15057 results:

2381. México: un periodista asesinado figura entre los espiados por el programa Pegasus  

Entre los 180 trabajadorxs de prensa de todo el mundo espiados con el software israelí se encuentra Cecilio Pineda, periodista freelance que fue asesinado en 2017 en Tierra Caliente, México. La posibilidad de que Pegasus haya facilitado la información necesaria para concretar el crimen debe ser investigada para avanzar en el esclarecimiento del mismo, que al día de hoy se encuentra impune. Tal como lo reveló una investigación divulgada en las últimas horas, el programa Pegasus, creado por la empresa israelí NSO y vendido a varios gobiernos nacionales y locales, fue utilizado para espiar a más de 180 periodistas de todo el planeta. La administración de Enrique Peña Nieto, que ocupó la…  
2382. Abraham Mendoza  

  The radio host for VocesRadio and EXA 91.5 was fatally attacked by three individuals at the gym in Morelia, Michoacán. His attackers fled the scene but police said that they had arrested three people in connection with the attack. Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
2383. Spyware Pegasus helped target over 180 journalists, global report reveals  

At least 180 journalists across the world have been spied on using Pegasus software, a tool developed by the Israeli cybersurveillance company NSO and sold to a number of clients, including states across the world, a report by Forbidden Stories - a worldwide collaborative journalism investigation- revealed on 18 July.   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns all attempts to interfere with journalists’ private communications, encourages journalists to use extra vigilance to protect their data and calls on governments to enshrine in domestic law the inviolability of journalists’ communications. Among those who have been the targets of the global spying…  
2384. Hong Kong: Journalists association release report on the deterioration of press freedom  

On July 15, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) published their 2021 annual report on the effects of a repressive government on the media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports its affiliate HKJA and the report’s findings. The report entitled ‘Freedom in Tatters’ outlines the erosion of the rule of law and the introduction of media regulations adversely affecting journalists in Hong Kong over the last 12 months. The report documents the National Security Law (NSL) implementation and the resulting impacts on press freedom and democracy. The report highlights the uses of the NSL through the arrest of Jimmy Lai, the forced closure of Lai’s pro-democracy media…  
2385. Afghanistan: Reuters journalist Danish Siddiqui killed in crossfire  

Danish Siddiqui, an Indian photojournalist with Reuters news agency, was killed in crossfire while covering a fierce battle between Afghan security forces and Taliban militants in Kandahar province on Friday, July 16. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the Afghan Independent Journalists' Association (AIJA) and the Afghanistan's National Journalists Union (ANJU) condemn the killing and urge for support for media in the deteriorating climate in Afghanistan as US troops withdraw and fighting between the Afghan army and Taliban militants intensifies. Siddiqui was a veteran photojournalists and a member of the Reuters photography team that won a Pulitzer Prize…  
2386. Bangladesh: Thugs arrested after brutal beating of journalist  

Police have arrested three people in connection to an attack on Bahannor Alo correspondent Selim Shamrat, who was attacked while investigating an illegal land seizure on July 11. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the attack on the journalist and calls on police to ensure the investigation is followed through. Shamrat was attacked when he went to investigate a land grabbing incident in the Barakhata area. Locals told the Daily Star that Shamrat was pushed to the ground and then was forcefully beaten. Shamrat said, “At one point the land grabbers attacked me without any reason, pushed me to the ground, and started beating me mercilessly." After the attack, local…  
2387. Ethiopia : media regulator suspends Addis Standard  

The Ethiopian media regulator suspended the license of popular English-language online news website, the Addis Standard, on Thursday, 15 July, for allegedly “advancing the agenda of a terrorist group”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemned the suspension as a grave threat to media freedom and called on the Ethiopian authorities to revoke the decision. According to a statement issued by the Ethiopia Media Authority (EMA) “the media has been a platform to advance the terrorist group’s agenda” in what is considered to be a likely reference to the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). The Ethiopian Government designated the TPLF as a terrorist…  
2388. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 9 and 16 July 2021. English IFJ calls for wider representation of women in media, United News of India Worldwide Condemnations Of Iran’s Plot To Abduct Journalist In NY, Iran International Maldives: Parliamentary committee intervenes in media council case, IFEX Photo Agency Argues Photojournalists Do Not Have Copyright Protections, PetaPixel Condemning Syrian Regime Forces’ Arrest of Writer and Journalist Bassam Safar for the Second Time in a…  
2389. Perú: continúa la violencia contra periodistas  

Trabajadorxs de prensa que se encontraban realizando la cobertura de manifestaciones de simpatizantes fujimoristas, fueron agredidxs por miembrxs de un grupo denominado “La Resistencia”. La Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) repudió estos hechos y exigió a “todos los actores políticos, con o sin responsabilidad de gobierno, el cese de discursos de odio contra de periodistas y medios”. Lxs periodistas Fátima Chávez de Canal N; Anghela Torres, Karina Reynafarge Herrada, Ronald Monsefú Rojas, Javier Marín de ATV; y John Reyes de La República fueron atacados en las inmediaciones del Palacio de Gobierno durante la jornada de protesta convocada el miércoles por sectores que…  
2390. Danish Siddiqui  

