15041 results:

1471. Bangladesh: Journalists assaulted while reporting on illegal occupation allegations  

Four journalists have been physically attacked while reporting on the alleged unlawful occupation of a house in Baniachong Upazila, Habiganj District. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the assault and urges the Bangladeshi authorities to conduct a swift investigation. Four journalists have been physically attacked while reporting on the alleged unlawful occupation of a house in Baniachong Upazila, Habiganj District. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the assault and urges the Bangladeshi authorities to conduct a swift investigation. On September 11, editor Rajib Noor and journalists Moshahed Mia, Patrika Touhid Mia and Alamgir Reza were…  
1472. Balkans: Project concludes with enhanced public service media  

The IFJ and its partners organisations have just concluded a 5-year project in the Western Balkans on enhancing skills for professionals and developing qualitative content in public service broadcasters. The EU funded project Empowering society: Technical Assistance to Public Service Media in the Western Balkans was implemented by a consortium led by the IFJ since 2018 in 6 countries, namely Bosnia Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Serbia. The project’s objective was to contribute to the reform and professional development of public service media (PSM) in the Western Balkans to produce pluralistic, independent and accountable content.  Main…  
1473. The Hague: Press conference on new complaint to the International Criminal Court  

On 20th September, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will join the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP)'s press conference following the hand delivery of a legal complaint on behalf of Shireen Abu Akleh’s family to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, Netherlands. At 11am CEST/10am BST on 20 September 2022, the ICJP will be hosting a press conference in The Hague to announce the submission of a new complaint to the International Criminal Court (ICC) regarding the killing of American-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and the shooting of journalist Ali Samoudi on 11 May 2022 whilst covering raids conducted by the Israeli…  
1474. Rey Blanco  

A radio broadcaster for Power 102.1 DYRY RFM, Rey Blanco was stabbed during an altercation at a house in Mabinay town. The victim was taken to Mabinay Community Hospital but was declared dead on arrival. The NUJP considered the killing of Rey Blanco as work-related. Journalists' safety, Philippines, IFJ, Impunity  
1475. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from September 10th to September, 16th 2022. ENGLISH: Freelance reporter Soe Yarzar Tun faces up to 7 years in prison under anti-terror law - Mynamar NOW Four Kurdish women journalists launch hunger strike in a Turkish prison - Medya News Science Journalism Initiative - European research Council  Media event organisers apologise for allowing Myanmar junta “agent” to present - Mizzima Myanmar junta continues to arrest, torture activists despite…  
1476. Malaysia: Government accused of political interference in the media  

Concerns for press freedom in Malaysia have been raised after media advocacy group Gerakan Media Merdeka (Geramm) received reports of alleged political interference in the appointment of a new group editor of english-language newspaper New Straits Times (NST). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns any attempt to infringe on the independence of media outlets and calls on the Malaysian government to respect press freedom in Malaysia. On 13 September, the NST, a subsidiary of the Media Prima group, announced it had appointed Farrah Naz Karim as the newspaper’s new group editor, effective from September 15, replacing Ahmad Lokman Mansor. Shortly after the announcement,…  
1477. Myanmar: Former BBC journalist imprisoned for incitement  

A Yangon court has sentenced journalist Htet Htet Khine to three years in prison under incitement charges, as disturbing crackdowns on press freedom continue under Myanmar’s military regime. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the court’s decision and calls on the junta to protect the rights of journalists and media workers in Myanmar. Htet Htet Khine, a former BBC television presenter, was sentenced to three years in prison on September 15, after she was convicted of incitement under Section 505(a) of the Myanmar Penal Code for allegedly disseminating ‘false information designed to foster public animosity towards the military government’. From 2016 until 2020,…  
1478. Timor-Leste: Press Council condemns misleading representation of Myanmar press freedom  

The Conselho de Imprensa (Press Council) of Timor-Leste (CITL) has expressed its serious concerns at the misleading representation of the situation of press freedom in Myanmar at the recent Dili Dialogue Forum by a representative of the Myanmar Press Council, following consultation with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). The IFJ welcomes this action from the CITL and condemns the junta’s continued misrepresentation and repression of freedom of expression and freedom of the press in Myanmar. The Dili Dialogue Forum 2022, the CITL’s annual international conference held from August 25-26 for the first time since 2019, brought together representatives from the Press Councils of…  
1479. Se realizó el Congreso de la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe  

Durante los días 11 y 12 de septiembre en la ciudad de Lima, Perú, se llevó adelante el congreso de la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) en el cual se eligió el nuevo Comité Ejecutivo que será encabezado por Fabián Cardozo, presidente de la Asociación de la Prensa Uruguaya. Los debates giraron en torno al rol de las organizaciones en la lucha contra la precariedad laboral, la concentración mediática y la impunidad en los crímenes y ataques contra trabajadorxs de prensa en toda la región. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) saluda a la FEPALC por la realización de esta instancia democrática y celebra la elección de su nueva conducción. Luego de dos…  
1480. Afghanistan: AIJA becomes AIJU, interview with Hujatulla Mujadidi  

