UNESCO and the International Federation of Journalists cordially invite you to participate in the Global Conference on Improving the Protection,…

Con el objetivo de visibilizar y poner en debate los efectos de las grandes plataformas de internet en las vidas de lxs trabajdorxs, en sus derechos…

Jineth Bedoya fue secuestrada y violada en el año 2000 por paramilitares a los que investigaba. El crimen, según la Corte Interamericana de Derechos…

La jueza María Cristina Díaz ha exigido al diario español eldiario.es que revele en el plazo de diez días quién les informó de la lista de bienes que…

Kashmir authorities have detained and questioned five journalists and media workers since October 8, two of whom remain imprisoned, as hostility…

Tensions increased in the Northern part of Kosovo after police undertook an anti-smuggling operation in Mitrovica on 13 October. Several journalists…

The Chinese government has proposed new directives that seek to prohibit private enterprises from investing in and operating media organisations in…

Chinese blogger and former journalist, Luo Changping, has been detained over his social media remarks that were deemed inappropriate by authorities.…

Marleny Margarita Paredes Charca, trabajadora del canal El Objetivo y del portal homónimo, fue violentada por el jefe de ronderos César Mamani…

Filipino and Russian journalists, Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov, were today announced as the winners of this year's Nobel Peace Prize for "their…

On September 29, citizen journalist Tran Thi Tuyet Dieu’s eight-year sentence under Vietnam’s Penal Code was upheld in the court of appeal in Danang.…

In the past month, the Philippines government has blocked access for journalists to pandemic coordination channels, while its military is alleged to…

Leading investigative journalists and newsroom managers from across Europe will share their experiences, tips and how to tackle the challenges faced…

Les forces de police ont arrêté un journaliste travaillant pour la chaîne de télévision Zitouna le 3 octobre. Cette action s'inscrit dans une série…

After awaiting trial for over four months in Yangon’s Insein prison on charges of sedition American journalist Danny Fenster was charged with a…

Research by the Afghanistan National Journalists Union (ANJU) sheds light on the grave situation facing journalists and media workers since the…