15041 results:

1121. Greece: IFJ prepares for General Assembly and Executive Committee meetings  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will hold its Annual General Meeting and Executive Committee meeting in Athens, Greece, on 20 and 21 April. The two events will be hosted by IFJ affiliates JUADN and ESPIT-PEPU. The IFJ Annual General Meeting will start on 20 April, in the morning, at the offices of JUADN in Athens. Votes on the IFJ 2022 accounts and 2023 budget will be held during this hybrid event. The half day General Meeting will be followed by the IFJ bi-annual Executive Committee meeting, which brings together 22 elected members from all over the world. The latest information on the situation of journalists…  
1122. Sri Lanka: Proposed anti-terror bill labelled tyrannical, undemocratic  

The new Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) proposed by the Sri Lankan parliament, designed to replace the existing Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) of 1979, threatens to further exacerbate restrictions on the right to assembly and gravely curtail freedom of expression and press freedom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Sri Lankan affiliates, the Sri Lankan Working Journalists Association (SLWJA), the Federation of Media Employees Trade Union (FMETU), and the Free Media Movement (FMM), in strongly condemning the bill and urging Sri Lankan authorities to withdraw the proposed draft and repeal the punitive PTA. On March 17, the Sri Lankan government announced its intention to…  
1123. Tunisie : de nouvelles atteintes à la liberté d’expression  

Quelques semaines après l’interdiction aux journalistes de couvrir la première session du parlement le 13 mars, le Parlement a récidivé le 10 avril, alors que son président avait promis que cela ne se reproduirait plus. Au même moment, deux journalistes font face à une constante intimidation et répression de la part du gouvernement. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et son affilié le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT) dénoncent une répression continue des journalistes et de la liberté d’expression dans le pays. Le 31 mars, la journaliste du quotidien Assabah, Monia Arfaoui, a été inculpée par la justice tunisienne après avoir été visée par deux plaintes en…  
1124. Kosovo : Brutal attack on Valon Syla, Kosovo must take action to protect journalists  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) and its affiliate in Kosovo, AGK, strongly condemn the violent attack on journalist Valon Syla in Pristina on Tuesday evening. The IFJ and EFJ calls on the Kosovo authorities to condemn publicly this act of violence and to do their utmost to identify the perpetrators and their sponsors and to prosecute them. Kosovar journalist Valon Syla was attacked last night by three unknown men in the Bregu i Diellit area of Pristina. Syla was attacked a few minutes after leaving the studio of a broadcast, where he was invited to discuss the trial of former UÇK leaders in The Hague. Syla was taken to the University…  
1125. Maldives: Journalists issued threats for story on politician and tourism mogul  

Two senior Maldivian journalists were issued serious threats via phone and text on April 7 following the publication of an article about a high-profile arbitration case between a Maldivian tourism group and Hilton Worldwide. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) in strongly condemning the threats against two respected journalists and calls on the Maldivian police for urgent measures to ensure the protection of media workers in the Maldives and the swift apprehension of the perpetrators. The journalists targeted by the threats were senior journalist and secretary general of IFJ affiliate, the Maldives Journalists…  
1126. Press freedom groups visit Serbia to mark Slavko Ćuruvija murder anniversary  

To mark the 24th anniversary of the murder of Serbian editor and publisher Slavko Ćuruvija, international press freedom organisations are today visiting Belgrade to renew our calls for justice and issue fresh warnings about the current climate for the safety of journalists. The mission to Belgrade comes 24 years after Ćuruvija was shot dead in cold blood outside his apartment on 11 April 1999, and a matter of weeks after the final hearings began in the retrial of four state security officials accused of planning and executing his assassination. With justice almost within reach, this year’s anniversary offers a timely opportunity to consider the past, the present and the future. First and…  
1127. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from March 31st to April 6th 2023. ENGLISH The Latest: War in Ukraine: Biden Calls on Russia to Free Detained American Reporter - The New York Times  Wanted, cancer-stricken, and forced into hiding — inside Steve's desperate exit from Myanmar - ABC News   Law allowing media ban without court decision takes effect in Ukraine - AA The beginning of the end for PNG press freedom? -  East Asia Forum   ‘Dire imposition on…  
1128. Hong Kong: IFJ report shines light on growing Hong Kong media diaspora  

A new report released today by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) reveals the significant challenges faced by self-exiled Hong Kong journalists and calls for greater international support for diaspora media. The IFJ joins its affiliates, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), Communications Workers of America (CWA) Canada, Unifor and the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA), in highlighting the collapse of media freedom in Hong Kong and the need for journalists in exile to continue delivering vital independent journalism to global audiences on Hong Kong and China. The report, ‘Journalists in Exile; A Survey of Media Workers in the Hong Kong Diaspora’, features…  
1129. Journalists in Exile: A Survey of Media Workers in the Hong Kong Diaspora  

The IFJ’s new report features survey data and interviews with at least 90 Hong Kong media workers in the United Kingdom, Canada, Taiwan, the United States, and Australia. It was conducted for the IFJ by the newly-formed Association of Overseas Hong Kong Media Professionals (AOHKMP) and reveals the experiences of Hong Kong journalists and media workers forced overseas, particularly in the wake of the controversial Beijing-imposed National Security Law in 2020. Read the report here. Hong Kong, IFJ, Media, Diaspora, Report, NUJ, Unifor, CWA, National Security Law, Survey, AOHKMP,  
1130. Artificial Intelligence to journalism: Constructive or malign?  