The award- winning Indian photojournalist working for Reuters news agency was killed in crossfire while covering a fierce battle between Afghan security forces and Taliban militants in Kandahar province. Siddiqui was a veteran photojournalist and a member of the Reuters photography team that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for their images of the Myanmar Rohingya crisis. The 41-year-old, who was chief photographer for Reuters in India, was on a reporting assignment ahead of the US force withdrawal from Afghanistan on September 11. in a statement, Reuters said that Siddiqui was embedded with a convoy of Afghan forces that was ambushed by Taliban militants near a key border post…  
2391. Myanmar: Journalist rearrested following mass release of detainees  

Aung Mya Than, a reporter for the Ayeyarwady Times, was arrested at 11:00pm on July 10 at his home in Maubin following his reporting of a bombing by unidentified perpetrators in his home town. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the military junta’s continuous abuse of the media and calls on the military to release Than immediately. Than was one of 14 journalists released on June 30 from detention across Myanmar. He was arrested on May 25 on charges under Article 505(a) of the Penal Code and held for 36 days. He is currently being held at the Maubin City Police State, according to the Ayeyarwady Times’ editor-in-chief, Salai Thant Sin. On the morning of his arrest on…  
2392. Bangladesh: Journalists targeted by authorities under the Digital Security Act  

On July 10, Bangladesh authorities launched investigations into journalists, Tanvir Hasan Tanu, Rahim Shuvo, and Adbudl Latif Latu, under the Digital Security Act (DSA). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the government’s investigations into these journalists and urges them to repeal the DSA as it restricts media freedom. A case was filed against the three journalists in Thakurgan after they published reports on the Sadar Hospital for alleged irregularities and corruption concerning the food for COVID-19 patients. The reports were published on Jago News, NewsBangla24.com, and Jugantor, the three news outlets the journalists work for. They claimed that the hospital…  
2393. Chile: Radio Bío Bío fue condenada por acciones antisindicales  

El medio de comunicación será multado por haber reemplazado trabajadorxs durante una huelga en 2019 que se desarrolló durante 15 días. Según la jueza que atendió el proceso legal, la empresa “afectó concretamente la libertad sindical, debilitando el movimiento sindical y especialmente la huelga legalmente votada en un proceso de negociación colectiva reglado”. El Sindicato de Radio Bío Bío celebró este fallo histórico, que sienta un precedente importante para una empresa que “tiene un largo historial de denuncias por prácticas antisindicales y vulneración de derechos fundamentales”. Tras la sentencia, la empresa dirigida por la familia Mosciatti deberá pagar una multa de más de cinco…  
2394. Peter R. de Vries  

The well-known Dutch investigative journalist who had covered high-profile criminal investigations died nine days after being shot five times in the street in Amsterdam in a targeted shooting on 6 July 2021. On the day of the shooting, Peter R. de Vries was a guest on daily television programme RTL Boulevard. After leaving the building, he was shot several times at close range, including in the head, in a side street near the studio. The police arrested three suspects, one of whom was later released, according to media reports. In his long career, 64-year-old Peter R. de Vries worked for De Telegraaf, Panorama magazine, Algemeen Dagblad and ran his own crime programme on…  
2395. United States: Record numbers win workplace rights thanks to union organising drive  

Successful unionisation campaigns among journalists in the US have seen record numbers of media workers win new rights in newsrooms across the industry over recent years. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has congratulated US unions on the wave of new union agreements won and the formation of dozens of new workplace branches - and urged unions across the world to redouble efforts to build stronger journalists unions. Union organising and securing rights to collective bargaining are the best way to defend jobs and guarantee media workers’ rights. Official figures from across the world show that workers in unionised workplaces earn higher salaries, have better working…  
2396. Netherlands: Veteran journalist dies from injuries after being shot  

[UPDATED 14.06.2024] Dutch journalist Peter R. de Vries has died on 15 July at the age of 64, days after being shot five times in the street in Amsterdam in a targeted shooting. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) condemned the murder as another tragic blow to press freedom in Europe. On 6 July, Peter R. de Vries was a guest on daily television programme RTL Boulevard. After leaving the building, he was shot several times at close range, including in the head, in a side street near the studio. Amsterdam’s mayor Femke Halsema told a press conference that the investigative journalist was “fighting for his life.” The police arrested three suspects. One was…  
2397. Yemen: Workshop on journalists' rights in online media  

A workshop on the professional and economic rights of journalists in online media was organised by the IFJ in collaboration with its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (YJS) on 13 July 2021 in Ta'izz. Among the topics discussed were the legal, professional and financial conditions for online journalism, employment contracts, news content and tools that facilitate better reporting while respecting professional and ethical rules. The discussions led to the adoption of a set of recommendations to strengthen the unionisation of journalists in the sector: Campaigning for the adoption of legislation on electronic media and a code of conduct to regulate journalistic work; Providing…  
2398. Sri Lanka : Free expression at stake in critical Sri Lankan intimidation case  

A senior police officer threatening a highly respected journalist is likely to have a chilling effect on journalism if it goes unchecked, writes Ruki Fernando. Tharindu Jayawardhana is one of Sri Lanka’s most outstanding and promising young journalists. His writings and MediaLK, the news website he founded in 2019, are noted for highlighting some of the most critical injustices and rights violations faced by numerous ethnic minorities in the country, such as Tamils and Muslims. But concerningly, Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Mass Media is currently refusing the registration of MediaLK, due to lack of clearance from the Ministry of Defense and a formal complaint lodged with the Human Rights…  
2399. El Salvador: alerta por posibles modificaciones en el acceso a la información pública  

