15041 results:

211. AI: “Media working practices must be consistent with responsible reporting” says IFJ  

The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on journalism, work and employment was a central theme addressed at TADAM’s first seminar on artificial intelligence and media held at UCLouvain in Belgium on 12-13 June. TADAM - Tools & Awareness about Disinformation, Algorithm and Media is an EU funded project aimed at bringing together the sectors of media education, research, journalists’ unions (IFJ), and teachers to reflect on challenges, best practices and educational resources on artificial intelligence and media.  The first event held on 12-13 June at UCLouvain in Belgium brought together researchers, acamedics, journalists and media educators to identify core challenges raised…  
212. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 8 June to 14 June 2024. English Chinese journalist who raised alarm over COVID is in hiding: is the world noticing? - The Conversation  Briefing of KUNA main news - Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) Controversial Defamation Bill Becomes Law in Punjab - Global Village Space Opinion: Chinese journalist who raised alarm over COVID is in hiding: is the world noticing? - AJU Press Ethics for protecting vulnerable sources - IJNET Global crackdown on…  
213. Argentina: trabajadores y trabajadoras de prensa entre la represión y las conquistas  

Lxs trabajadorxs de prensa en Argentina enfrentaron una nueva y lamentable represión en la que fueron afectadxs por el accionar directo de la policía, pero en paralelo, obtuvieron una conquista al evitar la privatización de los medios públicos. La Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) y la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) condenan la represión y celebran los frutos de una consecuente lucha. El pasado 12 de junio la Cámara de Senadores de la Argentina trató un proyecto de ley enviado por el gobierno del presidente Javier Milei, que enfrentó una masiva movilización frente al Congreso por parte de decenas de sindicatos y otras organizaciones, entre ellas…  
214. #IFJBlog: Hot case of the cold-blooded murder of journalist Milan Pantić in Serbia  

According to the Commission for Investigating Murders of Journalists in Serbia, the murder of Večernje Novosti journalist Milan Pantić has been clarified. The masterminds and the motive are known. What is lacking is – material evidence from the crime scene. Yet 23 years after the crime, prosecutors in Serbia have played a dangerous game of impunity, passing the "hot potato" of the murder of a journalist back and forth as in a ‘rule of law chess game’. On June 11, 2001, around 7:30 a.m., journalist Milan Pantić, a correspondent of Večernje Novosti in Jagodina, a small town in Serbia, was killed with three brutal blows to the head. The cold-blooded murder happened as the victim was entering…  
215. #EU: First workshop on diversity and inclusion  

Join our first online discussions for a respectful and effective news coverage, mindful of gender and inclusion to be held on 17 June from 10am - 1 pm CET Working languages are English, Italian and Spanish.  AGENDA Introduction - DE&IJ Project (from 10.00 to 10,20 am) - ENG The ethical and business value of DE&I (from 10,20 to 11,00 am) - ENG Break (from 11,00 to 11,20)  Inclusive communication (from 11,20 to 12,30 am) - ENG/ITA/ESP Break (from 12,30 to 12,40 am) Q&A (from 12,40 to 13,00 am) - ENG/ITA/ESP Register: here.  Download full program here These discussions are part of the Advancing Diversity…  
216. Valery Kozhin  

On 13 June, Valery Kozhin, a cameraman of Russian state-controlled media NTV, died after a shelling attack near Horlivka, in the occupied Donetsk region. NTV had previously claimed that their staff, cameraman Kozhin and correspondent Alexei Ivliyev, sustained serious injuries in a Ukrainian shelling attack and had been taken to a hospital, where Kozhin died.      Ukraine, Russia, Russian, safety, journalist, journalism, impunity, Valery Kozhin, NTV, media, IFJ, union, killing,  
217. México: Hallan los restos de Víctor Manuel Jiménez Campos, desaparecido desde 2020  

El cuerpo sin vida del periodista fue encontrado en un pozo de agua abandonado en el municipio de Villagrán, tras casi cuatro años de búsqueda. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas se suma al reclamo de nuestro sindicato afiliado por el esclarecimiento de las causas y responsables de la muerte de nuestro colega y exige que se investigue bajo el Protocolo Homologado de Delitos contra la Libertad de Expresión. El hallazgo fue confirmado por la Fiscalía del Estado de Guanajuato a la familia del comunicador, que se encontraba desaparecido desde el 1 de noviembre de 2020, cuando dejó de responder llamados y mensajes de sus allegados mientras se encontraba realizando una cobertura de un…  
218. Mozambique: Journalist arrested, others harassed and equipment seized  

Mozambican journalists reporter Laves Macatane and cameraman Helder Matwassa, who work for Soico Television (STV), were harassed by the police and their equipment seized, while reporting on a demonstration of former secret service agents, who were protesting over non-payment of pensions. They were outside at the premises of the United Nations Development Programme Headquarters in Maputo on 4 June. Journalist and human rights activist, Sheila Wilson was arrested by the police while live streaming the protest. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemned these forms of reckless attacks by the police on journalists who were only performing their duties. Journalist Sheila…  
219. Western Balkans: Tell us why young journalists should join the union  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is inviting young journalists to design and produce a short video, leaflet, poster, social media post or other creative and innovative tools aimed at convincing younger workers – their peers – why they should join a journalists’ union. The author of the selected entry will win 500€, and the kudos of being an international competition winner! The entry may focus on the general theme of why unions are beneficial for younger workers, to specific issues – pay, contracts, gender equality, training, media freedom, safety or any other media or labour-related issue . The choice is yours!   The entry can be a single product or a short…  
220. #IFJBlog- Artificial intelligence: “a human author must be responsible for every item of news published”  