Umesh Pokharel, the South Asia Coordinator of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) spoke to Hujatullah Mujadidi, President of the Union of Independent Journalists of Afghanistan (AIJU), on the reasoning behind the organisation’s recent name change, from Association to Union. Why was the organisation’s name change from AIJA to AIJU needed? As always, we wanted to continue our work to protect and promote the rights of journalists all over Afghanistan. However, it is not possible in the current political system if we remain an ‘association’. This apart, by converting our status to ‘union’, we wanted to get full membership of the IFJ. For the three mentioned reasons, it…  
1481. Russia: Moscow court liquidated the Journalists and Media Workers’ Union  

The Moscow City Court dissolved on 14th September the Journalists and Media Workers’ Union (JMWU), the independent representative organisation of journalists and media workers in Russia. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) strongly condemn this illegitimate political trial, based on false accusations. The IFJ and EFJ will continue to support their affiliate JMWU. Unsurprisingly, the Moscow City Court on Wednesday followed the request of the prosecutor’s office to liquidate the independent journalists’ union JMWU, affiliated to the IFJ and EFJ. The prosecutor claimed that the trade union’s members did not pay membership fees and that its…  
1482. Belarus: Journalist Denis Ivashin shockingly sentenced to 13 years in prison  

The Grodno Regional Court sentenced on Wednesday 14 September the investigative journalist Denis Ivashin to 13 years and one month in prison. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affiliate in Belarus, the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), in denouncing this travesty of justice and demanding his immediate release. The journalist’s trial began on 15th August 2022 and was held behind closed doors. Denis Ivashin was arrested on the evening of Friday 12th March 2021 in Grodno, in the west of the country. Five officers of the Belarusian intelligence service (KGB) searched his home and his parents’ house, in the suburbs of Grodno.…  
1483. Haití: dos periodistas fueron asesinados en el barrio Cité Soleil  

Tayson Lartigue y Frantzen Charles fueron asesinados el domingo 11 de septiembre por bandas criminales en medio de una cobertura. Sus cuerpos no han sido recuperados aun y sus familias reclaman que las autoridades intervengan para determinar qué ha pasado con ellos. En 2022 ya son cinco los colegas muertos producto de la exposición al peligro la que están sometidxs lxs trabajadorxs de prensa haitianxs que intentan dar cuenta de la situación de crisis y violencia que atraviesa el país. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia lo ocurrido y reclama medidas urgentes para que se esclarezca lo sucedido y se den respuestas a las familias que esperan que se les devuelvan los restos de…  
1484. Spain: La Liga's new television model infringes public’s right to information  

The Spanish football authorities have introduced new conditions for the broadcasting of its matches, including a ban on journalists asking uncomfortable questions to footballers and managers, under threat of being removed from their jobs. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) and its Spanish affiliates have expressed their concern about the new criteria, which undermine media freedom and the public's right to information. La Liga de Fútbol, the association that organises the first and second divisions of the men's football competition in Spain, has introduced changes to the rules for broadcasting matches for the 2022-2023 season. In the specifications for the…  
1485. Zimbabwe: Journalist assaulted by party security officers amid increased attacks on media workers  

Investigative journalist Ruvimbo Muchenje, who works for digital platform The News Hawks, was assaulted by security officials from the Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) political party on September 11, as she tried to enter the venue where the party was holding a rally in Chinhoyi, central northern Zimbabwe. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) in condemning the attack and calling on all political parties to allow journalists to carry out their duties without any form of threat. The CCC had apologised to Ruvimbo following the incident. According to a statement issued by ZUJ, there has been an increase in the number…  
1486. Israel: Israeli Palestinian journalist shot dead in unknown circumstances  

Israeli Palestinian journalist Nidal Ighbariya, who specialised in covering violent crime, was shot dead by an unidentified gunman on September 4 as he drove home in the Arab town of Umm al-Fahm in the district of Haifa, Israel. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the murder and urges the Israeli authorities to launch an investigation and hold the perpetrators to account. Ighbariya was known for reporting on organised crime in Arab towns, and for being a fierce critic of the Israeli police due to its failure in dealing with the increase of violent crime within the Israeli-Palestinian community.  In June 2021, the journalist was targeted in an assassination…  
1487. Algérie: Un journaliste détenu suite à un article sur la commercialisation des dattes  

Le journaliste Belkacem Houam du quotidien arabophone Echourouk est depuis jeudi 8 septembre détenu suite à la publication d’un article sur l’interdiction d’exporter les dattes. La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes demande sa libération immédiate et sans conditions ainsi que la fin des poursuites en son encontre. Belkacem Houam a été placé sous mandat de dépôt le juge d’instruction près le tribunal d’Hussein Dey à Alger, après la publication de son article sur l’arrêt immédiat des exportation des dattes du  label algérien "Deglet Nour". Dans son article le journaliste avait fait état du "renvoi" depuis l'étranger, notamment de la France, de dattes algériennes estimées à…  
1488. Somalia: Journalists adopt National Action Plan to strengthen safety of media workers  

A National Action Plan (NAP) on the Safety of Journalists, was adopted at the end of a three-day consultative forum organised by IFJ-affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) in Mogadishu with the support of the African Union and with the technical assistance of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and UNESCO. The International Federation of Journalists welcomes the plan and supports its affiliate in the fight to end the spiral of violence targeting journalists and the climate of impunity in the country. The NAP is based on the realisation of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity and the African Union’s initiative ‘Silencing…  
1489. Charles Frantzen, Tayson Lartigue  