La Asociación de Periodistas de El Salvador (APES) condenó las propuestas de modificación a la Ley de Acceso a la Información Pública que impulsó el Poder Ejecutivo. Desde APES aseguran que la iniciativa “en lugar de promover la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas realiza lo contrario, ya que otorga un blindaje para quienes se resisten a cumplir con esa obligación”. Legislativa una serie de modificaciones a la ley que regula el acceso de la población a la información pública. Esta propuesta de reforma, modificaría los alcances de la ley ya que abre posibilidad de reservar información oficiosa, aumentaría a 20 días el plazo para entregar información al ciudadano (plazo que hoy es de…  
2400. Afghanistan: Media employers must act to save lives as Taliban advances  

Media employers must take urgent action to support their journalists as the Taliban seize control of more areas of Afghanistan. The International Federation of Journalists has received a number of appeals for assistance to flee the country as freelance journalists report their lives being in increasing danger and employers failing to act. In a statement the IFJ said: “It is clear that the Taliban are increasingly threatening all those they consider to be against them – and that includes independent media and foreign and Afghan journalists. Major international news organisations are being accused by Afghan journalists of ignoring their pleas for help. It is entirely unacceptable that…  
2401. UK: NUJ to report attacks on journalists by "so-called" England football fans  

The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) is to report incidents of violence against journalists and videographers covering the Euro 21 football final to an inquiry opened by the sport's governing body UEFA. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports the move of its UK affiliate and calls on the authorities to take action to prevent such incidents from recurring. The NUJ reported several attacks against media workers covering the match, including: • One news agency photographer tweeted: “Spent the day being threatened by England "fans” in London. Then some nice Italian fans turned up celebrating their win... Shortly after they left as groups of England fans chased them away…  
2402. Maroc: Souleymane Raissouni condamné à 5 ans de prison  

Le journaliste marocain Souleymane Raissouni a été reconnu coupable d’agressions sexuelles sur un militant LGBT et a été condamné par la cour d’Appel de Casablanca à 5 ans de prison et 9450€ d’amendes. La FIJ s’associe à son affilié, le Syndicat national de la presse marocaine (SNPM), et exprime sa vive préoccupation sur l’état de santé de Souleymane Raissouni. Le Syndicat national de la presse marocaine (SNPM) a suivi de très près le procès de Souleymane Raissouni devant la cour d’Appel de Casablanca (Maroc), qui s’est terminé dans sa phase de première instance par un jugement le condamnant à cinq ans de prison et indemnisation du plaignant de 100.000 dirhams (9450€) pour agression…  
2403. Global report shows only slight progress in women's visibility in news  

The sixth edition of the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) released today shows only limited progress has been made on the presence of women in news globally. Women now represent 25% of those heard, seen or listened to in news content. In response, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for media and journalists to change the story on women's portrayal in news and to properly reflect their effective role in society and contribute to democratic debate. Every five years, the GMMP analyses the place of women in news content. According to its latest report, published on 14 July, women only make up 25% of those portrayed in the news, a small 1%…  
2404. Vietnam: Former editor and pro-democracy activist jailed  

A Vietnam court sentenced Pham Chi Thanh to five years and six months in prison, followed by five years of probation for allegedly disseminating anti-state propaganda. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the Vietnam government’s use of this legislation to intimidate journalists and disregard for press freedom. The court sentenced Thanh on July 9 after his arrest in May 2020 under Article 117, which criminalises “creating, storing and disseminating information, documents, items and publications opposing the Social Republic of Vietnam.” Thanh was a former editor at the Voice of Vietnam, a state-run radio broadcaster. After Thanh began opposing the Communist Party of…  
2405. Samoa: Caretaker Prime Minister instigates sexist attack on female journalists  

Prior to the start of a televised interview session by TV3 and Radio Polynesia Reporter, Rula Su’a Vaai, Samoa’s caretaker Prime Minister instructed her to ask him about the sexist allegations against another politician. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Media Association of Samoa (JAWS) condemn this gendered power play by the caretaker Prime Minister and urges the government to allow women journalists to work in a safe space. The interview by Vaai was used by the Caretaker Prime Minister to attack the Fa’atuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi (F.A.S.T) party Chairman and accuse him or advocating sexual violence against women. Samoan women…  
2406. Pakistan: IFJ and IRADA launch landmark review of Pakistan media labour laws  

Despite the existence of a long-established and extensive constitutional and legal framework, Pakistan’s media workers face a redundant and ineffective labour law system that is failing to protect essential worker rights. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) said there is a dire need to review and overhaul the legal framework governing the rights of media workers in Pakistan where it is chronically failing them. The new report, commissioned by the IFJ and developed by the Institute for Research, Advocacy and Development (IRADA), launched on July 13. Decent Work in Pakistani Media: An assessment of labour laws…  
2407. Yemen: Union reports systematic media violations in the first half of 2021  

The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) has documented systematic violations of media freedom in the country between 1 January and 31 June 2021, including arbitrary detentions, kidnappings and threats. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Yemeni affiliate in calling for the release and compensation of all media workers who were victims of these violations and urges the warring parties to respect press freedom and the right to information. The media violations reported by the YJS affect all kinds of media workers, from reporters, photographers, media institutions and journalists’ working material. The YJS's report includes dozens of cases of arbitrary detention,…  
2408. Decent work in Pakistani media: An assessment of labour laws & the impacts for media workers  

