The IOC must ensure access to information and guarantee the rights of journalists during the Olympic Winter Games in China.

Des forces armées talibanes empêchent la tenue d’une conférence de presse au sujet de la situation de crise à laquelle font face les professionnels…

Les journalistes Sai Win Aung et Pu Tuidim ont respectivement été tués le 25 décembre et le 8 janvier par des militaires birmans lors de deux…

The Kashmir Press Club (KPC), the largest independent media body in Indian-administered Kashmir, has been forcibly closed following a raid by armed…

Au cours des premières semaines de l’année 2022, plusieurs journalistes ont été attaqués et arrêtés alors que les talibans garantissent aux…

Les journalistes couvrant les manifestations antigouvernementales au Kazakhstan continuent d’être victimes de harcèlement, d’arrestations,…

Journaliste stagiaire pour Kashmir Walla, Sajad Gul a été arrêté le 5 janvier. Il a été accusé de diffusion de fausses informations sur les réseaux…

On January 7, the Islamabad High Court will frame contempt charges against The News International’s owner, Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman, and two of its staff,…

Hong Kong’s independent news organisation CitizenNews ceased operations on January 4 due to concerns for staff safety. It came less than one week…

On December 26, the Taliban detained Haji Arif Noori, owner of the independent Noorin Television station, and raided his Kabul home before releasing…

On December 29, Hong Kong police raided the newsroom of the pro-democracy online news outlet, Stand News, and arrested a total of seven journalists…

Founder of Next Digital Jimmy Lai and six former executives and senior employees of the now-defunct pro-democracy newspaper, Apple Daily, are facing a…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), in partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), has…

Sayed Rashed Kashefi, a reporter with the Kabul Times and Rasa TV, was allegedly beaten and detained for over six hours while covering a fight at an…

[Translate to French:]

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et l'Organisation internationale du travail (OIT) ont uni leurs forces pour lancer le projet…

Dailekh District Court has sentenced three people convicted of the murder of Dailekh based journalist, Dekendra Raj Thapa, to life imprisonment. The…