28-year-old Frantzen who worked for FS News and Lartigue, journalist at Ti Jenn Jounalis, an online news outlet, were killed in the middle of covering events along with many other journalists in the Cité Soleil when members of criminal gangs opened fire on the press, killing the pair. The killing of Frantzen was confirmed in a statement published on his employers’ website amid unconfirmed reports that the journalists’ bodies had been allegedly burned. Journalists' safety, Haiti, IFJ, Impunity  
1490. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from September 3rd to September, 9th 2022. ENGLISH: Israel investigation finds high possibility Palestinian-American journalist was shot by Israeli soldiers - Jurist Increasing restrictions and control of the press in the Solomon Islands - Civicus Monitor IFJ to Sharif : restore Bol News, defend press freedom - Pakistan Today Months after Abu Akleh killing, journalists remain a target in Palestine - Mondoweiss Afghan Journalists wait for safe Haven…  
1491. France: Le journaliste syrien Hussam Hammoud doit être protégé  

Le journaliste syrien Hussam Hammoud a appris lundi que sa demande de visa humanitaire avait été refusée par la France. Il travaille sur des sujets cruciaux, comme le terrorisme pour plusieurs médias français. Sa vie est aujourd’hui menacée en Turquie et en Syrie. Syndicats et sociétés de journalistes attendent que les autorités reviennent sur leur décision. Depuis des années, le journaliste syrien Hussam Hammoud collabore avec des médias français et étrangers, dont Radio France, Mediapart, Le Monde, France 24, The Guardian ou la BBC. Il a signé des enquêtes remarquées sur le terrorisme et les crimes de Daech, organisation contre laquelle il a toujours lutté, et a dû fuir Raqqa en…  
1492. Hong Kong: Asia-Pacific unions condemn arrest of HKJA chair  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Asia-Pacific regional affiliate unions and associations condemn the September 7 arrest of IFJ affiliate Hong Kong Journalist Association (HKJA) chairperson, Ronson Chan. The IFJ and its affiliates call for the immediate removal of all charges against Chan and an immediate end to the ongoing intimidation of journalists. On September 7, Chan was arrested while covering a homeowner committee meeting at the MacPherson Stadium in Mong Kok for his work with media outlet Channel C. Chan and a photographer were on the corner of Nelson and Yim Po Fong Streets when approached by law enforcement officers. A police statement claimed two…  
1493. Russia: Moscow court strips Novaya Gazeta of its print media licence  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) join their Russian affiliate the Journalists and Media Workers' Union (JMWU) in calling on the Russian authorities to reverse the recent decision to suspend the printing licence of independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta and stop censoring the publication and its journalists. On 5th September, a Moscow court granted a request by Russian state media regulator Roskomnadzor to revoke the newspaper’s print license. The newspaper said it would appeal the decision. Novaya Gazeta stopped printing in Russia on 28th March, after receiving official warnings for allegedly failing to mark materials produced by so-called “foreign…  
1494. Bangladesh: ATN News reporter and cameraperson assaulted  

Two journalists at ATN News have been assaulted by Barind Multipurpose Development Authority (BMDA) staffers for reporting on claims that employees of the government ministry were failing to arrive at work on time. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the assault and calls on authorities to investigate the incident and protect the safety of journalists in Bangladesh. On the morning of September 5, journalist Bulbul Habib and his cameraperson Rubel Islam were assaulted at the BMDA offices after questioning BMDA Executive Director Abdur Rashid during a live broadcast about his late arrival. During the incident, Rashid physically assaulted Habib and Islam, while…  
1495. Paraguay: asesinaron al periodista Humberto Coronel  

El comunicador estaba bajo amenaza pero no se le había asignado ningún tipo de protección. Desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas, junto al Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP) y la Coordinadora de Derechos Humanos del Paraguay (Codehupy), denunciamos la inacción estatal que resulta hoy en el asesinato del periodista, trabajador de Radio Amambay de la ciudad de Pedro Juan Caballero, una de las zonas donde más ataques mortales contra periodistas han ocurrido en las últimas décadas. También exigimos una investigación urgente que esclarezca las responsabilidades tanto materiales como intelectuales de este hecho. El periodista Humberto Coronel fue asesinado a balazos frente a…  
1496. Humberto Coronel  

The journalist was shot dead by a man on a motorbike outside the studios of radio Amambay, where he worked in the city of Pedro Juan Caballero. Coronel had been under threat but had not been assigned any kind of protection. According to reports, the city of Pedro Juan Caballero is one of the areas where most deadly attacks against journalists have occurred in recent decades. Journalists' safety, Paraguay, IFJ, Impunity  
1497. Indonesia: Multiple journalists harassed for fuel smuggling coverage  

Multiple journalists have been harassed and intimidated for their coverage of fuel smuggling in Mataram in the West Nusa Tenggara province. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Alliance of Independence Journalists (AJI) Indonesia, in condemning these incidents of harassment and urges local authorities to protect the safety of journalists in Indonesia. On August 31, Haris Mahtul, chief editor of local news website NTBSatu.com, and a fellow journalist were threatened at a Mataram hotel by Lalu Wink Haris, the head of local non-government organisation (NGO) Kasta NTB for Mahtul’s coverage of alleged fuel smuggling in the region. After refusing a bribe of…  
1498. Pakistan: BOL broadcast suspended across Pakistan  

