IFJ Backs Pakistani Journalists on Day of Action for Wage Justice

The International Federation of Journalists and its affiliates today joined Pakistani journalists in calling the Pakistan Government and newspaper owners for the implementation of long overdue wage awards.

On October 8, 2001, the Seventh Wage Board handed down a decision awarding minimum job conditions and wages to journalists and newspaper employees that was back-dated to October 2000. In the four years since that time only a handful of employers have introduced the legally required award.

Journalists around the world united today to protest the continued exploitation of Pakistani journalists by newspaper employees that has seen thousands of journalists suffer. Many Pakistani journalists work two or even three jobs to make ends meet and others have to work under daily wages, without the security of a permanent position or offer of appointment.

“Media businesses in Pakistan have become very prosperous in recent times so there is absolutely no excuse for newspaper owners to not pay the legal wage award,” said IFJ President Christopher Warren.

“The IFJ applauds its affiliates for joining in the day of action that will pressure the Pakistani newspaper owners to implement wage justice to strengthen and protect press freedom and the independent media in Pakistan,” said the IFJ President.

The Wage Justice for Pakistani Journalists action has included newspaper ads, posters, news articles, radio bulletins, letters to newspaper owners, and letters to the Pakistan Government.

Members of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) staged a large demonstration in Islamabad while Pakistani embassies were presented with letters of protest.

The IFJ, along with its affiliates also called on the Pakistan Government to appoint a new chairman for the Implementation Tribunal and fulfil its legal obligation to ensure the formation of the now overdue Eighth Wage Board.

“If newspaper owners refuse to budge, the government must listen to this protest and stop giving advertising to newspapers that do not implement the award. By linking publishers’ revenue from government advertising with journalists’ wage conditions, many more employers will ensure journalists receive the fair wages they are legally entitled to,” said Warren.

Visit the IFJ website to find out more and download the letter to the government, news ad and article, and images http://www.ifj-asia.org/page/pakistan.html

For more information please contact Christopher Warren +61 (0) 411 757 668
The IFJ represents more than 500,000 journalists in over 110 countries