE Radio

The Julian Assange case — a timeline - DW

Julian Assange – from Belmarsh to freedom at last - Morning Star

Editorial: Lessons from the long ordeal of Julian Assange - Morning Star

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange agrees plea deal in exchange for freedom - Euronews

Assange freed amid concerns for press freedom - InPublishing

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange returns to Australia a free man after U.S. legal battle ends - CTV News

IFJ calls release of Assange victory for journalists around world - United News of India (UNI)

Assange’s release is a ‘victory’ for journalists around the world - The Standard UK

Who is Julian Assange and what secrets is he accused of leaking? - Independent 

PROFILE: Julian Assange-freed after 12 years - Breaking the News

Dark period of modern India: Only NUJ-I defied draconian emergency - Organiser

Julian Assange en route to Saipan to plead guilty in US court before flying home to Australia - The Journal

Julian Assange: The man behind the leaks that shook the Middle East - New Arab

Freedom for WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange is cause for celebration - People’s World 

Championing a Sustainable Future: World Press Freedom Day 2024 Focuses on Media's Role in Environmental Crisis - Unesco 

Assange Is Free, But US Spite Will Chill Reporting for Years - Fair

Federation of Media Employees hail freeing of journalist Assange and ending his persecution - Island 

Julian Assange finally arrives in Australia as a free man - Yorkshire Bylines

Assange thanked the Prime Minister of Australia for saving his life - Oreanda News

Global unions’ mission pledges support for Palestinian statehood - Morning Star 

Assange has returned home, but the saga does not end there - Sloboden Pecat  

The United States seeks to restrict freedom of speech everywhere, Assange’s lawyer said. - Political Lore

France: Blast journalist detained for 32 hours for refusing to disclose confidential source - Editor and Publisher

Murder of Pakistani Journalist Sparks Global Outcry - OCCRP 

Why American Journalists Should Be Outraged About the Dozens of Palestinian Journalists Jailed in Israel - Lithub 

Saudi Journalists Association participates in IFJ meetings in London - Saudi Gazette

2 Belarusian journalists sent to prison for covering protest - Yahoo News

Pakistan: Human Rights body expresses concerns on killing of media professional - ANI news

Saudi Journalists Association observes International Federation meetings in London - Arab News

Four Telugu news channels taken off air by cable operators in andhra, open accuse TDP of clamping down on media - Jagran

The Day Israeli Tanks Fired Directly At Afp’s Gaza Bureau - The Intercept

What the Assange saga says about the state of the American empire - Big News Network

Africa: Journalists Attacked By Police During Protest in Nairobi - All Africa

BBC World Service addresses the United Nations’ Human Rights Council over plight of BBC News Persian journalists in exile - BBC


Julian Assange est libre, mais la presse l’est peut-être un peu moins aujourd’hui - RTBF

L’Association des journalistes saoudiens assiste aux réunions de la Fédération internationale des journalistes à Londres - Arab News

Libération de Julian Assange : « C’est une victoire pour la liberté d’informer et d’être informé », salue Dominique Pradalié - L’Humanité

Des tirs israéliens ciblent des journalistes à Gaza, selon une enquête - News Day

Julian Assange libere fin dune saga judiciaire et mediatique de 14 ans - SNRT News

Julian Assange devrait être libéré après 14 ans de persécution par les USA - Révolution Permanente 

Des tirs israéliens ciblent les journalistes à Gaza, selon une enquête - Le Temps

La Fédération internationale des journalistes se réjouit de la libération du lanceur d'alerte Julian Assange - Agence Europe

Assange Libre! Triunfó el activismo, la protesta social y el periodismo independiente - Educa

Julian Assange al fin es libre tras cinco años de cárcel. Para la verdadera victoria todavía tendrá que esperar - Xataka


Caso Assange: del seísmo de WikiLeaks a las grietas en la libertad de prensa - El Periódico de Catalunya

Las reacciones a la liberación de Julian Assange - DW 

Asociaciones de periodistas exigen a Rusia que revierta su veto a 81 medios europeos, entre ellos EFE - EFE

Al fin libre: ¿quién es Julian Assange? - DW

Asociaciones de periodistas y sindicatos convocan una concentración por la liberación de Pablo González - El Diario.es 

La FIP celebra la liberación de Assange como una “victoria” para el periodismo - Swiss Info

Federación Internacional de Periodistas: “Una victoria para todos los periodistas del mundo la liberación de Assange” - Aporrea

Organizaciones internacionales de prensa aplauden el acuerdo para la liberación de Julian Assange - Europa Press

Termina la larga saga judicial y diplomática de Julian Assange: la historia y detalles de un caso emblemático - Clarín 

Las reacciones del mundo tras la liberación de Julian Assange - El Ciudadano

'Caso Assange': del seísmo de WikiLeaks a las grietas en la libertad de prensa - El Periodico de España  - El Periódico de España

Asociaciones De Prensa Convocan Una Concentración Por La Libertad Del Periodista Pablo González - Que

Colectivos de periodistas convocan una nueva concentración en Madrid para exigir la libertad de Pablo González - Info Libre

EN VIVO | Julian Assange abandonó Reino Unido y regresó a Australia tras cinco años de condena: se declarará culpable de solo un delito - El Tiempo

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