The recent collective agreement reached between French daily Le Monde and journalists’ unions over GAFAM uses of journalistic works, including Open AI, and granting journalists 25% of the sums received is seen by IFJ French affiliates as a clear victory. But much remains to be done the world over to secure journalists' jobs and remuneration in AI’s ever evolving context. Tim Dawson is IFJ deputy General Secretary and services the  IFJ's AI working group. He will be speaking on 12 June in Louvain La Neuve, Belgium, at TADAM*'s conference on artificial intelligence raising journalists' voices in today's AI debate.  He tells us about his fears and hopes regarding AI progress in…  
221. Vietnam: Prominent journalist arrested for social media posts  

Vietnamese authorities announced on June 7 that journalist and writer Huy Duc had been arrested a week prior for ‘abusing democratic freedoms’, linked to several critical posts made by the journalist. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the journalist’s arrest and call for his immediate release. On June 1, Truong Huy San, widely known under the name Huy Duc, failed to attend a scheduled keynote speech at a seminar, inspiring concern from colleagues and supporters. On June 7, the Ministry of Public Security confirmed that Duc, as well as lawyer Tran Dinh Trien, had been arrested under Article 331 of the Vietnamese Penal Code, which relates to the alleged abuse of…  
222. India: Journalists attacked, threatened  

India’s journalists have faced assaults, attacks, and threats over the past few weeks, with India’s recent elections and Israel’s war on Gaza threatening journalist safety. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), in condemning the attacks, and calling on state and national authorities to take action to guarantee the safety of journalists and uphold press freedom. On May 31, Vinay Pande, an independent journalist, registered a police complaint after receiving death threats, including one message threatening to behead him, on Instagram. Pande registered a police complaint with the Nagpur police, with Police Commissioner…  
223. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 1 June to 7 June 2024. English 'Israel' arrested 80 Palestinian journalists from WB, Gaza since Oct 7 - Al Mayadeen Official Palestinian media condemns Israel's detention of female WAFA journalist, Hirzallah - WAFA  Int'l press body condemns Israeli occupiers' attack on Palestinian journalists - Kuna The mighty pen - The News Chung Chung-rae (photo), a lawmaker of the Democratic Party of Korea, has re-proposed  the Media Arbitration…  
224. TADAM -Tools & Awareness about Disinformation, Algorithm and Media  

TADAM -Tools & Awareness about Disinformation, Algorithm and Media TADAM -Tools & Awareness about Disinformation, Algorithm and Media is an EU-Funded project looking into challenges, best practices and educational resources on artificial intelligence and media.  Artificial intelligence has huge potential to benefit journalism. Without sufficient regulation, and the prior agreement of those it impacts, however, AI has the potential to negatively affect jobs, journalistic ethics, and authors’ rights, as well as exacerbating unfair bias.  The project involves 9 partners including the IFJ. It looks into the impact of artificial intelligence and algorithms…  
225. Advancing Diversity & Inclusion in Journalism  

Advancing Diversity & Inclusion in Journalism The Advancing Diversity & Inclusion in Journalism (AD&IJ) project aims to promote diversity and inclusion (D&I) in journalism by improving journalists' understanding of D&I values and practices in news coverage, raising awareness among news media organisations of the importance of having diversified newsrooms, indirectly reinforcing public trust in journalism, and developing useful and feasible Guidelines for a D&I-sensitive journalism. Objectives Enhance journalists’ understanding of the D&I values and practices in news coverage. Raise awareness among news media organisations of the importance of having…  
226. Palestine: Israeli mob attacks journalists covering nationalist flag march in occupied East Jerusalem  

Freelance Palestinian journalist Saif Al-Qawasmi was beaten by right-wing marchers while reporting on the nationalist flag march on 5 June in Jerusalem’s Old City. Local and foreign journalists were also assaulted and verbally abused. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), in condemning widespread attacks and violence against journalists who were carrying on their duties, and calls on the Israeli police to hold the perpetrators to account. Videos of Palestinian freelance journalist Saif Al-Qawasmi, wearing a vest labelled ‘press’ and being beaten by a group of far-right youth during the Israeli flag parade on 5…  
227. Hong Kong: Journalists obstructed, detained on Tiananmen anniversary  

