Armed Taliban militants assaulted and intimidated members of an Al-Hadath TV crew during a live broadcast in Kabul on August 10. The International…

Independent citizen journalist, Do Cong Duong, has died in detention on August 2 while serving an eight-year sentence for reporting on land seizures…

Taiwanese pro-independence news outlet, Formosa Television (FTV) News, has been subject to cyber-attacks and disruptions from suspected Chinese…

[Translate to French:]

À la veille du premier anniversaire de la prise de Kaboul par les Talibans, le 15 août, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), la plus…

[Translate to French:]

À l'approche de l'anniversaire ce 15 août de la prise de Kaboul, capitale afghane, par les talibans , nous avons réalisé un entretien avec le…

An executive of Pakistani broadcaster ARY News was arrested on sedition charges on August 10, with several more media workers named in First…

WION news correspondent, Anas Mallick, and his crew were abducted and assaulted while covering a story in Kabul to mark the one-year anniversary of…

Photographer and activist Aye Kyaw, who was known for documenting anti-junta protests, has been reported dead in custody after his arrest on July 30.…

The President of the All Manipur Working Journalists Union (AMWJU), Wangkhemcha Shamjai, was summoned and harassed by National Investigation Agency…

Working journalists in Myanmar continue to face growing security and safety threats, with one journalist imprisoned and another detained on July 29…

Two DBC News journalists, Saiful Islam Jewel and Azad Ahmed, were assaulted on August 2 while investigating alleged irregularities in the procurement…

The Government of the Solomon Islands has ordered the national radio and television broadcaster, the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC),…

The South East Asia Journalists Unions (SEAJU) has strongly condemned the Myanmar military junta’s execution of four pro-democracy activists and the…

A female journalist was allegedly assaulted and threatened by Taliban officials on July 20 and another detained on July 26 amid continuing attacks on…

The Indonesian government will begin blocking private electronic systems operators that fail to register their platforms by July 27, despite concerns…

Taliban officials threatened and forced Australian journalist Lynne O’Donnell to publicly retract several articles during the journalist’s visit to…