The Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (YJS) has detailed 22 violations of press freedom in the country between July and September 2020, ranging from…

C’est la journée internationale du coming out! Pour célébrer, le Conseil des Global Unions lance notre site Web LGBTI afin de partager le travail des…

La pandémie de Covid-19 a perturbé la façon dont des millions de travailleurs dans le monde, y compris les journalistes, exercent leur travail. Pour…

The National Union of Journalists has condemned the targeting of NUJ members and chapel reps at London-based broadcaster Iran International in a…

Journalist Bahroz Jaafer was arrested on 22 September after Iraqi president Barham Salih filed a defamation lawsuit against him. The International…

Le journaliste marocain d'investigation Omar Radi a comparu le 22 septembre devant le juge d'instruction à Casablanca pour trois chefs d'accusation,…

Une coalition de syndicats mondiaux représentant près de 21 millions de travailleurs dans le monde entier lance aujourd’hui une campagne destinée à…

In 3 May 1972, Daniel Ellsberg spoke at a peace rally in Washington DC. It was a year since he had leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times…

La Cour d'appel d'Alger a condamné le 15 septembre le journaliste Khaled Drareni à deux ans de prison ferme pour avoir couvert les manifestations…

On September 9, security forces arrested journalist Islam Al-Kalhi while he was covering the al-Moneeb protests sparked by the killing of a young man…

On 7 September, a Saudi court has issued a final verdict in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, commuting the convicts’ previous death…

A court in Teheran sentenced journalist Mohammad Mosaed to four years and nine months in prison and banned him from any journalistic activity for two…

A crowd stormed and burned down Iraqi broadcaster Dijlah TV's headquarters in Baghdad on September 1, as protesters accused the station of…

Egyptian prosecutors have brought additional charges against two journalists who have been in pretrial detention since autumn 2019. The International…

Cartoonist Emad Hajjaj was arrested on Wednesday August 26 for "disturbing relations with a sister country” in a cartoon. The International Federation…

Leaders of the global trade union movement have called on the Sudanese government to immediately halt the forced dissolution of trade unions and…