It has some unlikely advocates – from Vladimir Putin to the BBC. Across the media, headlines extoll its virtues or its dangers – a misinformation superspreader or a complex tool central to the future of trusted journalism? Like Google before it, or Twitter and TikTok, Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems – from ChatGPT to Reporters and Data and Robots (RADAR) – are making headlines. And yet the use of automated news writing and distribution is not new. Associated Press has been automatically generating stories based on economic data for 15 years and everything from weather to football match reports to data-driven local stories and election results and the Los Angeles Times QuakeBot which…  
1131. México: el periodista Richard Villa fue secuestrado en Veracruz  

Según confirmó el medio para el cual trabaja, el reportero habría sido capturado por un grupo de hombres armados durante la tarde del lunes 3 de abril. Si bien ya se encuentra en marcha un operativo de búsqueda, es indispensable que cualquier investigación que realicen las autoridades tenga como eje el trabajo periodístico de Villa. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas junto al Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa demanda la inmediata liberación del comunicador y exige medidas de protección para sus colegas. El periodista Richard Villa fue secuestrado ayer por la tarde por un grupo armado que lo caputró en un taller mecánico al que el comunicador había llevado su…  
1132. Hong Kong: HKFP journalists report stalking and intimidation  

Several Hong Kong journalists have reported incidents of stalking and harassment in late March from unidentified persons, including a court reporter for Hong Kong Free Press (HKFP) and a number of media workers covering the ongoing Stand News trial. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Hong Kong authorities to conduct a swift and transparent investigation into the incidents and ensure journalists and media workers can conduct their duties without fear of intimidation or harassment. On March 22, an HKFP court reporter alleged she was followed by two unidentified persons from her home to her workplace. The two persons tailed the reporter for over an hour through rush…  
1133. Final words at the Slavko Ćuruvija murder trial: Taming our demons  

It was the time of war in 1999. NATO forces bombed what was then Yugoslavia. The sinister deep state of the then president Slobodan Milošević calculated that in a time when life is dictated by the sound of air raid sirens, the public would not react to the murder of a journalist. Slavko Ćuruvija, journalist and publisher, founder of the newspapers "Dnevni Telegraf" and "Evropljanin" was murdered. He was shot from behind. One bullet hit him in the head. The second bullet hit him in the heart. In total, 17 bullets were fired at him. He was killed on Orthodox Easter Sunday, around 5 in the afternoon, in the center of the Serbian capital Belgrade, at the doorstep of the building where he…  
1134. Burkina Faso: Two French journalists expelled by the military authorities amid crackdown on foreign media  

French journalists Sophie Douce (Le Monde) and Agnès Faivre (Libération) were summoned separately for questioning by Burkina Faso's military authorities on 31 March and given a 24-hour ultimatum to leave the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns their expulsion, which constitutes the latest act of intimidation aimed at silencing the media in the country, and poses a threat to media freedom and freedom of expression. Correspondents Sophie Douce and Agnès Faivre left the capital, Ouagadougou, on 1 April, and arrived in Paris the next day, after being notified of their expulsion by the military authorities, Le Monde and Libération reported on Sunday. Both…  
1135. Perú: "El régimen autoritario debe escuchar las demandas políticas del pueblo"  

Desde hace casi cuatro meses, Perú protagoniza las protestas sociales de más envergadura que se han producido en América Latina, en estos últimos años. El actual Gobierno de Dina Boluarte no logra asegurar la normalidad en ese país sudamericano, atravesado por una profunda y creciente fractura político-social. Importantes sectores, en particular la población campesina del interior del país, continúan movilizándose, expresan su rabia y frustración y ratifican su exigencia de que renuncie Boluarte. El gobierno, el Congreso y el conjunto de las instituciones del Estado --a excepción de la Defensoría del Pueblo-- hacen oídos sordos, ignoran las advertencias populares y arriesgan, de continuar…  
1136. Editorial - IFJ Voice- April 2023  

As the world of journalism continues to evolve, we are witnessing the rise of new technologies and innovations that are changing the way we communicate and report the news. One such technology generating lots of headlines is chatbots powered by GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) technology. While these chatbots offer significant potential for the media industry, they also pose unique challenges for journalists. On the one hand, chatbots can enable journalists to automate routine tasks such as fact-checking, article summaries and translations. This could free up journalists' time to focus on more complex tasks such as investigative reporting and analysis. Chatbots could also help news…  
1137. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from March 17th to March 31st 2023 ENGLISH  International Federation of Journalists castigates Pakistan govt over arrest of senior journalist - Mid-day El Salvador: five environmental defenders arrested on trumped-up charges - Civicus Monitor  The public broadcaster’s abysmal standards on reporting violence against women - The Shift News  Iran And Allies Respond With Polemic To Critical UN Rights Report - Iran…  
1138. Russia : IFJ and EFJ demand release of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich  