Despite the existence of a long-established and extensive constitutional and legal framework, Pakistan’s media workers face a redundant and ineffective labour law system that is failing to protect essential worker rights. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) said there is a dire need to review and overhaul the legal framework governing the rights of media workers in Pakistan where it is chronically failing them. The new report, commissioned by the IFJ and developed by the Institute for Research, Advocacy and Development (IRADA), launched on July 13. Decent Work in Pakistani Media: An assessment of labour…  
2409. Brasil: el abogado de la familia Bolsonaro amenazó a una periodista  

Juliana Dal Piva denunció que Frederick Wassef, abogado de la familia del presidente brasileño Jair Bolsonaro, la amenazó luego de que saliera al aire un podcast conducido por la periodista en el que se expusieron maniobras de corrupción del mandatario. La Federación Nacional de Periodistas (FENAJ), su comisión de Mujeres y el Sindicato de Periodistas Profesionales de Río de Janeiro (SPPMRJ) repudiaron el hecho. La trabajadora de prensa, quien se desempeña como periodista para el portal UOL, realizó una investigación sobre actos de corrupción cometidos por el presidente Jair Bolsonaro cuando ocupaba una banca como diputado. Tras la publicación del último episodio de ese trabajo, que se…  
2410. Guatemala: asesinaron al activista y periodista independiente Frank Stalyn Ramazzini  

El comunicador ya había denunciado amenazas en repetidas ocasiones, producto de sus investigaciones sobre corrupción dentro del sistema penitenciario guatemalteco. En el ataque en el que falleció Ramazzini también fueron asesinadas otras cuatro personas que se encontraban en el lugar y las autoridades aún trabajan en determinar si él era el único objetivo del atentado. El activista y comunicador Fran Rmazzini era presidente de la Asociación Fiscalizadora Pro Justicia y Derechos Humanos y tenía una página de Facebook con casi cincuenta mil seguidorxs, en la cual denunciaba casos de corrupción en el gobierno de Guatemala. Durante la noche del viernes 9 de julio, un grupo de cuatro…  
2411. Georgia: Journalist dies after being severely beaten during Pride march  

Georgian journalist Alexander Lashakarava was found dead at his home on 11 July 2021, a week after he was severely beaten during the Pride march in Tbilisi. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) express their deepest condolences to Alexander’s family and call on the Georgian authorities to launch a transparent and thorough investigation. Alexander Lashakarava (37), a cameraman for independent TV station Pirveli, was one of the journalists assaulted by a violent mob of anti LGBTQI+ protesters while reporting from the Pride march in Tbilisi on 5 July. He sustained fractures to his facial bones. According to local media reports, he was treated at the…  
2412. Afghanistan: Taliban disrupts media outlets in northern provinces  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has received reports of the Taliban controlling and disrupting media outlets since tensions escalated on June 7 when the Taliban launched its first assault on Qala-e-Naw, targeting government forces. The IFJ urges the Taliban to respect independent media and the rights of journalists in the region. The attack on Qala-e-Naw, in the northwest Badghis province, is the first assault on a provincial capital since the United States began withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan. The United States plans to withdraw all troops by August 31. According to reports from IFJ’s affiliate, the Afghanistan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), the…  
2413. Alexander Lashakarava   

The cameraman for Pirveli, an independent TV station, was found dead at his hime one week after he had been severely beaten during the Pride march in Tbilisi.  37-year-old Lashakarava (37) was one of the journalists assaulted by a violent mob of anti LGBTQI+ protesters while reporting from the Pride march on 5 July. He sustained fractures to his facial bones. According to local media reports, he was treated at the medical center for four days. Journalists' safety, Georgia, IFJ, Impunity  
2414. India: Authorities open defamation cases against three journalists  

Authorities in the district of Shahjahanpur opened defamation investigations into Nidhi Suresh, a Newslaundry reporter, Manoj Shukla, a reporter for Bhadas4Media, and Yashwant Singh, an editor for Bhadas4Media on July 4. The International Federation of Journalists urges the state of Uttar Pradesh to stop intimidating members of the press for legitimate reporting. The defamation cases against Suresh, Shukla, and Yashwant originate from a complaint filed by Deep Srivastava, a News18 reporter. The police accepted it and filed a First Information Report under Sections 500 and 501 of the Indian Penal Code. In his complaint, Srivastava claimed that Suresh wrongly accused him of extorting a…  
2415. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 2 and 9 July 2021. English East Africa: Journalists Unite to Demand Action On Media Freedom and Rights At Work, allAfrica.com Iran sentenced a journalist for 3 months for reporting on COVID-19 outbreaks, Insider South Africa: SANEF Condemns the Detention, Assault and Torture of Journalists in eSwatini, allAfrica.com The China ‘COVID-19’ spin to control global media, Goa Chronicle Turkey a world leader in violence against female journalists in…  
2416. Philippines: Farewell to a tireless champion for press freedom  