As Hong Kong police crackdown on commemorations of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, journalists and media workers have faced obstruction and harassment from authorities. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Hong Kong Police Force to allow the media to work without interference from police, and authorities to ensure the city’s constitutional commitments to press freedom are upheld. In a video posted to social media, Swiss photographer Marc Progin and an unidentified woman can be seen being escorted by police away from a press contingent covering commemorations of the Tiananmen Square Massacre in Hong Kong’s Causeway Bay, before being taken into a police vehicle.…  
228. Montenegro: Alarming last-minute changes to the draft Law on National Public Broadcasting  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) and their affiliate, the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (TUMM), sent a letter to the members of the Parliament of Montenegro expressing serious concern about the significant last-minute changes to the draft Law on National Public Broadcasting in Montenegro. The Prime Minister’s Office has amended the agreed text of the draft Law, on which the Working Group on Media Legislation had been working for almost 30 months, without public consultation. We urge the Parliament to clarify and amend the text to ensure the normal and sustainable functioning of the endangered media sector. To: MPs in the Parliament of…  
229. Argentina: El ministro de Justicia radicó denuncias penales contra dos periodistas  

El ministro Mariano Cúneo Libarona acusó a dos colegas ante el Poder Judicial por supuesta "instigación a cometer delitos". La Federación Internacional de Periodistas rechaza esta acción que busca penalizar el ejercicio de la profesión, especialmente cuando se busca encuadrarlo en figuras delictivas. Esta iniciativa del ministro, que busca penalizar el ejercicio de la profesión periodística, se suma a los permanentes ataques a lxs trabajadorxs de prensa por parte de distintos funcionarios del gobierno, incluyendo al presidente Javier Milei, que han implicado desde hostigamientos verbales directos e individualizados por parte del presidente, pasando por el anuncio de cierre de la agencia de…  
230. France: Soutien Motaz Azaiza pour le prix liberté  

En février 2024 les jurés du prix Liberté – organisé par la région Normandie en France ont désigné le photojournaliste palestinien Motaz Azaiza comme lauréat du prix qui récompense chaque année des personnalités engagées en faveur de la liberté et de la paix. Le prix doit lui être remis ce mardi 4 juin. Mais depuis quelques jours, le président de l'Association Culturelle Israélite de Caenréclame "l'annulation de cet événement immoral". La FIJ se joint à ses affiliés français pour réclamer l'attribution du prix à Motaz et engage ses membres à signer la pétition de soutien au journaliste. Motaz Azaiza mérite le prix Liberté Soutien au journaliste palestinien ! Motaz Azaiza est un…  
231. Greece: Rethinking journalistic practices for a gender-responsive political coverage  

IFJ Greek affiliate JUADN held a two-day training seminar on "Gender equality in the public and political discourse" on 31 May. This training is part of a series of actions launched by the IFJ and its affiliates in the EU to combat gender stereotypes in political reporting. IFJ trainers Nefeli Angkyridou and Angeliki Lazou introduced tools to combat gender stereotypes in the news and in public discourse. Through critical analysis of articles, photographs and videos, the 15 trainees had the opportunity to analyze and identify stereotypical references embedded in editorial choices, either consciously or unconsciously, with examples from national and international press. A…  
232. Serbia: Journalists face SLAPP lawsuits from Serbia's senior judge  

Belgrade Court of Appeal’s most senior judge, Dušanka Đorđević, has filed two lawsuits against KRIK investigative media journalists Bojana Pavlović and Stevan Dojčinović as a result of their investigative work on the judicial transparency database ‘Judge Who Judges’. The International Federation of Journalists, joins its affiliate IJAS – Independent Journalists Association of Serbia, in denouncing the action and asks the court to dismiss this baseless claims. Crime and Corruption Research Network or KRIK is a non-profit organisation established to improve investigative journalism in Serbia, especially uncovering cases of organised crime and corruption. KRIK produces in-depth investigative…  
233. Germany: Journalist Ignacio Rosaslanda was physically assaulted by police while covering a police operation  

The undersigned international media freedom, free expression, and journalist organisations call on the German authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the physical attack by Berlin police on Mexican video journalist Ignacio Rosaslanda while he was covering a police operation. The journalist who is working for the daily Berliner Zeitung, was not only prevented from reporting and physically abused but was also arbitrarily detained for hours without medical care. We urge authorities to take appropriate measures to ensure that the attack does not go unpunished and strengthen the protection of journalists who are vulnerable targets during demonstrations. On 23 May 2024, Mexican…  
234. Bangladesh: Two journalists attacked on duty  

Assaults have rocked Bangladesh’s media community, with journalist Aklakur Rahman Akash suffering serious damage to his eye following an assault near a factory in Savar on May 26, while journalist Enamul Haque was stabbed on May 27 while investigating a rice mill in Islampur. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the attacks against journalists and urges Bangladeshi authorities to launch immediate and transparent investigations of the incidents and uphold press freedom. On May 26, Daily Star Savar correspondent Aklakur Rahman Akash was attacked while covering a dispute between owners of a ceramic factory in Savar on the outskirts of the capital, Dhaka. According to…  
235. Palestine: the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate commemorated its centenary  