The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has blocked the transmission of BOL News and BOL Entertainment, revoking the broadcasting license of BOL’s parent company. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), urge the Pakistani authorities to immediately reverse the transmission suspension orders. On September 5, PEMRA announced it would suspend the transmission of BOL News and BOL Entertainment after reviewing legal and government records. The regulatory agency said the media organisation had failed to attain an appropriate security clearance from Pakistan’s Interior Ministry. At the same…  
1499. Papua New Guinea: Prime Minister limits journalist communication, threatens restrictions  

Papua New Guinea’s Prime Ministerial Office has announced the Prime Minister will no longer accept direct communication with journalists, threatening further restrictions on access to press conferences if the directive is not adhered to. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned at the potential disruption to press freedom in Papua New Guinea and urges the Prime Minister to allow journalists unfettered access to all government proceedings. On August 31, the Office of Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister, James Marape, placed full-page advertisements in the ‘National’ and ‘Papua New Guinea Post-Courier’ newspapers urging journalists not to contact the Prime Minister…  
1500. Propaganda and Repression: Myanmar junta poses as friend of regional free press  

Myanmar Press Council Member Aye Chan’s presentation at the Dili Dialogue Forum was claimed to be a success in representing a ‘free’ press in Myanmar. A glance at the military junta’s crackdown on press freedom, journalists and media practitioners reveal this narrative to be baseless propaganda, writes Jim Nolan. Attendees at the recent Dili Dialogue forum in Timor Leste were astounded by the presentation by Myanmar Press Council member Aye Chan (not to be confused with Aye Chan Naing the exiled chief editor of the highly respected media outlet Democratic Voice of Burma).  Aye Chan presented a picture of press freedom that is conveniently opposed to the internationally recognised,…  
1501. Greece: General strike in private TV to protest against staff precarity  

Journalists and media workers from private television stations in Greece will be on strike for 24 hours from 5:00 AM on 6th September to protest against a draft regulation that would undermine job security and make conditions more precarious for up to 40% of workers. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their Greek affiliates (the Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers, the Journalists’ Union of Macedonia and Thrace Daily Newspapers, the Panhellenic Federation of Journalists’ Union and the Union of Magazine and Electronic Press Journalists) in calling on the government to withdraw the regulation, safeguard the rights of journalists and ensure…  
1502. India: Vice journalist deported from Delhi  

Angad Singh, an American journalist of Indian origin, was denied entry into India and deported back to the United States on August 24. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), condemn Singh’s deportation and urge the Indian government to cease its intimidation and harassment of journalists and media workers. Singh, a video documentary producer for Vice News who was travelling to India for personal reasons, was barred from entering India by immigration officials and immediately deported back to the United States within three hours of landing at Indira Gandhi International Airport in Dehli. According to the journalist’s family,…  
1503. Argentina: las consecuencias de la diseminación de los discursos de odio quedan evidenciadas tras el intento de asesinato a la vicepresidenta Cristina Fernández  

Las organizaciones nucleadas en la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) y la Oficina Regional de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) repudian enérgicamente el atentado sufrido anoche por la vicepresidenta de Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Este ataque no es un hecho aislado, sino que se enmarca en el contexto de una crisis político-judicial que se retroalimenta con una retórica violenta reproducida a diario por parte de la prensa hegemónica y redes sociales. Estos hechos dejan al descubierto una problemática que, como organizaciones de trabajadoras y trabajadores de prensa, no podemos ignorar: el crecimiento exponencial de los discursos…  
1504. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from August 27th to September, 2nd 2022. ENGLISH: Pak journalist booked for misquoting Imran Khan over 'disrespectful' religious remarks - Big News Network Pak journalist booked for misquoting Imran Khan over 'blasphemous' remarks - WION Crackdown on media in Pakistan continues as Journalist shot dead in Shorkot - Times Now  India Denies Entry to Emmy-Nominated US Journalist - VOA  Journalist Arrested For Misquoting Ex…  
1505. Jeff German  

The 69-year-old veteran reporter who covered topics such as organized crime and corruption for the Review-Journal, was stabbed fatally in an altercation outside his home, according to a statement by UNESCO Director-General. Media reports quoted the Las Vegas Review- Journal where German worked as saying that the journalist had been working on a series of stories concerning alleged wrongdoing by Clark County Public Administrator Robert Telles. In a brief statement, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department said that “The suspect in the homicide that occurred on September 2, 2022, has been taken into custody." The Review-Journal named Telles as the man detained,…  
1506. Indonesia: Journalist assaulted by family of Tidore’s deputy mayor  

Nurcholis Lamau, an editor with online news outlet Cermat, was repeatedly assaulted and harassed by Tidore Island’s deputy mayor and members of his family after publishing an article on air pollution. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), in condemning the acts of intimidation and calls on the Indonesian authorities to bring those responsible to justice. Following the release of an article which included sections of a speech given by Deputy Mayor Muhammed Sinen at the opening of a domino tournament in Rum Village, Lamau was harassed and intimidated by relatives of the Deputy Mayor on August…  
1507. UJOSS, IFJ hold seminar on digital organising, trade union reform and youth recruitment  