The Philippines’ media fraternity and journalist unions globally are mourning the loss of a giant of media freedom following the death of Filipino unionist and journalist Nonoy Espina on July 7. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) today paid tribute to a spirited union leader who inspired journalists to fight for press freedom and shone a light on the critical issues affecting journalists in the Philippines. Jose Jaime Espina, popularly known as “Nonoy,” died from liver cancer after recovering from Covid-19, his family said. He was 59. Nonoy turned over chairmanship of the NUJP early in 2021, leaving the respected union in the…  
2417. Sudan: Authorities block news websites  

The Sudanese authorities blocked more than 30 news websites in the run up to protests demanding the resignation of the government. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns these attacks on media freedom and urges the authorities to stop their harassment of journalists. Reports suggest Sudan's public prosecutor ordered the cyber crimes prosecutor's office to block numerous websites, mainly online news sites. The media concerned were not given prior notice. The justification given was to ensure "public safety and tranquillity". However, the public prosecutor denies ordering the blocking. The sites include Al-Sudani (which has been…  
2418. Alert: IRADA and IFJ to launch major review of Pakistan’s labour laws at webinar on Tuesday July 13  

The Institute for Research, Advocacy and Development (IRADA) has written a new report on Pakistan’s labour laws and their impact on media workers, titled Decent Work in Pakistani Media. The report has been created with the support of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists and will be launched at 3:00pm PKT on Tuesday July 13, 2021. Interested parties can register here in order to receive an invite to the launch. This event will feature a speech about the findings of the report from its lead author, Muhammad Aftab Alam, as well as a panel discussion featuring prominent media commentators and union officials. This report was written…  
2419. Philippines: Duterte asks press to remove masks and face shields at press conference  

Philippines’ President Rodrigo Duterte during a press conference on July 1 asked a reporter to take off her face mask and face shield when asking him a question. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists in the Philippines (NUJP) condemn President Duterte’s actions and urge the government of the Philippines to make the health and safety of media workers a priority. The press conference was President Duterte’s first since February 2021 and was held to inaugurate the Light Rail Transit Line 2. TV5 reporter, Maricel Halili, was the first reporter to present a question and after introducing herself and beginning to ask her question,…  
2420. Maldives: Parliamentary committee intervenes in media council case  

A Maldives Parliament standing committee on independent institutions has presented its own complaint to the Maldives Media Council (MMC), a body it is tasked to hold accountable. The International Federation of Journalists and its affiliate the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) express concern at the intervention by the government committee to the council, which represents a “clear conflict of interest” in its role and responsibility. The complaint by the committee followed a letter sent to the government by the Indian High Commission in the Maldives on June 24, which raised concerns about media reporting and social media posts about its diplomatic staff by news website Dhiyares. MJA…  
2421. Chile: policías hirieron a dos reporteros gráficos en la ciudad de Santiago  

Durante la jornada de ayer, dos fotógrafos que se hallaban realizando la cobertura del cortejo fúnebre de una reconocida defensora de los derechos humanos fueron heridos con balas de goma lanzadas por la policía. Uno de los reporteros debió ser hospitalizado por una herida en el rostro. Los trabajadores de prensa fueron agredidos por la policía cuando intentaban dar cuenta del operativo de la fuerza de seguridad que se encontraba apostado en la puerta del cuartel de la Policía de Investigaciones de Chile al momento que una caravana fúnebre pasaba por allí. Al ver que los oficiales estaban fuertemente armados, los fotógrafos decidieron intentar registrar imágenes de la situación, motivo…  
2422. Honduras: capturaron a los presuntos asesinos del periodista Luis Almendares  

El pasado 18 de junio, las autoridades detuvieron a dos personas que habrían sido los autores materiales del ataque al comunicador, que falleció el 28 de septiembre de 2020. Según organizaciones de derechos humanos, Almendares había interpuesto ante la Policía local numerosas denuncias por amenazas y había solicitado ser incorporado a un sistema de protección de trabajadorxs de prensa, pedido que nunca llegó a concretarse. El Observatorio Nacional de la Violencia de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras alertó en un informe que desde 2005 el país registra más de 90 muertes violentas de periodistas, y más del 90% de los casos permanece impune. Luis Alonzo Almendares tenía una página…  
2423. Ethiopia: Relentless crackdown on journalists covering military conflict  

Journalists have been facing increasing threats of arrest and violence in Ethiopia since the start of the war in Tigray. Twelve journalists from two independent media were arrested in late June and reports of atacks against media are common. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the authorities to stop targeting the media and take steps to ensure journalists’ safety. The IFJ denounced the Ethiopian government’s wave of arrests of journalists covering the ongoing conflict in recent months and has renewed its call for action in the face of continued targeting of media in the region. On 30 June, security forces raided the…  
2424. Journalists and the China story: Myanmar  

As Myanmar burns and the structures of Myanmar’s media collapse, China’s years of media outreach are under jeopardy. Diplomatic Complications China is a major economically backer of Myanmar diplomatically, economically and militarily but the history of cooperation in the two countries is nuanced. Bilateral ties were damaged in 2011 by the government’s decision to suspend China’s Myitsone dam project in Kachin state for environmental reasons. After this the Myitsone dam decision, Beijing stepped up its media outreach. The director general of China Radio International, Wang Gengnian, visited in 2012 to sign an agreement to broadcast Chinese TV shows, signalling almost a decade of media…  
2425. Journalists and the China story: Tunisia  