On behalf of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Jim Boumelha attended the commemoration of the centenary of the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS) in Al-Bireh city on 29 May. The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) commemorated the centenary of its founding by unveiling a memorial for martyred journalists, amidst a significant international and union presence. This event took place on Wednesday 29 May behind the Istiqlal Garden in Al-Bireh city, attended by officials, a large number of ambassadors and diplomats, representatives from UNESCO, and a large crowd of Palestinian journalists. Abu Yousef conveyed the greetings of President Mahmoud Abbas, saying: "The…  
236. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 25 May to 31 May 2024. English Israel's growing media censorship of the Gaza war - The New Arab Journalist with Pakistan’s ARY News ‘taken’ by officers, whereabouts unknown — family  - The New Arab Another Pakistani journalist 'taken away' in Karachi - The Daily Pakistan Despite risk, a photographer stays at the front line in Myanmar - RFA The silencing of Sangita Myska matters - Sussex Bylines Pakistan: International Federation for…  
237. EU: Join workshops to discuss diversity and inclusion in journalism  

Join our next discussions on diversity and inclusion in journalism at our upcoming workshops on 17 and 26 June. As part of the EU funded project on "Advancing diversity and inclusion in journalism" in which the IFJ is a partner, two online discussions will be orgised in June. IFJ affiliates are welcome to attend. Working languages are English, Italian and Spanish.  17 June (10am to 1 pm CET): For a respectful and effective news coverage, mindful of gender and inclusion. Register: here.  26 June (10 am to 1 pm CET): Building more inclusive and safe newsrooms. Register: here. More about the project here. gender, inclusion, workshop,…  
238. Ola al-Dahdouh  

On 31 May, journalist and presenter of local radio Watan, Ola al-Dahdouh, was killed in an Israeli bombing of her home on Al-Jalaa Street in central Gaza City, PJS reported.  Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, impunity, safety, IFJ, union, solidarity, killed, journalism, FIP, FIJ, Arab world, Israel, war, rights, journalist,  
239. The Gambia: GPU, IFJ hold three-day TOT workshop on Migration Reporting  

The Gambia Press Union (GPU) in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) under the Information , Training and Migration Project in West Africa (INFORMA) held a three- day Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop on Migration Reporting in The Gambia from 28 -30 May. The three -day TOT brought together 11 senior journalists from radio, television, newspapers and online media from the public and private media.   The TOT is part of a series of training programmes that will be conducted in three West Africa countries, namely Senegal, Niger and The Gambia, with the objective of strengthening and improving the quality of information on migration and mobility including…  
240. Russia: Detained Ukrainian journalist Viktoria Roshchyna must be released  

Russia’s Ministry of Defence confirmed, on 27 May, that it has detained Ukrainian investigative journalist Viktoria Roshchyna. She had been reported missing while reporting in the Russian-occupied territory in August last year. Along with our affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) condemn the arrest of Roshchyna and urge the Russian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release her. According to a letter dated 17 April 2024 received by Roshchyna’s father from the Russian military police, the Ukrainian investigative journalist is currently being detained in Russia. Her father shared the…  
241. Palestine: Global union leaders affirm support for Palestinian trade unions and the Palestinian people  

This week leaders of eight Global Union Federations (GUFs) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) travelled to Ramallah to convey their solidarity to unions in the West Bank and Gaza. These organisations represent almost every sector of the global economy and have members in more than 150 countries representing over 200 million workers. Working with Palestinian affiliates and others, the GUFs, all members of the Council of Global Unions (CGU), pledged to intensify efforts to help local trade unions navigate these difficult times for workers and fulfil their role as key drivers of change in Palestine. The delegation, which included the General Secretaries of the ITUC and the…  
242. Greece: New collective agreement to boost gender equality in State and public media  

On 23 May, journalists’ unions in Greece and the government signed a collective labour agreement for journalists employed by the State and public media. The agreement includes new gender equality provisions and enhanced protection for women journalists against harassment. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) congratulates its Greek affiliates, the Journalists' Union of Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN), and the Union of Magazine and Electronic Press Journalists (ESPIT) on this major achievement. The agreement, jointly signed by the journalists’ unions JUADN and ESPIT, will be valid for two years, from January 2024 to December 2025. This update of the previous collective labour…  
243. Palestine: Record number of Palestinian journalists’ arbitrarily arrested by Israel  

[UPDATE 29.05.2024] Seventy-six Palestinian journalists and media workers have been arrested by Israel’s security forces in the occupied West Bank and Gaza since the Hamas-led attack in southern Israel on 7 October, 2023. To date, 50 of them are still in prison, including 20 who have been subject to administrative detention, according to the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed by the record number of journalists arbitrarily arrested as part of Israel’s broader campaign to intimidate and deter them from reporting on the military occupation. The IFJ calls on Israel to halt its persecution of Palestinian journalists, and…  
244. Pakistan: Punjab government rush through defamation act  

The Punjab Provincial Assembly has passed the Punjab Defamation Act of 2024 despite protests from observing journalists and opposition politicians and widespread criticism for its ‘draconian’ provisions. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), condemn the bill’s passing, highlight its potential to be weaponised against critics of the governments, and urge provincial and national authorities to uphold press freedom. On May 20, the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab ratified the Defamation Bill of 2024, dismissing all amendments suggested by both opposition political parties and media stakeholders. Nominally aimed…  
245. #IFJBlog: Legal bullying restricts reporting  