On 30 March, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) announced it detained Evan Gershkovich, a Moscow-based reporter with The Wall Street Journal, in Yekaterinburg, Russia. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), their affiliates in Russia, JMWU, and in the United States NewsGuild-CWA , call on Russian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Wall Street Journal reporter and U.S. citizen Evan Gershkovich, detained on Thursday in Yekaterinburg. He could face up to 20 years in prison as the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) says he was “collecting classified information”. Gershkovich is the first…  
1139. Managing the Misinformation Effect – The State of Fact-Checking in Asia  

A new report released today by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for greater support and recognition for fact-checking efforts in Asia amid rising misinformation online and in social media. Launched ahead of International Fact-Checking Day on April 2, the report explores the state of fact-checking initiatives in five countries in the region, where religious and ethnic divisions, social polarisation, authoritarian politics, partisan media, and low media literacy create fertile breeding grounds for misinformation. Read the report here. IFJ, Fact checking, report, india, maldives, sri lanka, indonesia, bangladesh, internews,  
1140. Asia-Pacific: IFJ report calls for greater fact-checking support to combat misinformation  

A new report released today by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for greater support and recognition for fact-checking efforts in Asia amid rising misinformation online and in social media. Launched ahead of International Fact-Checking Day on April 2, the report explores the state of fact-checking initiatives in five countries in the region, where religious and ethnic divisions, social polarisation, authoritarian politics, partisan media, and low media literacy create fertile breeding grounds for misinformation. In launching, ‘Managing the Misinformation Effect – The State of Fact-Checking in Asia’, the IFJ also highlighted the safety risks, challenges, and concerns…  
1141. Shereen Karim: Pioneering digital journalism in Gilgit-Baltistan  

In the male-dominated media environment of northern Pakistan, women in journalism are often marginalised by their families, colleagues, and the media community. In an exclusive interview, freelance journalist Shereen Karim shares her experiences, challenges and aspirations as a freelancer woman journalist in Gilgit, writes Lubna Jerar Naqvi. Shereen is one of the few women journalists working in a conservative society. She holds an MSc degree in Media and Communications and Journalism and has been working as a journalist for eight years.   Shereen is a freelance journalist and mostly covers stories with a focus on gender-based violence and women’s issues, especially stories…  
1142. Covering transgender people in the press is not an issue of political correctness  

How can newsrooms better cover trans people and integrate trans journalists on an equal footing? Read our latest story. On February 25, Marvia Malik, Pakistan’s first transgender news anchor for Kohenoor TV, survived an ambush by two gunmen while returning to her Lahore home after having previously received death threats from unknown individuals. In the same month, The New York Times found itself caught in a turmoil after nearly a thousand Times contributors, some of whom identified as trans, non-binary, and gender-non-conforming, publicly condemned the newspaper’s approach to coverage of trans people. This issue sparked a series of heated exchanges involving Times leaders, journalists,…  
1143. Maroc: retard dans la mise en oeuvre de la convention collective sur l'augmentation des salaires  

Un certain nombre de médias marocains peinent à mettre en place la Convention collective relative à l'augmentation des salaires signée le 16 février 2023 entre le Syndicat national pour la presse marocaine (SNPM) et l’Association nationale des médias et des éditeurs (ANME). La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié le SNPM pour enjoindre les propriétaires de médias marocains à mettre en place l'accord immédiatement.  La convention signée le 16 février prévoit  une augmentation subséquente des salaires de 2.000 dirhams (200 euros) nets par mois répartis sur deux ans (en février 2023 et février 2024) pour les journalistes, et de 1.000 dirhams…  
1144. Pakistan: Shots fired outside home of senior journalist  

A group of unidentified assailants detonated explosives and shot at the home of senior Pakistani journalist Syed Yasir Shah in Kohat on March 21. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), in condemning the violent attempt at intimidation and calling on authorities to conduct an immediate investigation into the incident. On March 21, an unknown group detonated a bomb at the main gate of the Kohat house of Syed Yasir Shah, district correspondent for The News International and Geo, before opening fire at the house with automatic weapons. Shortly after the incident, police and security personnel rushed to the scene…  
1145. India: Government restricts internet and social media access in Punjab  

Federal and state authorities in India’s Punjab region have restricted internet and telecommunications access and suspended social media accounts, amidst an ongoing police operation to capture political figure Amritpal Singh and his associates. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Indian authorities to respect freedom of expression and access to information and immediately cease all restrictions on journalists and media workers. On March 28, the Twitter account of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)’s Punjabi news service was withheld in India on direction from Indian authorities. The move comes one week after at least 122 Twitter accounts, including those of…  
1146. México: dos mujeres periodistas sufrieron vejaciones por parte de oficiales de policía tras ser detenidas arbitrariamente  

El 10 de marzo, Natalie y Michelle Hoyos López fueron detenidas por la Policía Municipal de Izúcar de Matamoros junto a activistas feministas luego de realizar la cobertura de una actividad previa a la movilización por el Día Internacional de la Mujer Trabajadora. En una rueda de prensa realizada en la Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla, casa de estudios de una de las periodistas detenidas, denunciaron que los oficiales afirmaron que los hechos fueron ordenados por el municipio y que fueron víctimas de humillaciones, amenazas, burlas, y tortura física y sexual. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas, junto al Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa, repudia enérgicamente estos…  
1147. Pal Kola  

