On October 2, 2018, at 1:14 PM, the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. He never came out alive.

El Nuevo Diario, el segundo periódico más importante de Nicaragua, anunció el viernes 27 de septiembre el fin de su publicación debido a las presiones…

Multiple media violations against journalists were recorded during the fourth round of Afghanistan’s presidential elections on Saturday, September 28.…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

The National Television and Radio broadcasting council of Ukraine, the media regulatory authority, has revoked all digital licences granted to…

Journalists covering student protests in cities across Indonesia were attacked by police in a series of brutal incidents on September 24. The…

Dandhy Dwi Laksono, a journalist filmmaker for WatchDoc, was arrested on September 26 and charged under Indonesia’s controversial Information and…

Online and broadcast journalists in the Philippines will have greater ability to protect their sources following an expansion of the country’s…

The IFJ was at the UN Human Rights Council's 42nd session in Geneva this week. Together with its affiliate the National Union of Somali Journalists…

[Translate to French:]

A la veille de la Journée internationale de l'accès universel à l'information (JIAUI) du 28 septembre, la Fédération internationale des journalistes…

The Chinese government is about to launch a compulsory loyalty exam that all journalists in the nation have to take before applying or renewing their…

The Global Times, a Chinese state-run media outlet published a report yesterday about a smear campaign against the IFJ’s Hong Kong affiliate, the Hong…

There is now clear evidence that hundreds of thousands of social media accounts are being used to spread disinformation about Hong Kong’s ongoing…

Authorities in Puntland, an autonomous region of Somalia, announced on 22 September that all the independent media houses and journalists operating in…

The Pakistan government has announced a plan to introduce media courts to regulate the press. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and…

Mary Ekere, a journalist with The Post Newspaper in Uyo city, Nigeria, was arrested on Monday, 16 September by the authorities for taking photos of a…