In June 1998, I reported the ceremonial conferring of an honorary degree on a major British businessman. It provided an opportunity for a quick chat with the reclusive tycoon. I introduced myself, and asked, among other things, about his plans to buy a particular newspaper publishing group. There had been speculation about his plans, but no confirmation. “We are very interested, we are working on plans, but the price is too high at the moment”, he told me. I wrote the story up, and it led the Sunday Times business coverage in its following edition. A few days later, the paper’s lawyer called me. She had received notice of legal proceedings. The subject of my interview claimed that my…  
246. Malaysia: Tamil journalists reportedly threatened  

The owner of a Tamil newspaper allegedly threatened several journalists in Tamil language media, with a local politician reportedly issuing legal summons against three news portals. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) in condemning the attack and calling on authorities to investigate in the incident and uphold press freedom. Through May, three Tamil media portals were reportedly sent a summons notice by a leader of a political party, while a local Tamil newspaper owner has reportedly threatened several Tamil newspaper reporters and portals. Two journalists, P Puvaneswaran and M Pavalam have…  
247. Ghana: Journalist assaulted by political activists  

Journalist Dakurugu Abubakar Ndeeya of media company Zaa Multimedia was physically assaulted and brutalised by supporters of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) on 16 May outside the media’s headquarters in Tamale, northern Ghana, where the NPP was holding a series of political events. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA), in condemning this act of brutality on a journalist who was only performing his professional duties. According to local media reports, journalist Dakurugu Abubakar Ndeeya was filming an altercation between some NPP sympathisers and a police officer, when the reporter was attacked and brutalised by four…  
248. Pakistan: Two journalists killed in three days  

On May 21, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa digital journalist Kamran Dawar was fatally shot in North Waziristan, while Sindh journalist Nasrullah Gadani was killed on May 24, after sustaining multiple bullet wounds during an attack on May 21. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), strongly condemn the killing of the journalists, and urge authorities conduct immediate, transparent, and comprehensive investigations into their killings. Nasrullah Gadani, associated with the daily Awami Awaz newspaper, was shot three times by three unknown assailants while travelling from his home to the Mirpur Mathelo Press Club at around…  
249. México: recientes amenazas a periodistas evidencian la falta de intervención eficaz del Gobierno  

En las últimas semanas, distintas amenazas y hostigamientos a periodistas, tanto desde autoridades como desde el ámbito criminal y desde empresas privadas, vuelven a poner la atención sobre el ejercicio de la profesión en México. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia estos ataques y reitera la responsabilidad del Estado en garantizar fehacientemente la labor y la vida de lxs colegas. Alberto Amaro Jordán, director del medio digital La Prensa de Tlaxcala, fue amenazado de muerte en su domicilio particular el pasado 20 de mayo. De acuerdo a distintos medios, su custodia presenció el momento en que las amenazas fueron proferidas por un grupo de personas desde un vehículo desde…  
250. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 18 May to 24 May 2024. English The case against Julian Assange has been a cruel folly. His right to appeal is a small step towards justice - The Guardian Assange wins appeal against extradition ruling - Morning Star Online The promise that could seal Assange’s fate - Morning Star Indonesia broadcasting bill elicits press freedom fear - Deutsche Welle  Journalists urge Brussels to safeguard Italy’s media freedom - Euractiv Taiwanese…  
251. Nasrullah Gadani  

Nasrullah Gadani, associated with the daily Awami Awaz newspaper, was shot three times by three unknown assailants while travelling from his home to the Mirpur Mathelo Press Club at around 11:00 am near Kori Goth, approximately 12 kilometres from the Mirpur Mathelo town centre in Ghotki district, Sindh. Gadani suffered at least three shots to his chest and abdomen, suffering severe injuries to his lungs.   Receiving initial medical treatment in Ghotki, he was transferred to the Sheikh Zayed Medical College Hospital in Rahim Yar Khan for surgery, before being airlifted to the Agha Khan Hospital in Karachi via the Edhi air ambulance. The…  
252. Croatia: Supreme court decision violates' union leaders' employment rights  

A Croatian Supreme Court decision published on 16 May said the extraordinary dismissal in 2018 of Hrvoje Zovko, president of the Croatian Journalists' Association (HND) by the Croatian Radiotelevision (HRT) was legal. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Croatian Journalists' Association in denouncing an unfair decision and demanding justice for Zovko and the recognition of his labour rights. On 12 September 2018, Hrvoje Zovko decided to resign as deputy editor-in-chief of Croatia's public TV channel HTV4 while keeping his job as journalist. Hrvoje Zovko has worked as a journalist and an editor for public TV HRT for 20 years. In a statement he explained…  
253. Belarus: Authorities confiscate exiled journalist’s property, search journalists' union leader apartment  