Pal Kola, a 60-year-old bodyguard, was shot dead on 27 March after unidentified gunmen opened fire on the Top Channel station’s premises, the country’s largest television broadcaster, in the capital of Tirana. Pal Kola was in a booth outside the building when he was hit and killed by a shooter driving an SUV in front of the television’s building. However, the motive has yet to be determined. Top Channel released a statement, calling it a “terrorist attack”. albania, top channel, shooting, pal kola, bodyguard  
1148. Yemen: Journalism students trained on safety in conflict reporting   

Sixty-five Yemeni journalism students have completed a week of training on occupational safety in Taiz, Yemen, between 18 and 22 March. The three safety courses, which included crucial safety principles and guidelines for conflict reporting, were jointly organised by the Media Department of Taiz University and the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate, with the support of UNESCO, the Norwegian union of journalists and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).   Throughout the workshop, students received guidance on how to ensure their safety in conflict environments.  Student Adab Al-Sharabi said: “The course included important topics related to risk assessment,…  
1149. France: plusieurs journalistes pris pour cible en marge de manifestations  

Plusieurs journalistes ont été pris pour cible en marge des manifestations contre la réforme du régime des retraites qui agite la France depuis les discussions autour du projet de loi. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et la Fédération européenne des journalistes (FEJ) dénoncent des violences inacceptables perpétrées à l’encontre de leurs confrères et consœurs et réclament le respect de la liberté d’informer. Les manifestations ont pris une autre tournure après l’utilisation par le gouvernement à l’Assemblée nationale de l’article 49, alinéa 3 de la Constitution française, signant ainsi un passage en force. Près d’une dizaine de cas d’agressions de journalistes ont…  
1150. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from March 17th to March 24th 2023 ENGLISH  Iran’s targeting of journalists across Europe raised at UN Human Rights Council in Geneva - Doughty Street Chambers   Afghan Journalists Remain In The Line Of Fire - The Citizen  John Simpson on the Iraq war: 'The statues falling always seemed too good to be true' - The Telegraph International Federation of Journalists castigates Pakistan govt over arrest of senior journalist - Mid…  
1151. France : Soutien au journaliste français Romain Molina poursuivi en diffamation par l'ancien président de la Fédération haïtienne de football  

Le journaliste français Romain Molina, qui a révélé des accusations d'abus sexuels portées contre Jean Bart, ancien président de la Fédération haïtienne de football, est poursuivi pour diffamation par M. Jean-Bart. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) s'associe à ses affiliés français pour témoigner son soutien à Romain Molina et dénoncer des pratiques judiciaires abusives. « L’enquête est documentée et solide. C'est une procédure honteuse. Nous présentons plusieurs attestations validant ce que nous avançons en provenance du syndicat mondial des joueurs, de la plus grosse ONG haïtienne en matière de défense de droits des femmes, Human Rights Watch, etc. Tous confirment ce que…  
1152. Indonesia: A guide for women journalists subject to sexual abuse  

Results of an Association of Indonesian Journalists (AJI) 2022 research on "Sexual Violence against Indonesian Female Journalists" has shown that 82.6 percent of the respondents admitted that they had experienced sexual violence throughout their journalistic careers. AJI has published a guide in March 2023 to support women journalists who are subject of sexual abuse. "Not many victims of sexual violence dare to speak out. Even if they dare to speak out, sometimes the cases stop halfway because there are no specific regulations in the press company to handle cases of sexual violence. Not to mention, if the perpetrator has a higher position such as a senior at work to a resource person who…  
1153. India: Three journalists arrested amid crackdown on press  

India’s latest crackdown on the press has seen the arrests of a number of regional media workers, including Kashmiri journalist Irfan Mehraj in connection with a terrorism case and journalists Sanjay Rana and Jaspal Singh for their comments towards local Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) politicians. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), condemn the use of harassment and intimidation to silence journalists in India and urge the state and national authorities to respect press freedom. On March 20, 2023, Kashmiri journalist Irfan Mehraj was arrested by the Indian National Investigation Agency (NIA) for his alleged involvement in…  
1154. Maldives: Police assault and detain journalist as attacks to press freedom rise  

In an escalating trend of attacks and threats towards media workers in the Maldives, journalist Hussain Juman was assaulted and detained by police while covering a political rally in Malé on March 16. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA), condemn the attack and call on authorities to protect the safety and security of working journalists ahead of the Maldivian Presidential election. Juman, a reporter for local digital news outlet Avas, was arrested while covering a demonstration by supporters of the opposition Progressive Party of Maldives, calling for the release of party leader and former president Abdulla Yameen,…  
1155. Guatemala: asesinaron al periodista Eduardo Fernando Mendizabal Gálvez  

El comunicador fue baleado mientras conducía su vehículo en la periferia del centro de Guatemala y fue trasladado a un hospital pero no sobrevivió a las heridas. Las autoridades confirmaron que en el lugar se encontraron al menos 30 casquillos de bala. Si bien se desconoce si Mendizabal Gálvez había sufrido amenazas, es imprescindible que se realice una investigación que contemple su labor periodística como posible motivo para el crimen. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia lo sucedido y demanda un pronto esclarecimiento. Eduardo Fernando Mendizabal Gálvez fue atacado este sábado cuando se tralsadaba en su vehículo en el municipio de Villa Canales, en las afueras de la Ciudad…  
1156. The trial for the murder of journalist Slavko Ćuruvija: Why justice must prevail  

