Cambodian television journalist, Kuy Piseth from news portal News English (CNE), died in Phnom Penh in the early hours of September 29. The…

La rédactrice en chef russe Irina Slavina est décédée après s’être immolée par le feu devant les bâtiments du ministère de l’Intérieur à Nijni…

Julian Assange's extradition hearing took its last evidence at the Old Bailey, London yesterday. Closing submissions will be made in writing and Judge…

UPDATED 1 OCTOBER Three journalists from the Azerbaijan Public Television ITV who were reporting from the Azerbaijani-Armenian frontline have been…

Four local online news journalists were attacked on September 28 in the Tbong Khmum province after reporting on forestry crimes in the district. The…

Journalist Bahroz Jaafer was arrested on 22 September after Iraqi president Barham Salih filed a defamation lawsuit against him. The International…

Turkish journalist Abdullah Bozkurt, who is exiled in Sweden, was attacked near his home in Stockholm by three men on 24 September. The International…

Le journaliste marocain d'investigation Omar Radi a comparu le 22 septembre devant le juge d'instruction à Casablanca pour trois chefs d'accusation,…

Lawyers for the US government wrangled for days to prevent Julian Assange's extradition proceedings hearing Kahled El-Masri’s evidence. When…

We, the undersigned affiliate members of the International Federation of Journalists, welcome the decision of the United Nations Educational,…

Under a new policy, Hong Kong’s police will cease to recognise press accreditation issued by local media or journalist associations unless they are…

In a joint statement, the Council of Global Unions (CGU) welcomed the adoption by the European Parliament (EP) of the “resolution on the situation in…

In 3 May 1972, Daniel Ellsberg spoke at a peace rally in Washington DC. It was a year since he had leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times…

On September 17, 2000, a well-known Ukrainian journalist and founder of popular Ukrainian online newspaper Ukrayinska Pravda, Georgiy Gongadze, was…

Francis Allan L. Angelo, editor-in-chief of the Daily Guardian newspaper based in Iloilo, Western Visayas region, was threaten by Plaridel Nava, a…

Lao blogger Houayheuang Xayabouly, known by her nickname Mouay, was detained in 2019 for criticising the region’s government for the mishandling of…