On 20 May, state media informed that an apartment belonging to journalist Dzmitry Kazakevich will be confiscated and sold as "sanctions compensation". On 16 May, law enforcement authorities invaded the home of the Belarus Journalists’ Association (BAJ)’s deputy chairperson, Barys Haretski, in Minsk. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affiliate, BAJ, in condemning the latest repressive moves by the Lukashenko regime and call on the authorities to halt the systematic harassment of exiled journalists. In a week’s time, the Belarusian authorities searched the homes of two exiled journalists.  On 20 May, a TV program broadcasted on state-run…  
254. Italy: IFJ signs call to protect media freedom  

In a letter to the Vice-President of the European Commission’s Commissioner for Values and Transparency Věra Jourová, the International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join other media freedom organisations in demanding press freedom protection in Italy pointing at a continuous deterioration in the country following the weakening of media control functions and legal abuses against journalists. To: Ms Věra Jourová  Vice-President of Commissioner for Values and Transparency,  European Commission    The independence of the media is a cornerstone of our democracy and one of the founding principles of our Union.  Unfortunately, these values are…  
255. Palestine: Journalist shot and wounded by Israeli army in Jenin  

Palestinian journalist Amr Manasra was hit by live bullet shrapnel from the Israeli army on 21 May in Jenin, the occupied West Bank, despite wearing full body armour that clearly identified him as a journalist. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), in condemning the latest attack by Israeli soldiers against Palestinian journalists. It calls on the authorities to open an investigation into Israel’s continuous violations of journalists’ rights and press freedom that should have no place in a country that claims to be a democracy. Manasra, who works for the Lebanese channel Al Mayadeen TV according to his social…  
256. Nepal: Media house chair arrested  

Chairperson and publisher of the Kantipur Media Group Kailash Sirohiya was arrested on May 21, nominally over issues with his citizenship documents, with many in Nepal’s media community identifying the arrest as related to coverage of Home Minister Rabi Lamichhane. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates, the Nepal Press Union (NPU), and the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), in condemn the arrest, and urge authorities to uphold press freedom. On the evening of May 21, police entered the Kathmandu offices of the Kantipur Media Group, and arrested its Chairman, Kailash Sirohiya. The arrest came following the issuing of an arrest warrant earlier that day by…  
257. Indonesia: New Broadcasting Bill threatens democracy and press freedom  

Proposed revisions to Indonesia's Broadcasting Bill have ignited widespread condemnation due to draconian restrictions that would impact democracy and press freedom, including a ban on investigative journalism. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia and SINDIKASI, in strongly condemning the proposed revisions, and urging the Indonesian government to withdraw it and ensure press freedom. First discussed in 2020, changes to the 2002 Broadcasting law pose a significant danger to democracy by restricting the media’s ability to hold the government accountable. Under the bill, electronic and television…  
258. Israel: Government blocked Associated Press' live video from Gaza  

On 21 May, the Israeli government seized equipment belonging to the Associated Press (AP), accusing the US news agency of infringing the new media law by providing images to the satellite channel Al Jazeera. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned at the government’s drift towards restricting press freedom and hindering journalists’ work, which puts into question the country’s democratic system. Israel’s Communications minister, Shlomo Karhi, announced on ‘X’ that the confiscated equipment will be returned to AP, following condemnation from the US administration. The White House said the incident was concerning and journalists had the right to do their jobs. White…  
259. Kamran Dawar  

On May 21, digital journalist Kamran Dawar was killed by unidentified assailants in the Tappi village in Miranshah in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s north-western North Waziristan district. First transferred to a local hospital, Dawar died as a result of his injuries. In a discussion with Pakistani advocacy and media development organisation Freedom Network, a representative from local police reportedly claimed the killing was targeted, with a First Information Report registered and investigations ongoing. He had reportedly received threatening phone calls prior to his death.  Pakistan, Pakistani, journalist, journalism, safety, IFJ, impunity, Asia Pacific, crime, killing, Kamran…  
260. UNESCO report highlights growing risk for environmental journalism  

UNESCO's latest report on “Press and planet in danger” published on 15 May in partnership with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) highlights the safety challenges facing journalists in the past 15 years when covering environmental issues. It shows a spike in attacks over the last five years (2019-2023) with a 42% increase compared to the 2014-2018 period, making the situation more serious than ever.  The report’s findings are based on the collection of data from 2009 to 2023 and on a survey conducted with the support of the IFJ in March 2024 on 905 respondents in 123 countries . It highlights key figures on the threats facing climate journalists and news outlets. With…  
261. UK: Assange appeal could be a turning point  

Julian Assange has been granted leave to appeal the extradition order that could have sent him to the United States in a matter of days. The decision, delivered after a short hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice in London on 20 May 2024, means that there will be a fuller hearing later in the year to decide the case. The UK courts, which have been considering an application to deport Assange since February 2020, had sought assurances from the US, that were Assange to be tried, he would be protected by the First Amendment as would a US citizen. This is the provision that safeguards free speech and press freedom.  The response from across the Atlantic was the Assange could ‘request’…  
262. Taiwan: Journalists excluded from UN health assembly  