The crimes of an era, legacy of the Serbian 90s, are being revisited through the Ćuruvija trial, now ongoing in Belgrade. The denouement of the eight-year long trial for the murder of Slavko Ćuruvija, Serbian journalist and publisher, founder of the newspapers "Telegraf", "Dnevni Telegraf" and "Evropljanin" killed on April 11, 1999, is taking place before the Serbian Court of Appeal. It was marked by two first-degree verdicts that were passed twice - in 2019 and 2021. In the fight for justice, the fight against impunity, but also to tear Serbian society out from the jaws of the sinister past, four former members of State Security were sentenced to a total of 100 years in…  
1157. Pakistan: Senior journalist arrested in anti-terrorism case  

Pakistani state authorities arrested BOL News Bureau Chief Siddique Jan from outside the outlet’s office in Islamabad on March 20, with the senior journalist appearing before an anti-terrorism court in connection with a nearby riot during the court appearance of former prime minister Imran Khan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), condemn Jan’s arrest and urge the authorities to ensure his immediate release. On March 20, Jan was detained outside the BOL News head office in Islamabad, with CCTV footage showing approximately thirty plainclothes officers placing the journalist in a vehicle to an undisclosed…  
1158. Ecuador: al menos cinco periodistas recibieron cartas con explosivos  

La información fue conocida ayer luego de que uno de los dispositivos, escondido en un pendrive, detonara al ser colocado en una computadora por el periodista Lenín Artieda, presentador de la emisora Ecuavisa, quien era el destinatario del paquete. A pesar de que no se han registrado heridas de gravedad, estos hechos constituyen una clara amenaza a la libertad de prensa y un riesgo para todxs lxs trabajadorxs de los medios de comunicación del país. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas junto a la Federación Nacional de Periodistas del Ecuador (FENAPE) repudia estos hechos y exige a las autoridades una investigación exhaustiva para dar con los responsables. Periodistas de distintos…  
1159. Eduardo Fernando Mendizabal Gálvez  

Eduardo Fernando Mendizabal Gálvez fue atacado el 18 de marzo cuando se tralsadaba en su vehículo en el municipio de Villa Canales, en las afueras de la Ciudad de Guatemala. Según informó el Ministerio Público, que realiza la investigación del caso, recibió múltiples disparos y fue trasladado a un hospital de la zona pero no sobrevivió. Al momento no se descarta ninguna hipótesis sobre los motivos del crimen. ifj, killed, Guatemala, journalist, impunity, safety  
1160. Webinar: 'Covering the climate crisis: What’s next?'  

The IFJ Climate Action Team is hosting an affiliates-only webinar ‘Covering the climate crisis: What’s next?’ on 4 April from 4pm to 5pm CET / 10am to 11am EST / 7am to 8am PST. Journalists play a crucial role in covering one of the most important stories of our time. Join our expert panellists to discuss what journalists and unions can do to address the climate emergency. Watch the recording of the webinar here.  Click here to register for the event, which is only open to IFJ affiliates.  The guest speakers will be: Maximiliano Manzoni, a Paraguayan journalist specialising in the coverage of the climate crisis, who writes for El Surtidor and is a member of the network…  
1161. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from March 10th to March 17th 2023 ENGLISH  Sudanese journalists call for more digital involvement of women in fight for gender equality  - Dabanga Radio TV Online  Bosnia: Protest over draft law to recriminalize defamation - AP News  Jimmy Lai’s case raised at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva - Doughty Street Chambers  International Federation of Journalists condemns attack against journalists, calls on…  
1162. Brasil: FENAJ insiste en la necesidad de impulsar impuestos a las grandes plataformas de internet  

La Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ), que en 2020 presentó la iniciativa para crear un impuesto a las plataformas digitales, relanzó su campaña para darle impulso al proyecto que no solo gravaría a esas empresas sino que crearía un fondo de apoyo al periodismo con los recursos generados. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas reitera su apoyo a esta propuesta, que está en línea con los debates que se dieron en múltiples instancias colectivas y en su último Congreso, y alienta al resto de las organizaciones de la región a avanzar en iniciativas similares. La defensa del trabajo de lxs periodistas es fundamental para garantizar la libertad de prensa. El debate sobre las ganancias…  
1163. Iran: IFJ calls on the Islamic Republic to release all journalists in jail  

Six months on from the start of mass protests following the death in custody of Mahsa Amini on 16 September 2022, 15 journalists are still being held behind bars for their coverage of the civil unrest. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Tehran Province Journalists Association (TPJA) in calling on the Iranian authorities to free all journalists and media workers imprisoned, stop the media crackdown and ensure the free flow of information. Journalist Seyed Ali Poortabatabaei, working for Qom News website, was arrested by Iranian security forces on 5 March in Qom, in southern Tehran. He was one of the first journalists who reported on the recent…  
1164. Tunisie : Le parlement interdit aux journalistes indépendants l’accès à sa première session   