Chinese and Tunisian ties have never been strong, but China’s recent outreach shows just how far its media footprint extends. Mutual Exchange? The IFJ conducted a roundtable of journalists in Tunisia in February 2021. At this roundtable, some journalists said that they had participated in exchange programs offered and subsidized by China. These exchanges were considered important to get a better understanding of Chinese culture but other journalists also expressed concerns about the lack of impartiality exhibited by those who went on exchange programs after their journey. As the birthplace of the Arab Spring, journalists at the roundtable asserted that the country enjoyed an environment…  
2426. Journalists and the China story: Serbia  

Serbia’s foreign influence historically from neighbouring Russia. Today, China is establishing a role in the country’s economy, politics, and media through providing billions of euros in soft loans for telecommuncations infrastructure and developing a “digital silk road” through Serbia. Building Bridges The China Road and Bridge Corporation, a state-owned enterprise, built the Pupin Bridge across the Danube River in Belgrade in 2014. Since then, China has built a great deal more in Serbia. In June 2019, Huawei partnered with Serbia to roll-out its first 5G base station in the Science-Technology Park Belgrade. Huawei also teamed up with Serbia’s Interior Ministry on a “Smart Cities” project…  
2427. Eswatini: South African journalists detained and tortured  

Security forces in Eswatini arrested and tortured two South African journalists covering pro-democracy protests on 4 July. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) denounces the mistreatment and arbitrary detention of these reporters and calls on the Eswatini authorities to stop its attacks on press freedom and the right to information. Cebelihle Mbuyisa and Magnificent Mndebele, two South African journalists working for New Frame, were on assignment in Eswatini to report on recent pro-democracy demonstrations which have been violently suppressed by the authorities. On their way back from the funeral of Vincent Bhembe, a civilian killed by security forces outside a…  
2428. Palestine: Strike call after security forces attack journalists covering demonstrations  

Palestinian security forces have repeatedly attacked and harassed journalists covering recent anti-government demonstrations across the West Bank. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), has responded by calling on all Palestinian journalists to strike to protest against the violent attacks on media workers. Since the killing of Palestinian activist Nizar Banat on 24 June, thousands of civilians have joined demonstrations against the government across the West Bank and called for an independent investigation into his killing. During the demonstrations, Palestinian Authority security forces are targeting media workers,…  
2429. Belarus: Solidarity with Belarusian journalists  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) have again expressed their solidarity with Belarusian journalists as the crackdown against critical voices continues. The Federations have urged European authorities to take immediate action against the Belarusian government for violating media freedom with impunity and undermining the public's right to know. UPDATED on 8.07.21 On 30 June, detained journalist Andrej Aliaksandraŭ was charged with high treason. If convicted, he could face up to 15 years in prison. Aliaksandraŭ, who has been in custody since January, was previously charged with ‘organising and preparing actions grossly disturbing public order’. Those charges…  
2430. India: Authorities question editor and editor-in-chief in their investigation of Newsclick  

Newsclick’s editor, Pranjal Pandey, and editor-in-chief, Prebir Purkayastha, were questioned on June 30 by authorities from India’s Income Tax Department, claiming that they were investigating a case of money laundering within the news outlet. The International Federation of Journalists condemns the investigation into this independent and progressive voice within the region and asserts the rights of journalists to report without fear of harassment. Purkayastha and Pandey were questioned on June 30 for around five hours after authorities raided NewsClick’s offices. The pair was questioned by investigators over their tax filings, transactions, contracts and syndicated content. On the morning…  
2431. Dutch journalist in critical condition after being shot five times  

Dutch journalist Peter R. de Vries is fighting for his life in hospital after being shot five times in Lange Leidsedwars street in Amsterdam yesterday evening at around 7.30. The police has arrested three suspects. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) condemned the murder attempt as another tragic blow to press freedom in Europe. On Tuesday evening, Peter R. de Vries was a guest on daily television programme RTL Boulevard. After leaving the building, he was shot several times at close range, including in the head, in a side street of the studio. Amsterdam’s mayor Femke Halsema told a press conference that the investigative journalist was “fighting for his…  
2432. Georgia: violent attacks against journalists during Pride march in Tbilisi  

More than 40 journalists were physically attacked and injured yesterday on 5 July by far-right protesters as they reported on Pride events in Tbilisi. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) condemn the violent attacks against the press and the LGBTQ+ community, and call on the Interior Ministry to ensure those responsible are quickly identified and prosecuted. Anti-LGBT protesters disrupted the "March for Dignity" during the 2021 Tbilisi Pride and attacked activists and media representatives. Journalists covering the event were harassed, beaten and their equipment was stolen and damaged. Among the journalists injured were Radio Free…  
2433. Pakistan: FIA Counter-Terrorism Wing serves notice to anchorperson  

Pakistan’s Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) issued a notice to senior anchorperson Nadeem Malik from Samaa TV following comments made on his program concerning judge Arshad Malik’s case. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Pakistani government to withdraw the notice. The FIA Counter-Terrorism Wing in Islamabad issued a notice under section 160 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Pakistani law on July 2 to Malik to appear before the FIA and produce all relevant documents and information in reference to comments made on Malik’s live program on Samaa TV that aired on April 28, 2021. In the program, Malik discussed former judge Arshad Malik’s decision to disqualify…  
2434. Serbia: Working together to improve working conditions for journalists in the aftermath of the pandemic  