Reporters from the Taiwanese Central News Agency (CNA) were denied interview permits to the upcoming World Health Assembly (WHA), with officials reportedly asking them to provide a ‘Chinese passport’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ), in calling on the United Nations and the World Health Organization to uphold press freedom and allow access to journalists and media workers regardless of nationality. Ahead of the 77th annual United Nations (UN) assembly in Geneva, Switzerland on May 27,, two journalists with the Taiwanese media service CNA applied for interview permits with the UN in early May. CNA…  
263. Affaire Assange : dernier acte pour la liberté d'expression  

[MISE A JOUR - 20 mai 2024] Julian Assange aura droit à une audience en appel contre son extradition vers les Etats-Unis] Ce lundi 20 mai, la Haute Cour de justice au Royaume-Uni examine si les assurances fournies par les Etats-Unis après l’audience des 20 et 21 février permettront à Julian Assange de bénéficier du 1er Amendement de la Constitution américaine qui protège la liberté d’expression et la liberté de la presse. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) s’inquiète d’une extradition imminente. Julian Assange, journaliste australien, membre de la FIJ et fondateur de WikiLeaks, a publié depuis l’Europe des informations confidentielles exposant les pratiques et abus…  
264. #IFJBlog: The promise that could seal Assange's fate  

When Judges Johnson and Sharp take their seats in London’s Royal Courts of Justice on Monday, it will be to deliver their verdict of the quality of a promise. Much rests on their judgement – the ability of journalists all over the world to reveal wrongdoing based on classified information, the reputation of the US Government, and the life of Julian Assange. The promise arises from the last occasion these distinguished jurists considered this case. In February they heard what was expected to be Assange’s final plea that his extradition to the United States be not allowed. To the surprise of many, instead of a decision, the judges sought assurances from across the Atlantic.  One…  
265. Greece: Journalist assaulted for investigating oxygen welding  

Alpha TV journalist Rena Kouvelioti was seriously injured on 14 May after being assaulted by a company's operator while reporting on oxygen welding. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Journalists' Union of Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN), strongly condemn the attack and urge authorities to immediately take action against the perpetrators and uphold justice. On 14 May, Kouvelioti was reporting on a construction site in Lagonisi, Attica region in the Southern part of Greece - where welding was being done next to dry grass before a man identified as the company’s operator hit the journalist. In an interview with local media, she described an unexpected…  
266. IDAHOBIT: No comrade left behind  

On the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Council of Global Unions to reaffirm its commitment to building respect and dignity for all workers, including LGBTI+ comrades. The International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), celebrated on 17 May, is an opportunity for the trade union movement across the globe to (re)affirm our commitment to solidarity with LGBTI+ people and communities increasingly under siege. No comrade should be left behind in our fight for equality, justice and freedom for all. Solidarity is an antidote to a world beset by conflict and…  
267. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 11 May to 17 May 2024. English Media in Africa meet in Ghana  - Modern Ghana Watch: Julian Assange’s wife and supporters speak ahead of extradition hearing - Independent UK 25 Human Rights NGOs Announce: Targeted Iran International Journalists To Receive2024 Courage Award - Scoop NZ Yemen: Journalists’ Union Leader Survived A Shooting In Sana’a - Yemen Online Syria most dangerous country for media in 2013, 126 dead worldwide - INSI -…  
268. #IFJBlog: Myanmar's Jails Are Poisonous  

Journalist Hla Lay Thu Zar’s coverage of protests against Myanmar’s military coup resulted in a three-year jail sentence. Now released from jail, she’s determined to use her reporting to highlight the military's regime of human rights violations against political prisoners, writes Phil Thornton. Hla Lay Thu Zar doesn’t hold back when she explains serving time in Myanmar’s notorious jails as a political prisoner was harrowing. “There’s nothing good that could be said about being in jail – it’s poisonous. Myanmar’s prisons are run by people who don’t understand or care what human rights are.” Since the military regime used a coup to wrench control of Myanmar from its elected government on…  
269. Pakistan: Punjab journalist slain in targeted attack  

Senior Pakistani journalist Mehar Ashfaq Siyal was fatally shot by unknown assailants while travelling to Muzaffargarh, Punjab. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), strongly condemn the killing of Siyal and urge authorities to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation. On May 15, Daily Khabrain journalist Mehar Ashfaq Siyal was shot several times while travelling near Muzaffargarh in Punjab’s inner south. According to Siyal’s brother, Muhammad Ishaq, Siyal was attacked while the pair were travelling on separate motorcycles towards Muzaffargarh city. Two armed individuals on a motorcycle approached…  
270. Australia: Whistleblower jailed for nearly six years for media leaks  

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Supreme Court has delivered a 68-month sentence to former military lawyer and whistleblower David McBride for his leaking of classified military information to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Australian affiliate, the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA), in condemning McBride’s sentencing and its alarming impact on public interest journalism, highlighting the urgent need for whistleblower protection reform. On May 14, ACT Supreme Court Judge David Mossop delivered a maximum sentence of five years and eight months in jail to former military lawyer David McBride, with…  
271. India: Uttar Pradesh journalist shot, another assaulted  

