The International and European Federations of Journalists today expressed their grave concerns over the safety of journalists covering the war in…

Attacks to press freedom and democracy continue to escalate in Myanmar, with two prominent writers and a student activist sentenced under an amendment…

A foreign journalist group has said that China tightened restrictions on reporters during the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, contrary to…

Durante la noche de ayer, al menos tres agresores que se movilizaban en un taxi intentaron acceder a la camioneta blindada en la que se movilizaba el…

La conductora Michell Pérez Tadeo había sido denunciada como desaparecida el pasado viernes por su familia. Su cuerpo fue hallado ayer al sur de la…

Ali Kişmir, the President of the Cyprus Turkish Journalists' Union, Basin-Sen, an International/European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ)…

Güngör Arslan, owner, editor-in-chief and columnist of the daily Ses Kocaeli, was killed in a gun attack in front of his newspaper's editorial office…

El reclamo iniciado por lxs trabajadores de la Agencia de Noticias del Estado Mexicano en febrero de 2020 por el despido de más de 200 trabajadorxs de…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) sent on February 21, 2022, a letter to the President of the Republic of Yemen, Abdrabbuh Mansur…

The residence of prominent television journalist, Chamuditha Samarawickrema, was attacked by four unidentified assailants in the Piliyandala district…

The Supreme Court of Sudan has overturned the dismissal of 79 journalists and employees of the Public Authority for Radio and Television, the Sudanese…

Senior journalist Mohsin Jamil Baig was arrested by Islamabad Police under the Anti-Terrorism Act on February 16 after a raid on his residence by…

Africa's biggest jailer of journalists, Egypt’s president Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, will visit Brussels to attend the European Union – Africa summit on 17…

La noche del lunes 7 de febrero, Givanildo Oliveira, administrador del canal virtual de noticias Pirambu News, fue atacado por una persona que le…

Sincha Dimara, une des plus anciennes journalistes de Papouasie–Nouvelle-Guinée et responsable des informations et des affaires courantes à EMTV, a…

Le chargé de communication est décédé après s’être fait tirer dessus au moins cinq fois, alors qu’il se trouvait dans son studio d’enregistrement avec…