Yemeni journalists have suffered numerous press freedom violations ranging from killings, torture and kidnapping to threats, attacks on media…

Rana Ayyub's social media profiles have been flooded with rape and death threats after she wrote posts about a Kashmiri victim killed by the Indian…

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte signed the widely criticised anti-terror bill endangering freedom of expression in the Philippines. The…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and dozens of press freedom, human rights, and privacy rights organizations across five continents…

Russian journalist and photographer David Frenkel was assaulted and seriously injured by a policeman at a polling station in St. Petersburg on 2 July…

On the June 29, journalist Hofe Dada was confronted and assaulted while filming a piece on pollution levels at a factory in Aruachal Pradesh. The…

Experienced reporter and Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) board member Nabil Al Osaidi has repeatedly received phone call threats over the past few… journalist Peter Sabo found a bullet in his mailbox on 25 June, according announced today the news website editor-in-chief Peter Bárdy.…

Egyptian journalist and human rights advocate Nora Younis was arrested on 24 June by security forces for running an unlicensed website. The IFJ calls…

Over 200 people, including 14 journalists, were arrested on June 21 during peaceful demonstrations against the arrest of presidential nominee Viktar…

[Translate to French:]

Partout dans le monde, les affiliés de la FIJ ont pris des mesures clés pour soutenir les travailleurs des médias dans le cadre de la pandémie de…

Reporter Shubham Mani Tripathi was fatally shot in the Uttar Pradesh’s Unnao district on June 19 in a suspected retaliatory attack for his journalism.…

Organizaciones armadas amenazaron de muerte a cinco periodistas del sur de ese país mediante panfletos de dominio público.

Journalist Mohamed Mounir was detained on June 15 on charges of "spreading fake news", a widespread practice of the Egyptian government to silence…

Le Huu Minh Tuan, an independent journalist and member of the Independent Journalists Association of Vietnam (IJAVN), was arrested on June 12. The…

La Fédération des journalistes africains (FAJ), l'organisation panafricaine de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), a publié ce mardi…