15042 results:

1961. Hasnain Shah  

A member of the Lahore Press Club (LPC) and senior crime reporter, Hasnain Shah was fatally shot in the chest by an unidentified armed group that intercepted his vehicle outside the press club in Lahore, Punjab. Shah was known for his reporting on organised crime. The individuals responsible for his murder have not been found. Journalists' safety, Pakistan, IFJ, Impunity  
1962. UK: Julian Assange wins right to ask Supreme Court to consider his extradition case  

Today's judgement ‘certified’ the Wikileaks founder’s right to apply to the Supreme Court to rule on the late introduction of assurances by the United States government. The ruling means that Assange has 14 days to lodge his case. The International Federation of journalists and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in the UK and Ireland welcome the decision and demand Assange's release. Today’s ruling called on the Supreme Court to ‘expedite consideration’ – the likely timescale, however, is unknown. Assange, who has now spent nearly three years in Belmarsh Prison, is fighting an application to extradite him lodged from the United States. This seeks his prosecution on 18…  
1963. Police officers’ conviction for journalist assault important for Indonesian press freedom  

The sentencing of two police officers for the assault of Indonesian journalist Nurhadi has set an important precedent for the protection of journalists but concerns remain that the penalty is too lenient to arrest the decline in press freedom in Indonesia, writes Jim Nolan. In early January, Indonesian Journalists enjoyed a significant and unprecedented victory with the conviction of two police officers for assaulting a journalist in Surabaya. On Wednesday, January 12, 2022, Chief Brigadier Purwanto and Brigadier Muhammad Firman Subkhi were sentenced to 10 months in prison and ordered to make restitution of Rp. 13,813,000 (approx. USD 965) to Nurhadi. The sentences were lower than the…  
1964. Lourdes Maldonado  López  

    The veteran journalist, who had been admitted into the state protection programme for journalists, was shot dead in her car when she arrived home in the northen border city of Tijuana, in the province of Baja California, according to media reports. Lourdes Maldonado López had worked for several media organisations, including Primer Sistema de Noticias (PSN), Televisa Tijuana and the Rosarito News Channel, where she hosted a  show called"Brebaje". She also wrote columns and presented radio programmes. She had been involved in a labour lawsuit, claiming unfair dismissal againt PSN owned by Jaime Bonilla, former governor of Baja California. In 2019, she told the Mexican…  
1965. Myanmar: Two journalists killed in military attacks  

Journalists Sai Win Aung and Pu Tuidim were killed by Myanmar’s military in two separate attacks on December 25 and January 8 respectively. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the continued violence against media workers in Myanmar and calls for those responsible to be brought to justice immediately. Editor for the Federal News Journal, Sai Win Aung, was killed in an attack by military forces on December 25 while reporting on refugees in Kayin state’s Myawaddy township, near the Thai border. Sai Win Aung, also known as A Sai K, was fatally shot by Myanmar’s armed forces, the Tatmadaw, in an artillery attack against members of the resistance group the…  
1966. Afghanistan: ‘We Had to Choose Between Life and Death’  

Transcript from a recording of Zenab*, a 25-year old reporter and presenter with Afghanistan International Radio and TV. After Afghanistan fell to the Taliban, she left for Turkey with three family members. Others in her family are still in Kabul, and they have lost their jobs. She continues to work but finds her income is not enough to support her family. This transcript has been excerpted from “In their Own Words: Afghan Women Journalists Speak”, a report by the International Federation of Journalists and the Network of Women in Media, India, supported by Norsk Journalistlag. “I am an Afghanistani female journalist. My country was a place where women were all silent. My mother used to…  
1967. India: Kashmir Press Club forcibly shutdown  

The Kashmir Press Club (KPC), the largest independent media body in Indian-administered Kashmir, has been forcibly closed following a raid by armed police. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), condemn the undemocratic closure of the organisation and the Indian administration’s continued stifling of press freedom in the region. On January 15, a small group of journalists supportive of India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party stormed the KPC offices in Srinagar, with the assistance of armed police and paramilitary. The group assumed interim control of the organisation, locking the building to prevent journalists from…  
1968. The Gambia: Two journalists die in car crash  

