With young journalists subjected to precarious working conditions and unions striving to prove their worth to a new generation of journalists, the…

Journalist Merdan Yanardağ, editor-in-chief of Turkish broadcaster TELE1, was arrested on 27 June following a judicial investigation into his…

The President of the Turkish Cypriot Press Workers’ Union (Basın-Sen), journalist Ali Kişmir, was forced to resign from the online channel TV20…

La décision de placer à la tête du Journal du dimanche (JDD) un ancien directeur d'un hebdomadaire d'extrême droite relance le débat sur…

EU governments want to authorise the spying of journalists and their sources on vague grounds of “national security”. The International and European…

Women politicians too rarely make the headlines in political coverage and when they do they are often subject to sexism and stereotypes.

Organisations defending media freedom, freedom of expression and human rights, including the IFJ, have strongly condemned the appalling attack on…

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) joined the undersigned international media freedom organisations in expressing…

La Suisse sera en grève ce mercredi 14 juin pour revendiquer de meilleures conditions de travail pour les femmes, y compris dans le secteur des…

In a judgement issued on 6 June, a High Court in the UK has rejected the latest appeal by Wikileaks founder Julian Assange against an extradition…

More than one thousand journalists and media professionals will participate in a 48-hour strike action on 7 and 8 June to protest over BBC plans to…

The IFJ-led EU-funded project Rewriting the story ended, on 4 June, its second 'train the trainers' session in Zagreb, Croatia, with journalists from…

Around 30 people broke into the courtyard of Serbian television channel N1 to express their discontent with the media coverage of the channel on 30…

Iryna Levchenko, a former local journalist and member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), an IFJ-EFJ affiliate, has been illegally…

A growing number of attacks on journalists and media workers have been documented in northern Kosovo since 26 May, which intensified on 29 May,…

Council of Global Unions Statement, 26 May 2023. Global Unions urge governments and employers to help put an end to human and trade union rights…