The European and International Federations of Journalists, together with affiliates from Belgium (AGJPB/AJP-VVJ), Cyprus (UCJ), Estonia (EUJ), Finland…

The International and European Federations of Journalists request all journalists in EU member states to write to their Members of the European…

Investigative journalists Trevor Birney and Barry McCaffrey were arrested on the morning of 31 August after police search was held in their houses and…

Les Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes (FIJ et FEJ) ont réitéré aujourd’hui leur soutien à l'adoption de la Directive sur le…

The IFJ has warmly welcomed ideas put forward by UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn to raise funds to support investigative and public service media…

The International Federation of Journalists has backed its affiliate, MediaSind, in condemning physical attacks by Romanian police against…

The IFJ and EFJ have backed calls by the Belarusian Union of Journalists to immediately release a group of journalists detained in police raids and…

The IFJ has strongly condemned the murder of 3 Russian journalists in the Central African Republic, in what local authorities said was an ambush by an…

Russian journalist Denis Suvorov was found dead by witnesses near a construction site in Nizhny Novgorod (east of Moscow), with a heavy wound in his…

A Ukraine-based Turkish journalist has told the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) he fears for his safety after his name…

Ukrainian journalist Pavel Sheremet was murdered on 20 July 2016. On the second anniversary of his death, the International and European Federations…

The Security Service of Ukraine has banned Russian Union of Journalists’ president Vladimir Solovyov from entering Ukrainian territory for a…

The European Court of Human Rights released a judgement on 17 July, stating that the investigation of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya‘s murder…

Las Federaciones Internacional y Europea de Periodistas (FIP y FEP) se unen a sus afiliados españoles para condenar la brutal agresión al…

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFF and EFJ) have raised their concerns over the repetitive attacks and acts of…