MIS A JOUR LE 16.03.23 Le 13 mars, l’Assemblée des Représentants du Peuple (ARP) tunisienne a interdit aux médias et journalistes indépendants - nationaux et internationaux- d’accéder à sa  première session . La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT) pour condamner fermement cette décision et appeler les autorités tunisiennes à cesser leurs attaques constantes envers la liberté de la presse.  Pour la première fois depuis la révolution tunisienne de 2011, les journalistes indépendants n'ont pas été autorisés à assister à la séance d'ouverture de l’Assemblée des Représentants du Peuple (ARP) ce lundi 13…  
1165. Maldives: Proposed amendment may restrict media’s election access  

Media stakeholders, legal experts and civil society organisations have expressed their concern that a proposed amendment to elections legislation could restrict foreign and freelance journalists’ ability to monitor election processes. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Maldives Journalists Association, call on the Maldivian government to consult with journalists and other media stakeholders before drafting legislation and amend the existing proposal to protect press freedom. On March 13, a member of parliament from the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), Ibrahim Muizzu, introduced a proposed amendment to the General Elections Act on behalf of the…  
1166. FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022: No legacy without trade union rights  

On the eve of FIFA 73rd Congress in Rwanda, the undersigned Global Union Federations express serious concerns on the decent work legacy of the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup and the sustainability of labour reforms in Qatar. As the Tournament has left town, so have the hopes of migrant workers to have a say in their lives and in their futures. In the run up to the recent FIFA World Cup, rather than accelerating reforms and preparing for the future, progress on implementing labour law changes slowed down, employer lawlessness increased, and dialogue on cooperation with some Global Union Federations and migrant workers came to an abrupt halt. The lack of further progress to protect human rights,…  
1167. Pakistan: Jang Media Group staff protest systemic underpayment  

Media workers from several Jang Media Group (JMG) outlets, including television network Geo News, have begun a series of protests against systemic underpayment, job insecurity and lacking benefits, among other concerns. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), stand in solidarity with the employees of Geo News and other Jang JMG outlets fighting for their right to fair wages, timely payments, and improved working conditions. On March 9, workers at Geo News began a series of demonstrations in offices across the nation, displaying banners inside and outside their workplaces calling for the payment of outstanding…  
1168. UK: IFJ backs BBC journalists strike to defend local news  

Members of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in the UK and Ireland, an IFJ affiliate, working across England for BBC Local will begin a 24-hour strike action from 11AM on 15 March to protest over the BBC’s plans to cut local radio. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) fully supports the upcoming strike and joins its affiliate in calling on the management to engage with the NUJ to reach a solution in the dispute over cuts to local radio. Journalists working on BBC radio, tv, and online across the UK will commence  a 24-hour strike action as part of an ongoing dispute over the BBC’s plans to cut local radio. 5.7 million listeners tune in to BBC Local radio…  
1169. Afghanistan: Deadly bomb attack targets journalists at press event  

At least three people have been killed, including two journalists, and over 30 injured in an Islamic State (IS) bomb attack at a press award ceremony for media workers in northern Afghanistan on March 11. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists Union (AIJU), in calling on the Taliban to bring the perpetrators of this heinous crime to justice and end impunity for crimes against journalists. The explosion occurred at an event honouring journalists working in the north of Afghanistan at the Tabyan Cultural Centre, located in Mazar-e-Sharif, Balkh province, where media workers, local authorities and religious figures gathered to…  
1170. Hossein Naderi, Akmal Tabian  

Journalist Hossein Naderi and media trainee and journalism student Akmal Tabian were killed  in the bomb blast at a press award ceremony for media workers in northern Afghanistan. The Islamic State (IS) subsequently claimed responsibility for the attack. The explosion occurred at an event honouring journalists working in the north of Afghanistan at the Tabyan Cultural Centre, which is also the office of the news outlet Afghan Voice, located in Mazar-e-Sharif, Balkh province, where media workers, local authorities, and religious figures gathered to celebrate Afghanistan’s National Journalist’s Day. The Afghan Independent Journalists Union said that this attack is also an attack on…  
1171. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from March 3rd to March 10th 2023 ENGLISH  Safety of journalists: Press freedom ‘backsliding’, report says - Euractiv Fixing a global news problem - Columbia Journalism Review Pakistan: IPI condemns attack against news anchor Marvia Malik - International Press Institute Foreign journalists in China face official obstruction, expulsions and visa delays - Radio Free Asia  Pakistan's first transgender news anchor survives gun attack, IFJ…  
1172. China: Foreign journalists face travel restrictions, harassment  

In a new report, the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China (FCCC) has revealed tough and restrictive working conditions for foreign journalists and media workers operating in China, particularly for those looking to cover sensitive areas. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the hostile environment for foreign correspondents and the press established by the Chinese government and calls for all journalists to be able to work without fear of surveillance and harassment. On March 1, the FCCC released its annual report, titled Zero Covid Many Controls: Covering China in 2022. The report describes the lived experience of foreign correspondents in China through 2022, using…  
1173. #IWD2023 : IFJ affiliates stand for women's rights around the globe  