The Union of Journalists of South Sudan (UJOSS) in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) under the Union to Union (UTU) Project 2022 held a two-day Seminar on Digital Organising, Trade Union Reform and Youth Recruitment in Juba, the Capital of South Sudan, from 30 – 31 August, 2022. The Seminar, which brought together 22 young journalists from various media house including online journalists and members of the UJOSS executive deliberated on the working conditions of young journalists in South Sudan, exploitation of young journalists working online and strategies to recruit young journalists into the union. Young journalists at the seminar decried the…  
1508. Pakistan: One Journalist shot dead, another investigated in Punjab province  

Senior journalist and president of the Shorkot Press Club, Muhammad Younis, was killed by two gunmen in the Punjab province on August 27. The same day, Punjab police initiated an investigation into Geo News journalist Waqar Satti for alleged blasphemy and defamation. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the heinous assassination of Muhammad Younis and calls for stronger measures to protect journalists. According to reports, Younis, a journalist with Urdu newspaper Express, was assassinated en route to his farm at Mouza Manganwala in Jhang district. The two assailants had been hiding in a nearby field when they opened fire on Younis and subsequently fled the…  
1509. Ukraine: Russian rocket destroys office of journalists' union in Kharkiv  

The building housing the offices of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), as well as media outlets and printing houses, in Kharkiv in northeast Ukraine, may collapse due to the damage caused following a Russian missile strike. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) denounced the attack and expressed their support to the Kharkiv NUJU branch and the workers who are no longer able to continue their work. According to NUJU, an IFJ/EFJ affiliate, several weeks were needed to carry out checks and precise damage control following the rocket attack, which took place at night on 31 July 2022. No injuries were reported among the union staff and journalists…  
1510. Hong Kong: Jimmy Lai’s phones to be searched by authorities  

High Court judge Wilson Chan has upheld a warrant to give Hong Kong police permission to search two phones owned by imprisoned media tycoon and founder of Apple Daily, Jimmy Lai, on August 30. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the decision and urges the High Court to uphold press freedom and confidentiality in Hong Kong. In July, Hong Kong authorities applied for a warrant to access Lai’s phones as part of their ongoing investigation into the media tycoon’s alleged national security offences. Lai’s lawyer, Philip Dykes, argued that the warrant should not be granted as the phones were protected by journalistic privilege and contained confidential conversations…  
1511. Chile: comenzará el juicio por abusos cometidos por Carabineros contra dos periodistas durante el estallido social  

El jueves 1 de septiembre en el Juzgado de Garantía de Arica comenzará el juicio oral por el delito de abusos contra particulares en el marco de la querella por torturas que realizó el Instituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos (INDH) en representación de las comunicadoras sociales Estefani Carrasco Rivera y Patricia Torres Basualdo, quienes denunciaron haber sufrido abusos tras ser detenidas ilegalmente durante el Estallido Social de 2019. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas acompaña a las colegas en su reclamo de justicia y exige que los vejámenes sufridos cuando estuvieron en cautiverio sean declarados como tortura. Tres años pasaron del Estallido Social en Chile de 2019, y recién…  
1512. UK: IFJ backs strike, after Reach talks end without settlement  

1000 journalists are set to strike after two days of negotiations between IFJ-EFJ affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) and Reach, the UK’s largest national and regional news publisher, broke down without a deal. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) have backed the workers' demands for a fair pay rise and fully support the strike, which starts on Wednesday 31 August. NUJ members across Reach titles will strike on Wednesday 31st August. Union representatives unanimously passed a vote of no confidence in the chief executive, and also agreed to add an additional day of strike action to a planned two-day strike that will now take place from Tuesday…  
1513. Colombia: asesinan a dos periodistas que regresaban de realizar una cobertura  

Dilia Contreras Cantillo y Leiner Montero Ortega fueron atacadxs a balazos en el vehículo en el que se desplazaban en la zona del Caribe colombiano. En el atentado también fue herido un acompañante, que fue quien pudo dar aviso a las autoridades. Junto a la Federación Colombiana de Periodistas (FECOLPER) repudiamos este crimen e instamos a las autoridades a no descartar ninguna hipótesis y a que se investigue la posibilidad de que este ataque esté vinculado al trabajo periodístico de las víctimas. Lxs periodistas Dilia Contreras Cantillo y Leiner Montero Ortega murieron en la madrigada del domingo 28 de agosto luego de que dos personas que se desplazaban en motocicleta interceptaran su…  
1514. India: Pro-government tycoon’s TV bid threatens media freedom  

Business tycoon Gautam Adani, who is considered close to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is set to buy a 29.18% share of NDTV (New Delhi Television Ltd), sparking fears about a further decline in media freedom in the country. NDTV is often critical of the Indian government and journalists’ unions fear the move, which will enable Adani to launch a bid to take majority control of the company, will result in the station becoming pro-government, silencing one of the main independent voices in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ),  and its affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union(IJU), urge action to stop the move and for media plurality and independent…  
1515. Poland: Spanish journalist held in pre-trial detention for six months despite “lack of evidence”  