Two Gambian journalists died in a car crash on 17 January 2022 while returning home to Banjul, the capital, from an education mission.   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Gambia Press Union (GPU) in extending its sincere condolences to the families of the deceased. Journalists  Pa Modou Faal and Musa Ndow were returning home from a four –day health education mission organised by the Ministry of Health in Soma while they died in a car crash along the Trans- Gambia Highway in Soma in the Lower River Region. A health official also died in the incident.   According to a statement published by the GPU, Pa Modou…  
1969. Afghanistan: Attacks and detainments of journalists continue to escalate  

Several Afghan journalists have been attacked and detained in the first weeks of 2022, as the Taliban assures press freedom organisations of its commitment to an independent and free media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the mounting violence and intimidation of Afghanistan’s journalists and media workers and calls for increased efforts to safeguard press freedom in the country. In the afternoon of January 10, Afghan journalist Noor Mohammad Hashemi, deputy director of Salam Afghanistan Media Organisation, was attacked by three unidentified men. One assailant, carrying a pistol, forced Hashemi from his vehicle and attempted to shoot the journalist. After the gun…  
1970. México: un fotoperiodista fue asesinado en la puerta de su casa  

Margarito Martínez Esquivel murió luego de recibir un disparo cuando salía de su hogar en la colonia Sánchez Taboada, Tijuana. El reportero gráfico estaba incluído en el Mecanismo de Protección a Periodistas estatal, por lo cual la Federación Internacional de Periodistas exige que la investigación por su muerte contemple su labor periodística como factor determinante. El fotoperiodista Margarito Martínez Esquivel falleció ayer tras un ataque con arma de fuego en lo que, según informan algunos medios locales, podría ser una presunta riña con un vecino. Esta información no pudo ser corroborada dado que la persona señalada como sospechosa aún no ha sido identificada ni apresada, por lo cual…  
1971. Margarito Martínez Esquivel  

  The 49-year-old photojournalist was gunned down as he left his home in the Sánchez Taboada neighborhood, Tijuana. The photojournalist, who was admitted in the state mechanism for the protection of journalists, was a crime reporter in the Baja California since 2016 and collaborated with various media outlets, including the weekly Zeta, Cadena Noticias, La Jornada Baja California, Punto Norte, El Imparcial, San Diego Union-Tribune and the BBC. Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
1972. México: periodista fue asesinado en Veracruz  

José Luis Gamboa Arenas falleció el sábado 15 de enero luego de permanecer varios días internado en un hospital local. Fue atacado el miércoles 12 a puñaladas y su cuerpo no fue identificado hasta luego de su fallecimiento. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) exige una investigación urgente que contemple su labor periodística como factor para esclarecer su crimen. El periodista José Luis Gamboa Arenas falleció el último sábado tras un ataque a puñaladas en lo que las autoridades investigan como un presunto asalto. El comunicador permaneció internado cuatro días hasta que se confirmó su identidad y se notificó a su familia, luego de su fallecimiento. Durante ese período, sus…  
1973. Sudan: Authorities revoke Al Jazeera Mubasher's licence  

The Sudanese authorities announced on 16 January the revocation of Al Jazeera's Mubasher licence on allegations of “unprofessional" TV coverage of anti-coup protests. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the decision and urges the Sudanese military to stop its crackdown against media freedom in the country. Al Jazeera Mubasher has widely covered protests against the military power takeover in Sudan; which were marred by major crackdown on protesters and media censorship. According to pro-democracy medics, at least 64 protesters have been killed, while the IFJ has reported several media closed and arbitrary detentions of journalists. In a statement, Al…  
1974. Turkey: BBC workers go on strike for decent pay  

After roughly five months of negotiations, BBC journalists in Turkey went on strike on January 14. The walkout comes after the British broadcaster refused to propose a reasonable offer to the Turkish Union of Journalists (TGS) over a pay rise that keeps up with the country’s inflation rate, better access to health care, and other key issues. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ), the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in the UK and Ireland backs their walkout, UNI Global Union and UK media union BECTU. With the inflation rate as high as nearly 36 per cent according to the BBC, TGS is requesting a 30 per cent raise and an additional annual bonus…  
1975. Tunisie: une vingtaine de journalistes agressés en marge d'une manifestation  