Sudarshan News journalist Ashutosh Srivastava was fatally shot by unknown persons in Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh on May 13, while Molitics journalist Raghev Trivedi was hospitalised after an assault on May 12. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates, the National Union of Journalists (India) (NUJ-I), and the Indian Journalists’ Union (IJU), in strongly condemning Srivastava’s killing, and urging authorities to hold those responsible to account. On May 13, Sudarshan News journalist and member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Ashutosh Srivastava was shot by unknown assailants while travelling from his home in Sabrahad village to the Imranganj market, outside the…  
272. Cameroon: Police raided and assaulted journalists in Douala on WPFD  

The police in Cameroon had rudely raided, interrupted and assaulted journalists in Douala as they gathered to celebrate World Press Freedom Day on 3 May, and confiscated their equipment in the process. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, Syndicat National des Journalistes du Cameroun in condemning this act of naked aggression on a group of journalists who had peacefully gathered to take stock of their work. According to a statement issued by the SNJC, their gathering was in accordance with Law 90/055 of 19 December, 1990 which ensures their rights to gather at the Place du Gouvernment Bonanjo in Douala to read their statements and those from the…  
273. Uruguay: el gobierno facilita la concentración mediática y la censura  

De forma inconsulta, el gobierno de Luis Lacalle Pou logró aprobar en el Senado una serie de modificaciones a la Ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual que facilitan la concentración mediática y establecen la regulación de los contenidos que los medios pueden emitir. La Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) y la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) rechazan esta medida y advierten que constituye una violación a la Ley de Libertad de Prensa. El martes 14 de mayo el Senado de Uruguay aprobó, con los votos de la mayoría que conforma la coalición de gobierno, una “ley de medios” que consagra aún más la concentración en las grandes empresas nacionales al…  
274. Hael Al-Najjar  

On 15 May, Hael Al-Najjar, media worker for Al Aqsa Media Network was killed in an Israeli strike that hit his house on the Old Gaza Street in Jabalia refugee camp, PJS and media reported. Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, impunity, safety, IFJ, union, solidarity, killed, journalism, FIP, FIJ, Arab world, Israel, war, rights, journalist,  
275. Mehar Ashfaq Siyal  

On May 15, Daily Khabrain journalist Mehar Ashfaq Siyal was shot several times while travelling near Muzaffargarh in Punjab’s inner south. According to Siyal’s brother, Muhammad Ishaq, Siyal was attacked while the pair were travelling on separate motorcycles towards Muzaffargarh city. Two armed individuals on a motorcycle approached the journalist, before stopping his motorcycle and firing into his stomach. Ishaq claims that the assailants discharged additional shots into the air, before fleeing the scene.  
276. “2023 has been one of the worst years since 1990,” says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today publishes its 33rd annual report on journalists and media staff killed in 2023. The report documents 129 killings of media professionals, including 14 women and one accidental death. Last year was among the deadliest for journalists since the IFJ started its Killed List in 1990. The death toll soared from 7 October, with 70% of deaths in 2023 occurring in the war in Gaza. The Middle East and the Arab world is by far the deadliest region in the world with 93 killings registered. Of these, 83 were in Palestine, four in Israel and three in Lebanon, following the 7 October start of the war in Gaza.Three further deaths were recorded …  
277. Afghanistan: Journalist detained for alleged links to diaspora media  

Journalist Neda Mohammad Noori was detained by the Taliban’s General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI) in the eastern Parwan province, reportedly due to his alleged work with exiled Afghan media outlets. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Afghanistan Independent Journalists Union (AIJU), urge the Taliban to pursue cases related to media work through official channels and cease the arbitrary detention and harassment of media workers. On May 4, reporter, anchor, and news producer with the Taliban-run national broadcaster Radio Television Afghanistan (RTA) Neda Mohammad Noori was taken into Taliban custody while travelling to work. Neda was reportedly…  
278. Baha Akasha  

On 11 May, photojournalist Baha Akasha, who worked for Al Aqsa Media Network, was killed in an Israeli strike on his house in Al-Qasasib neighbourhood in Jabalia refugee camp, northern Gaza, according to PJS and several media. Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, impunity, safety, IFJ, union, solidarity, killed, journalism, FIP, FIJ, Arab world, Israel, war, rights, journalist,  
279. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 4 May to 10 May 2024. English Biden Must Condemn Israel’s Attack on Al Jazeera—Now - The Nation  The state of global press freedom in 10 numbers - CJR  Six press cards for journalists - Journalism.co.uk Israel shuts down international news channel Al-Jazeera - WNYC  Opinion | A sign of the times as Pulitzer Prizes are announced - Poynter Over 50 Al Jazeera journalists attacked since October 7, media network says amid global…  
280. United States: Journalists face retaliation for their Gaza war coverage, NWU reports  

On World Press Freedom Day, the National Writers Union (NWU) released a report entitled 'Red Lines: Retaliation in the media industry during the war on Gaza', which recorded 44 cases of retaliation affecting over a hundred media professionals between 7 October 2023 and 1 February 2024 in North America and Europe, particularly media workers of Middle Eastern or North African descent and those who identify as Muslim. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the exhaustive report conducted by its affiliate the NWU and strongly condemns targeted reprisals against journalists and media workers for their coverage of the war in Gaza. The war in Gaza has sparked polarisation in…  
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