UPDATE 30.08.2022. A Polish court extended the pre-trial detention of Spanish journalist Pablo González for the second time on August 23, meaning he will spend up to a further 3 months in jail. The journalist, who was covering the humanitarian crisis on the Polish-Ukrainian border, was arrested on February 28 in the south-western city of Rzeswów, accused of being “an agent of Russian intelligence”. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) and their Spanish affiliates urge the authorities to release González without further delay, and ensure he will receive a fair trial. “The Polish court has ordered González to be remanded in custody due to a lack of evidence.…  
1516. Dilia Contreras Cantillo,  Leiner Montero Ortega  

Dilia Contreras Cantillo,  Leiner Montero Ortega August 28 - Colombia The two journalists who were shot and killed in the Colombian Caribbean area while returning from coverage of the Patron Saint Festivities of the Santa Rosa de Lima corregimiento. According to reports, two gunmen on a motorbike opened fire on the vehicle in which the journalists were travelling. A third person in the car, Joaquín Alberto Gutiérrez Marín, was also injured but was able to contact police. 36-year-old Leiner ran the Leiner Montero Historias website and was director of the Sol Digital Stereo radio station, where Dilia also worked while also contributing to other media outlests including Santa Marta…  
1517. Muhammad Younis  

The senior journalist for Urdu newspaper Express and President of the Shorkot Press Club, was killed by two gunmen in the Punjab province. According to reports, Younis, a journalist with Urdu newspaper Express, was shot dead while he was on his way to his farm at Mouza Manganwala in Jhang district. The two assailants had been hiding in a nearby field when they opened fire on Younis and subsequently fled the scene. Jhang District Police ordered an immediate investigation into the incident, looking for his killed, media reports added. Journalists' safety, Pakistan, IFJ, Impunity  
1518. México: capturaron al presunto autor intelectual del asesinato del fotoperiodista Margarito Martínez  

La Fiscalía General del Estado de Baja California (FGEBC) informó que fue detenido David López Jiménez, alias “Cabo 20”, quien sería el ideólogo del crimen contra el reportero gráfico, ocurrido en enero de este año. En marzo ya se había logrado apresar a los presuntos autores materiales y ya se había emitido la orden de captura contra López Jiménez. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas junto al Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) valora positivamente este avance y espera que este proceso culmine con condenas firmes que aporten a la lucha contra la impunidad. El 24 de agosto, el fiscal general del Estado de Baja California, Iván Carpio Sánchez, dio detalles sobre la…  
1519. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from August 20th to August, 26th 2022. ENGLISH Palestinian journalists: What’s it like working under occupation? - Al Jazeera Report: Israel committed 479 violations against Palestine journalists in 2022 - Middle East Monitor Five Pak Intelligence Bureau officials suspended after TV show host accuses them of torture - National Herald Groups deplore use of violence and detention of journalists and activists at Phnom Tamao - IFEX Buhari has always had…  
1520. Vietnam: Court upholds nine-year prison sentence for journalist  

A Vietnamese court has upheld a nine-year prison sentence for journalist and prominent activist, Pham Doan Trang, rejecting her appeal against an initial December ruling on August 25. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the court’s decision and calls for Trang’s immediate release. In October 2020, Trang, who has written extensively on human rights abuses and police brutality in Vietnam, was arrested in Ho Chi Minh City for “making, storing, disseminating or propagandising information, materials and products that aim to oppose the State”, according to Vietnam’s Public Security Ministry. Despite pleading not guilty to all charges, the Hanoi People’s…  
1521. Myanmar: Two media workers sentenced, detained amid rising attacks to press  

A freelance photographer was violently detained by junta troops and former photojournalist Ko Zaw Zaw was sentenced to three years in prison on August 20 and 24 respectively, amid rising attacks on media workers in Myanmar. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the military’s crackdown on press freedom and freedom of expression and calls for the immediate release of all detained journalists and media workers. On August 20, a freelance photographer and an anti-regime protestor, both students at SMVTI vocational training institute who had attended the Yangon People’s Strike in early August, were arrested by Myanmar’s military junta. According to the organisers…  
1522. Solomon Islands: Government threatens to ban foreign journalists  

The government of Solomon Islands has threatened to ban or deport foreign journalists ‘disrespectful’ of the country’s relationship with China, according to a statement released by the Prime Minister’s Office on August 24. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this grave infringement on press freedom and calls on Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare to ensure all journalists remain free to report on all affairs concerning the Solomon Islands. In the detailed statement, the office of the Prime Minister Sogavare criticised foreign media for failing to abide by the standards expected of journalists writing and reporting on the affairs of the Solomons Islands. The government…  
1523. Maldives: Greater efforts needed to confront obstacles for media, says IFJ  

Despite progress and promises made by the current Maldivian government to address press freedom, there are still obstacles for journalists in the country. During an evaluation mission in the Maldives, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) met with journalists, media leaders and union stakeholders and notes a critical need for the establishment of an industrial legislative framework for media and other workers in the country. During the one-week mission, the IFJ met with working journalists, editors, Maldives police and the Maldives Media Council as well as other key industry stakeholders and legal experts. Recent changes to the highly problematic Evidence Act remained an…  
1524. Vietnam: New law restricts journalists from recording court proceedings  