Union members from across Serbia joined IFJ officials to discuss the impact of Covid-19 on the working conditions of journalists and media workers - and to plan campaigns to tackle labour rights concerns. The webinar, with members of the journalists' union SINOS, was organised under the Union Recruitment and Organising 2021 project funded by Union to Union. Thirteen Executive and board members actively participated in the meeting in addition to a young student journalist. Participants discussed their common experiences of the lack of teleworking regulations for media workers in Serbia; journalists having to work longer hours with no increase in…  
2435. Palestine: New call for UN to speak out on Israeli targeting of journalists  

Israel’s systematic targeting of journalists working in Palestine and its failure to properly investigate killings of media workers violates the rights to life and freedom of expression and may amount to war crimes, the International Federation of Journalists told the 47th session of the UN’s Human Rights Council in Geneva. Speaking via video link, Jennifer Robinson, legal counsel to the IFJ and its affiliate the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) urged Irene Khan, the UN Special Rapporteur, to act on their complaint submitted last December detailing the systematic targeting of journalists on behalf of four named victims – Ahmed Abu Hussein, Yaser Murtaja, Muath Armaneh and Nedal…  
2436. Eastern Africa: Journalists unite to demand action on media freedom and rights at work  

Journalists’ union leaders from across Eastern Africa have vowed to step up the fight for fair pay, better working conditions and media freedoms at a summit held in Kenya. The Standing United for Media Freedom and Better Working Conditions Eastern African Journalists Summit brought together representatives of national journalists’ unions and associations from eight countries from 28-29 June. They were joined by senior representatives of Central Organisation of Trade Unions of Kenya (COTU-K), African Regional Organisation of the International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC-Africa), African Union Commission (AUC), International Labour Organisation - Bureau for Workers 'Activities…  
2437. India: UP journalist hit by car and assaulted after critical report  

Pateshwari Singh, a journalist associated with Bharat Kanak and Jana Sandesh Times, was hit by a vehicle and beaten up on June 29 after publishing critical news about a politician in Uttar Pradesh. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliates, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists – India (NUJ-I) urge for the impartial investigation into the case. The bureau chief of Bharat Kanak and the Ayodhya correspondent for Jan Sandesh Times  was  on his way from Tatarganj to JB Nagar Colony on the morning of June 29 when he was hit by black car while riding his motorcycle in the city of Kotwali. Five to six…  
2438. Vietnam: Independent journalist arrested for opposing socialist party  

Le Van Dung, the owner of CHTV, a digital news channel in Vietnam, was arrested on July 1. He was charged under Article 117 of Vietnam’s Penal Code for reporting on corruption and other issues deemed politically sensitive. The International Federation of Journalists urges the Vietnamese government to release Dung and condemns this attack on freedom of the press. The police initially attempted to arrest the independent journalist on May 25. Vietnamese authorities attended Dung’s house to place him under arrest yet he was away from home in Hanoi. Unable to arrest Dung, authorities instead took his computer and two phones belonging to Dung’s wife, Bui Thi Hue. On June 1, authorities issued a…  
2439. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 25 June and 2 July 2021. English Hong Kong needs law to tackle ‘hostility against the police’, says force’s new chief, The Guardian Islamabad HC warns Pak’s FIA against misuse of authority, threatens heavy fine, Ani News Anton Hammerl’s family looks to the UN for help in getting justice for his death, Independent Online Widow of Anton Hammerl, killed in Libya, asks UN to investigate his death, Mail & Guardian Agency photographer attempts…  
2440. Freedom for Julian Assange as he turns 50  

Journalist Julian Assange is still being held in a maximum-security prison in London. On 3 July, he will celebrate his 50th birthday behind bars and suffering ill in poor health. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns once again his politically motivated and prolonged detention and urges his immediate release. Julian Assange has been detained in the UK since April 2019, after seven years he spent in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. The Australian journalist, WikiLeaks founder and IFJ press card holder was charged in the United States under the Espionage Act for WikiLeaks' 2010 publications of classified documents, notably on the US crimes during the war in Iraq and…  
2441. Maroc. Déclaration de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et du Syndicat national de la presse marocaine (SNPM)  

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de la profession représentant 600.000 journalistes dans 150 pays, a participé aux côtés de son affilié marocain, le Syndicat national de la presse marocaine (SNPM), aux audiences de la Cour d’Appel de Casablanca où sont impliqués les journalistes Souleymane Raissouni et Omar Radi, en détention préventive. Le premier est poursuivi pour tentative d’attentat à la pudeur avec violences et séquestration sur un activiste marocain de la communauté LGBT; le second pour un viol sur une journaliste marocaine avec laquelle il travaillait. La FIJ et le SNPM ont d’ailleurs organisé un sit-in devant la cour d’Appel de…  
2442. Colombia: la violencia contra manifestantes y periodistas no cesa  

Durante las jornadas de protesta que se llevaron adelante este martes, las trabajadoras de prensa Katy Sánchez y Alexandra Molina de RCN Radio fueron agredidas por agentes del Escuadrón Móvil Antidisturbios (ESMAD) cuando intentaban registrar el momento en el que un grupo de policías derribaba a golpes a un adolescente que circulaba en bicicleta. Al acercarse al lugar, y pese a que se presentaron como periodistas, fueron golpeadas por los uniformados, que finalmente se llevaron detenido al joven. Desde abril, Colombia atraviesa una profunda crisis por las brutales represiones policiales con las que el Gobierno nacional decidió enfrentar a las masivas movilizaciones que la población…  
2443. Sudan: Al Jazeera journalist illegaly arrested by security forces  

