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La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation de la profession dans le monde, a enregistré 49 assassinats de journalistes…

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation de la profession représentant plus de 600.000 journalistes dans 146 pays,…

Police in Dhaka, Bangladesh arrested Abul Asad, Editor of Daily Sangram on December 13 after he described an executed opposition leader convicted for…

The masterminds behind the killing of 58 people, including 32 media workers, were found guilty of murder on December 19. The International Federation…

Journalists attempting to enter Macau to interview China’s president, Xi Jinping, were refused entry at border checkpoints. The International…

Journalists from the Russian Sputnik news agency in Estonia are facing threats from the Estonian authorities, who have demanded they stop cooperating…

Russian President Putin signed into law a controversial amendment to the Administrative Violation Code on December 16, which will allow for…

Libyan journalist Ridha Fheel al-Boom was arbitrarily arrested on December 14 at Tripoli's airport by the Lybian intelligence agency. The…

Nigerian-American journalist and activist Omoyele Sowore was re-arrested on December 6 on treason charges, despite a court ordering his release. The…

Zaid al-Khafaji, a photographer and reporter in Baghdad, was abducted in the early hours on Friday, December 6. That same night, photojournalist Ahmed…

The Albenian government is set on passing a new "anti-defamation" media law package on December 19. The European and International Federations of…

Israeli intelligence officers detained two Palestinian TV crews on 6 December in Jerusalem. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its…

L’Association pour la lutte contre l’impunité et pour la justice transitionnelle a été lancée à Bruxelles, mardi 3 décembre. Plusieurs responsables du…

Tim Dawson is a London-based journalist, and a member of the executive of the National Union of Journalists in the UK and Ireland. He traveled to…

Recent reports have stated the Australian writer, Yang Zhengjun, who has been detained in Beijing since January 19, 2019, is now subjected to…

Ukrainian journalist Oleksandr Vlashchenko was assaulted on November 30th, in the port city of Mykolayiv. So far, the perpetrators have not been…