Vietnam’s National Assembly has approved a new regulation, in effect from September 1, allowing authorities to fine journalists for recording court proceedings without receiving permission from the courts. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns actions that may undermine press freedom and urges the Vietnamese government to avoid infringing on the right of journalists to report on court cases. The new law, known as the Ordinance on Sanctions of Administrative Violations for obstructing procedural activities, states that journalists who are found to have recorded, via audio or video, a trial without the permission of the judge presiding over the case will face a fine of up…  
1525. Brasil: Organizaciones instan a candidatos presidenciales a comprometerse con seguridad de periodistas durante elecciones  

Con el inicio oficial de la campaña electoral y la finalización del plazo para el registro de candidaturas en el Tribunal Superior Electoral (TSE), la Federación Nacional de Periodistas de Brasil (FENAJ) junto a otras 1o organizaciones vinculadas a la libertad de prensa, enviaron una carta de compromiso a los candidatos a la presidencia de la República. El documento pide que los candidatos al Palácio do Planalto, sus partidos y coaliciones se comprometan a defender condiciones libres y seguras para la actividad periodística durante el período electoral. La Carta Compromiso con la Libertad de Prensa y la Seguridad de lxs Periodistas en las Elecciones de 2022 (disponible solo en…  
1526. Cambodia: Journalist assaulted by army commander  

Sou Senghak, a local journalist for Samarakot News, was assaulted by an army commander after inadvertently witnessing the suspected illegal transportation of timber. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association (CamboJA), in condemning the use of violence against the journalist and calls on the authorities to hold the perpetrator to account. On August 20, Senghak attended an event near the Battalion 394 barracks in the Choam Ksan district of Preah Vihear when he witnessed a truck carrying a considerable amount of timber. approximately two cubic metres of timber. Senghak suspected the wood had been obtained illegally…  
1527. Indonesia: Two journalists assaulted during Independence Day ceremony  

Two journalists were assaulted by public order agency officers while covering an Independence Day ceremony in Palu, Central Sulawesi on August 17. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia, in condemning the attacks and urges Indonesian authorities to hold those responsible to account. Regina Goldie Jolinda Amoreka, a journalist with online news outlet Tribun Palu, was reporting on Indonesia’s 77th Independence Day ceremony and had moved to quiet spot in the invitee’s area to conduct a live broadcast of the event. Amoreka was then approached by an officer of the public order agency (Satpol PP) and asked…  
1528. Afghanistan: Two journalists arrested in Kabul while filming documentary  

The Taliban harassed and detained American journalist and filmmaker, Ivor Shearer, and Afghan producer, Faizullah Faizbakhsh on August 17. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Afghanistan National Journalists Union (ANJU), condemn the detainment of the two media workers and call for their immediate release. Shearer and Faizbakhsh were filming in the Sherpur district of Kabul, where Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed in a United States drone strike earlier in August, when they were approached by Taliban authorities. After answering questions regarding their purpose in the area and presenting their identification cards, passports and work…  
1529. México: asesinaron al periodista Fredid Román en el estado de Guerrero  

El cuerpo del comunicador fue hallado dentro de su vehículo cerca de su hogar. Con este crimen, ya son 15 lxs periodistas asesinadxs en México, lo que lo constituye como uno de los países más peligrosos para el ejercicio de la profesión. Junto al Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP), la Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia este hecho y exige una investigación urgente para llevar a la justicia a los responsables de este nuevo asesinato. Durante la tarde de ayer, el periodista Fredid Román Román fue asesinado cuando se disponía a salir de su casa en colonia Progreso de Chilpancingo. Los responsables materiales del crimen serían dos personas que se desplazaban en una…  
1530. Fredid Román  

The body of the journalist, who published his work on various social media pages and contributed to a local newspaper, was found inside his vehicle with gunshots wounds near his home in the southern city of Chilpancingo, the capital of Guerrero State, according to local prosecutors. Fredid Roman was shot dead in southern Mexico shortly after posting a story entitled State Crime Without Charging the Boss, about the disappearance and suspected murder of 43 students, in which he reportedly mentioned an alleged meeting between four officials at the time of the students’ disappearance, including former attorney general Jesus Murillo Karam. Murillo Karam was arrested after the publication of…  
1531. Pakistan: News anchor Jameel Farooqui detained  

Pakistani state authorities have detained Bol News journalist Jameel Farooqui, following accusations of ‘anti-state’ statements posted to his YouTube channel. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), urge the government to withdraw the case against Farooqui and protect press freedom. Farooqui was charged following a First Information Report (FIR) registered on August 21 by magistrate Aimal Khan at Ramna Police Station, under several sections of the Pakistan Penal Code (PCC) relating to defamation and the obstruction of public servants. The FIR stated that Farooqui’s reporting on police conduct was tantamount to…  
1532. Escape, Survival and Solidarity: Afghan Journalists and the PFUJ  