Sudanese security forces arrested Al Jazeera journalist Ali Abou Shaleh while he was covering anti-government protests in Khartoum and released him hours later. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Sudanese affiliate, the Sudanese Journalists Union (SJU), strongly condemn the arbitrary arrest and demand accountability for the mistreatment of our colleague. Abou Shaleh was in the Sudanese capital to cover demonstrations against Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok when security armed forces arrested him. According to his colleague Al-Taher Al-Mardi, who was with Shaleh at the time of his detention, the authorities didn’t give him time to introduce himself as a reporter for Al…  
2444. Turkey: Journalists lives put at risk by drama series  

The unauthorised use of IFJ International Press Cards (IPC) by undercover military agents posing as journalists in a Turkish drama series has been condemned as potentially putting media workers' lives in danger. In the TV series Teskilat two undercover Turkish security agents are stopped at a checkpoint entering Northern Iraq and show their press cards, claiming they are working journalists. The cards are replicas of the IFJ issued IPC, the world’s oldest and most-recognised media accreditation for professionals. Unions in Turkey and Iraq condemned the scene, claiming it put all bona fide journalists in the region in danger. IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger said: “The IPC…  
2445. España: En defensa de Radio Televisión Madrid y la libertad de información  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) comparte y respalda el comunicado de los/as trabajadores/as de Radio Televisión Madrid y rechaza la iniciativa legislativa para controlar el ente público. "Los medios de comunicación constituyen un canal fundamental para la participación de la sociedad en la que se desarrollan. Una ciudadanía activa y participativa requiere de un acceso a información veraz y de calidad que las instituciones públicas deben preservar y asegurar. Al respecto, los medios de comunicación públicos han venido cumpliendo una triple función a lo largo de su historia reciente: informar, formar y entretener. Asimismo, el derecho a la libertad de expresión y el derecho…  
2446. Sri Lanka: Government cancels probe into sexual harassment in the media industry  

Sri Lanka’s media minister Keheliya Rambukwella informed reporters his ministry would not launch an investigation into allegations of sexual harassment in media institutions despite a significant number of women journalists sharing their experiences on Twitter. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates, the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA), the Free Media Movement (FMM) and the Federation of Media Employees' Trade Union (FMETU) urge the Sri Lankan government not to delay the investigations into the issue. Rambukwella backtracked on the announcement made on July 22 that said his ministry would investigate the reports made on social media of sexual…  
2447. Haití: asesinaron al periodista Diego Charles  

Los hechos sucedieron anoche, cuando el periodista llegaba a su casa en el barrio Christ-Roi de la capital haitiana. La activista Antoinette Duclair se encontraba con Charles y también murió, víctima de las balas disparadas por personas que circulaban en motocicletas. Hasta el momento, se desconoce el móvil de estos crímenes, que se enmarcan en una jornada violenta en Haití, en la cual se registraron más de una docena de asesinatos que deben ser esclarecidos por las autoridades. Diego Charles se desempeñaba como periodista en Radio Vision 2000, Gazette Haiti News, La Repiblik y Zoom Haiti News. Al momento de ser asesinado, se encontraba con la dirigente opositora del movimiento Matris…  
2448. Argentina: se lanzó el Pacto Ético contra la Desinformación  

De cara a las próximas elecciones de medio término a disputarse en noviembre, la Federación Argentina de Trabajadorxs de Prensa (FATPREN) realizó la presentación de un Pacto Ético que busca frenar la difusión de fake news y desalentar el uso de redes sociales y servicios de mensajería para campañas de desinformación. La iniciativa fue pensada como un “aporte a la transparencia informativa” para que la discusión política se construya sobre la base de datos certeros y la ciudadanía reciba información veraz y debidamente chequeada. La presentación contó con la participación de referentes sindicales de todo el país, periodistas de distintos medios y dirigentes políticos. Todxs ellxs se…  
2449. Syria: Authorities in north-eastern Syria close Kurdistan 24 offices  

On 20 June, the Media Department of the Autonomous Administration of north and east Syria ordered the closure of broadcast news station Kurdistan 24 in the region and revoked the media's license. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) denounces the muzzling of the press and demands the immediate lifting of the ban. On the day the Media Department took its decision, security forces of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) forcibly closed the regional office of Kurdistan 24 in Qamishli. According to the region’s authorities, Kurdistan 24 is responsible for inciting violence and spreading hate speech, as well as for promoting conflict among the Kurdish community. However, no…  
2450. New guidelines for journalists who face online harassment and abuse  

The Media Lawyers’ Association (MLA) and the UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport have just published a new guide for journalists who face online harassment and abuse. The guide includes a clear definition of online abuse, a list of all possible steps an abused journalist can take, and information around the timing to pursue legal action. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes this new guide, which represents a valuable and comprehensive resource to assist journalists facing online violence in the United Kingdom and in other parts of the world. "Threats to journalist safety may take many forms. The “new frontline”, as described in a recent UNESCO report,…  
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