As today marks International Women's Day, find out what IFJ affiliates are doing to call for an improvement of women's journalists rights in the workplace. EUROPE  FRANCE : La CFDT appelle à l'égalités des salaires et des pensions de retraites   GERMANY : DJU demands equal pay and more protection for women in the media SPAIN : La FAPE reivindica mejorar las condiciones laborales de las mujeres periodistas La FESP reclama igualdad y más seguridad para las periodistas BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA, KOSOVO, MONTENEGRO, MACEDONIA, CROATIA and SERBIA : BHJA, AGK, Syndikat Medija, AJM, HND and NUNS share the online exhibition…  
1174. Angola: “Covering conflict zones came so naturally that before I knew it I was already there”  

Maria Luísa Rogério has been working as a journalist for 36 years and has covered several elections across the African continent. She is a senior reporter at the newspaper Jornal de Angola, a member of the IFJ’s Executive Committee and the president of the Ethics’ Committee in Angola. Luísa looks back on her coverage of the military conflict in Angola and shares tips on how to report safely from conflict zones. How would you describe the situation of women journalists in the Angolan media?  The situation has improved compared to previous years, but there is still a large imbalance. Of the nearly 3,000 journalists with professional licences in Angola, almost 40% are women, a figure…  
1175. Peru: "Women leadership starts with families encouraging girls to become leaders"  

Nélida Maquera is a journalist at Radio Onda Azul and the president of the Puno Delegation of the National Association of Journalists (ANP) in Peru. On the occasion of International Women's Day, we talk with her about the political and social crisis the country has been going through since December 2022, how repression is affecting journalists, and the situation of women journalists in Peru. The ANP has registered more than 150 attacks on the media since December 2022, following the social and political crisis in the country. Could you explain how this outbreak has impacted the journalism community and, in particular, journalists in the Puno region? Definitely, the excessive use of the…  
1176. Myanmar : “Even before I left Myanmar, I had to keep my profession as a journalist secret”  

Naw Betty Han is a Burmese journalist from Frontier Myanmar. She was reporting in Myanmar before the military takeover in 2021, which made the country an increasingly dangerous place to report as a journalist. In 2020, while investigating a multibillion-dollar Chinese investment on the Thai/Burma border, she and a photographer were detained by a Burmese Army-sponsored militia. They were masked, handcuffed, driven to a rubber plantation and beaten, before finally being released. Naw Betty Han shared with us the challenges for women journalists to report in such a polarised political environment and provides safety advice to women journalists reporting from conflict zones. You had been…  
1177. Europe: Council of Europe report highlights need for independent journalism  

The Council of Europe Platform for Protection of Journalism and the Safety of Journalists, together with the International and European and Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) and other partner organisations, launched the 2023 Annual Report: 'War in Europe and the Fight for the Right to Report' on 7 March in Brussels. The report discusses the impact of the war in Ukraine, and the need for robust and independent journalism. It highlights the need for Member States to harmonise their laws, and the danger of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs), as well as the case of Belarus, impunity, detentions of journalists and restrictive legislation. Other topics mentioned are the…  
1178. Belarus: BAJ labeled ‘extremist group’ by Lukashenko’s regime  

The Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) has been labeled an ‘extremist group’ by Alyaksandr Lukashenko’s regime, in an obvious act of obstruction to the freedom of the press. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) send their full support to the association and its members. The Belarusian KGB’s decision, issued on 28 February 2023 and made public on 7 March 2023 means that anyone that has taken part in BAJ’s activities could face up to 10 years in prison, according to the country’s Criminal code. The security services stated that BAJ president Andrey Bastunets and vice-president Barys Haretski, as well as six other BAJ…  
1179. Palestine: "The killing of Shireen Abu Akleh has doubled the fear of going to the field among journalists"  

Areen Al-Amleh is a Palestine public TV journalist based in Hebron and a safety trainer accredited by the IFJ. She has been working as a news correspondent for a decade and recently completed a master’s degree in Women’s Studies. Areen sheds light on the daily challenges facing women journalists in Palestine, reflects on the impact of Shireen Abu Akleh’s killing on the journalistic community and shares tips to report safely when on assignment. You work as a correspondent for Palestine public TV. What are the major challenges you are facing as a journalist reporting from Palestine? Are there any particular challenges that you endure for being a woman journalist?  Generally, the…  
1180. UAE: IFJ Climate Action Team signs letter by world groups condemning the announcement of oil executive as COP28 president  

The Climate Action Team (CAT) Working Group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has signed a letter issued by world groups to condemn the announcement of Sultan Al Jaber, the chief executive of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), as president of COP28 which will take place in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in November 2023. To: António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General  Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Parties to the UNFCCC— On January 11, news broke that Sultan Al Jaber, the chief executive of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), will be overseeing the upcoming round of global…  
1181. Malaysia: IFJ welcomes groundbreaking new NUJM agreement  

The IFJ has welcomed a groundbreaking new agreement signed by the National Union of Journalists in Malaysia – to establish the first ever union branch in an online news portal in the country. The agreement, which will help to regulate working rights and conditions, was signed with management at Malaysiakini – a leading online news outlet. And new union President Farah Marshita Abdul Patah vowed that Malaysiakini would be the first of many such branches established across digital media workplaces. The signing, which took place on the eve of the NUJM Congress, was witnessed by Timo Goosmann, the EU representative In Malaysia. The agreement was made possible after NUJM agreed a change in…  
1182. Women reporting conflicts: Changing the narrative, staying safe  

