IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) joined the undersigned international media freedom organisations in expressing…

In a seminar held on 13 June, the Syrian Journalists’ Union (SJU) highlighted 68 violations of media and journalists’ rights documented in their…

The Reuters Institute, in collaboration with Oxford University, published today 14 June its global Digital News Report 2023, which focuses on how…

Freelance photojournalist Jang Jin-young is facing criminal charges for covering the war in Ukraine without permission from the South Korean…

Golam Rabbani Nadim, a Bakshiganj correspondent, died from his injuries on June 15 after being attacked by a group of assailants while returning home…

Journalist Duman Mukhametkarim has been arrested for a third time this year under charges relating to terrorist and extremist activities, after…

Australian public broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), has informed staff of 120 redundancies, including senior political…

Luego de un juicio sin las correspondientes garantías para José Rubén Zamora, fundador del medio El Periódico, fue absuelto de los cargos de tráfico…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Syndicat des professionnels de l’information et de la communication (SYNPICS)…

The Writers Guild of America West and Writers Guild of America East (jointly, WGA) have been on strike since 2 May. Our brothers and sisters are…

Switzerland will be on strike on Wednesday 14 June to demand better working conditions for women, including in the media sector. Four years after the…

Après 3 mois de formation en ligne sur la sécurité des journalistes, un atelier s'est tenu du 5 au 10 juin à Tunis pour clôturer la formation de 9…

El Consejo de Género (CG) de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) apoya la huelga feminista que se celebrará el 14 de junio en Suiza y en…

Since early June, at least five arrest warrants have been issued against journalists for investigating alleged corruption in the judiciary of Marib, a…

Fuentes cercanas a la familia del periodista afirmaron que fue condenado por “propagación de noticias falsas” y “menoscabo a la integridad nacional”…