After one year of Taliban rule, journalists in Afghanistan are leaving in unprecedented numbers. Stories of escape, survival and solidarity are more important than ever, as we look to support journalists fleeing repression and violence, writes Lubna Jerar Naqvi. Nadia Zahel was through the first trimester of her pregnancy when the Taliban took over Afghanistan. She lived in Kabul, and her home in the Afghan capital was becoming increasingly unsafe. One can only imagine the emotions Nadia Zahel must have experienced in August 2021. Pregnancy is a wonderful, important, and stressful time for any woman. As a woman journalist facing the prospect of repression, violence, and economic…  
1533. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from August 13th to August, 19th 2022. ENGLISH: Journalists' Body Urges India to Grant Asylum Status to Afghan Journalists - The Wire  IJU urges GoI to help Afghan journos - The Arunachal Times Journalists and Critics Continue to Be Targeted Despite Political Transition in Pakistan - Civicus Monitor Haiti: Journalist Released After 20 Days in Captivity - Civicus Monitor Myanmar: Silencing Dissent - BNI Multimedia Group Hong Kong Police…  
1534. Palestine: PJS reports 479 media rights violations in first half of 2022  

The Israeli army and security forces were responsible for at least 479 violations of media and journalists’ rights in Palestine during the first half of 2022, including the assassination of Al Jazeera correspondent Shireen Abu Aqleh. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Palestine Journalists Syndicate (PJS) in condemning these attacks and urges the Israeli authorities to take steps to end the climate of impunity with which they are carried out. The PJS reported that the frequency of violations increased throughout the first six months of the year, with 192 recorded in the first quarter which rose to 287 in the second quarter. It highlighted the impact…  
1535. Bangladesh: Journalists assaulted by lawyers at Chittagong court  

A group of lawyers attacked two journalists while they were covering a story at the Chittagong District Judge Court on August 17. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the attack and calls on the Bangladeshi government to launch an urgent inquiry into the incident and hold those responsible to account. Al Amin Sikder, a journalist for Jamuna Television and his cameraperson, Asaduzzaman Limon, were physically and verbally assaulted at 3:30pm as they arrived to report at Chittagong District Judge Court. The journalists were first assaulted at the entrance of the court and again in the Office of the Lawyers’ Association. According to eyewitnesses, Sikder and Limon were…  
1536. Cambodia: Journalists and activists detained for reporting on land clearing  

Five journalists from an independent media organisation and four environmental activists were arrested while covering land clearing activity at a wildlife sanctuary in Phnom Tamao forest. The International Federation of Journalists joins its affiliate, the Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association (CamboJA), in condemning the incident and urges the Cambodian authorities to refrain from using violence against journalists and human rights activists. Five journalists from VOD, a local independent media outlet, and four environmental activists from Khmer Thavarak, a youth social justice group, were detained for questioning on August 16 by officers from the Prime Minister’s bodyguard unit…  
1537. Harassment of Women Journalists in Pakistan: Perspectives, Politics & Action  

Women journalists in Pakistan are facing increasing levels of online harassment, including trolling, cyber-bullying, intimidation and doxing. It is more important than ever that media organisations, unions, and other stakeholders work together to spread awareness of the issues faced by media practitioners, and provide support to women in journalism who face harassment and violence, writes Lubna Jerar Naqvi. In Pakistan, the rise of social media has provided journalists with greater freedom of expression, with new opportunities to expand their reach and impact. Unfortunately, this freedom has come at the expense of privacy; journalists are now more vulnerable than ever, facing online…  
1538. México: periodista que se encontraba desaparecido fue hallado muerto  

Juan Arjón López, quien estaba desaparecido desde el 6 de agosto, fue encontrado sin vida en el municipio de San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora. Con este crimen, ya se contabilizan catorce asesinatos de trabajadorxs de prensa en México en lo que va del 2022. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas se une al Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) en su reclamo para que no se descarte ninguna línea de investigación, y se determinen los motivos del asesinato y sus responsables materiales e intelectuales. Durante la tarde de ayer, la Fiscalía de Sonora informó el hallazgo de un cuerpo que coincide con la descripción aportada sobre Juan Arjón López, quien de esta manera se…  
1539. Tunisia: Journalist jailed by military court for “harming the army’s reputation”  

Tunisian Journalist Salah Attia, founder and editor-in-chief of the online newspaper Al-Ray al-Jadid, was sentenced to three months in jail on August 16 by a military court over remarks he made on TV about President Kais Saîed and the armed forces. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT) in calling on the Tunisian authorities to drop all charges against him and has urged the government to stop prosecuting journalists. Salah Attia was arrested by security officers on June 11, following his intervention the day before on Al-Jazeera about an alleged conflict between President Saïed and the Tunisian…  
1540. Ukraine: International efforts to support journalists  

To date the IFJ/EFJ Ukraine Safety Fund has provided €85,130 to fund three solidarity centres, and €30,000 to provide safety training. A further €20,000 will go to the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU) to fund a solidarity centre in Lutsk, writes Tim Dawson, Executive Member of the National Union of Journalists of Britain and Ireland (NUJ), an IFJ affiliate. Gleb Golovchenko runs the Ukrainian television company TAK TV, in the Black Sea city of Mykolaiv. In February, Russian forces attempted to invade the city. Despite heavy bombardment, the attack was repulsed. The front line today is scarcely ten kilometres away, but Golovchenko has continued to broadcast – something that…  
Search results 1471 until 1540 of 15041