Ten women journalists were killed in the line of duty in 2022, most of them reporting from conflict zones.  Women journalists face extreme challenges while reporting on the ground, from military attacks and threats to police intimidation, surveillance and gender-based violence. But reporting from conflict zones and areas of civil unrest is also an opportunity for women to help change a conflict’s narrative.  To mark International Women’s Day, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Gender Council are putting women reporting conflicts in the spotlight as part of a series of interviews to highlight the daily challenges they face, their safety needs and the importance…  
1183. Pakistan: ARY News suspended by regulators  

The Pakistani news and current affairs channel ARY News has had its license suspended for broadcasting clips of former Prime Minister Imran Khan, whose speeches Pakistani authorities are claiming undermines state institutions and incites enmity. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) call on the Pakistani authorities to immediately withdraw transmission suspension orders and restore the license of the TV channel. The ban was enforced late on Sunday by the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) following Khan's address in Lahore, during  which he claimed that former army chief…  
1184. Pakistan: “Someday I will write a book and tell the stories we can’t share now”  

Farzana Ali has been working as a journalist since 1997. She is Aaj News TV Bureau Chief in Peshawar, the capital city of the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. She has reported extensively on human rights, militarisation and terrorism-related issues and shares with us her daily challenges in the field, her resilience and courage in times of danger and how she has responded to psychological traumas. You have been uncovering stories of human tragedy throughout your career. What are your takes from this experience? Covering human tragedy, in my experience, has been difficult, especially in the region where we live and work. As I work for the broadcast media, I have found that covering human…  
1185. Yemen: “My role involves a great deal of accuracy and impartiality and the need to preserve the safety of my team”  

Thuraya Dammaj is a Yemeni journalist and the editor of the online media Yemen Future. She has been covering the bloody conflict in Yemen which started in 2014 and is a witness of the political instability in the country and the growing hostility towards the press. In this interview, Thuraya tells us about her challenges as head of news and her responsibilities towards her team. She points at journalists’ challenging working conditions, including crippling poverty due to low wages, widespread attacks and threats against them, and she shares her tips to make it in the profession. Twenty-one media violations have been recorded in the third quarter of 2022 by the Yemeni Journalists…  
1186. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from February 24th to March 3rd 2023 ENGLISH  A year after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, how have journalists been impacted? - IJNet Fixing a global news problem - Columbia Review of Journalism  The United States, Canada and the United Kingdom have reported the attacks on journalists in Peru  - News Rebeat Fifth annual Shifa Gardi Award announcement - Rudaw.net CPJ, rights groups call on Bangladesh to cease harassment of Rozina Islam…  
1187. Burundi : Journalist languishes in jail for six months under trumped up charges  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined its affiliate in Burundi, l’Union Burundaise des Journalistes (UBJ), in calling for the immediate and unconditional release of journalist Floriane Irangabiye who is serving a ten-year jail term, following her arrest six months ago and her conviction in January 2023 over "undermining the integrity of the national territory." Floriane Irangabiye was arrested on 30 August by agents of the National Intelligence Service (SNR) upon her return to Burundi from Rwanda for a family visit. She was sentenced by the Mukaza High Court on 10 January to ten years imprisonment and a fine of 1 million Burundian francs.  The journalist…  
1188. Pakistan: Transgender news anchor survives gun attack  

Marvia Malik, Pakistan’s first transgender news anchor for Kohenoor TV, has survived an ambush by two gunmen on return to her Lahore home and previously receiving death threats from unknown individuals. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), condemn the attack on Marvia Malik and urge the Pakistani government to expedite investigations into the incident to protect working journalists. On February 25, a case was registered against unknown assailants for their attack on Marvia Malik, Pakistan's first transgender news anchor. According to a First Information Report launched by the anchor, she was fired…  
1189. China: Beijing extends crackdown on independent media and ‘unauthorised’ media workers  

Beijing has announced an extension to its crackdown on independent journalism and news outlets in 2023, increasing pressure on foreign and ‘unauthorised’ media workers operating without state approval, amid ongoing censorship and misinformation surrounding COVID-19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Chinese authorities to respect freedom of information and to cease the persecution of independent and critical journalists. According to state-owned media outlet Xinhua News Agency, the extension of the Chinese government’s campaign which began in 2022, titled ‘Cracking Down on Fake News’, will target allegedly false information on financial or political issues,…  
1190. Tunisia: The Council of Global Unions expresses its solidarity with the UGTT  

We, the Council of Global Unions (CGU), on behalf of 200 million workers around the world, expresses its support and solidarity with the Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT) and its affiliates in Tunisia over the arrest of Anis Al-Kaabi, General Secretary of the Tunisia’s Highway Workers Union, and several other UGTT leaders and members who have been questioned and summoned by the police in the past few weeks. We condemn in the strongest possible terms the detention of Anis Kaabi, following the workers' strike demanding improvement of their working conditions. This detention, as well as the harassment and summons issues by the police to several UGTT leaders and union members, seriously…  
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