Une vingtaine de journalistes, dont des correspondants étrangers, ont été agressés alors qu'ils couvraient une manifestation à Tunis, capitale tunisienne, vendredi 14 janvier. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT) pour condamner ces agressions et exiger une enquête immédiate sur une répression injustifiée. Selon le SNJT, une vingtaine de journalistes ont été agressés par la police vendredi 14 janvier alors qu'ils couvraient une manifestation à Tunis contre le président Kaïs Saïed. Les violences envers la presse ont eu lieu au moment où les forces de l'ordre dispersaient les manifestants.  Ce 14…  
1976. Pa Modou Faal , Musa Ndow  

Pa Modou Faal , Musa Ndow   January 17 - Gambia   The two journalists were returning home from a four day health education mission organised by the Ministry of Health in Soma when their vehicle was involved in a rash along the Trans- Gambia Highway in Soma in the Lower River Region. A health official also died in the incident.   According to a statement published by the GPU, Pa Modou Fall was a 20-year veteran journalist who worked for several media outlets, including the defunct Independent newspaper and the Daily Observer newspaper. He also worked for The Point newspaper and had served as founder member and former…  
1977. Editorial- IFJ Voice- January 2022  

The international consortium of 17 international media outlets, Forbidden Stories, has uncovered what will go down as one of the worst assaults on press freedom in 2021: the Pegasus Project.  The Pegasus spyware, created and sold by the Israeli company NSO, has been used for several years to systematically monitor journalists and civil society activists via their smartphones, without them being aware of it. No less than a dozen governments in the world have purchased this software to monitor more than 50,000 colleagues (at least). This system is incredible: there is no link to click and the attack remains totally invisible. Once installed, Pegasus provides full access to the phone,…  
1978. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 1 and 7 January 2021. ENGLISH IFJ Calls on Coalition to Release Journalists from Prisons – Al khabaral Yemeni Media Association condemns killing of two journalists – SKN Vibes Ghanaian journalists are poor – GJA President – Ghana Web Address low levels of salaries of journalists with urgency – Affail Monney to stakeholders – My Joy Online Malaysia: Media groups condemn the ongoing crusade to silence whistleblowers and journalists –…  
1979. Sudan: Four Alaraby TV media workers arrested  

On 13 January 2022, the Sudanese Security Forces stormed Alaraby Television’s Khartoum office and arrested four media workers. The IFJ demands their immediate release and condemns the continuous attacks against the press in Sudan. Alaraby workers arrested included reporter Wael Mohammed Alhassan, office supervisor Islam Saleh, camera operator Mazen Oono and his assistant Abu Baker Ali. The team had covered protests calling for civilian rule in Sudan and denouncing the military coup that took place on 25 October 2021.  Their employer Alaraby, which is headquartered in London, UK, asked for the immediate release of their staff members. A statement said that "Alaraby…  
1980. Kazakhstan: Violence and repression of media grows amid anti-government protests  

Media workers covering anti-government protests in Kazakhstan continue to face harassment, arrest, physical attacks and prosecution in retaliation for their reporting. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the authorities to guarantee press freedom and to ensure a safe environment for journalists amid protests. Media workers are being targeted both by protesters and government's officials. According to local sources, journalists in Kazakhstan's regions are under increasing pressure, with at least three media workers under house arrest, while many more have been summoned for questioning by the police. “Regional journalists are now under special pressure because of their…  
1981. Honduras: asesinaron a un comunicador y director de una radio comunitaria  

El comunicador, líder comunitario y director de Radio Tenan, Pablo Isabel Hernández Rivera, fue asesinado el 9 de enero en la comunidad Tierra Colorada del departamento de Lempira. El periodista de 34 años fue baleado cuando caminaba a la iglesia desde su domicilio y fue hallado por su familia. Aún no hay personas detenidas por el crimen. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas condena el hecho y exige una pronta investigación para capturar a los responsables. Pablo Isabel Hernández Rivera fue asesinado el pasado domingo en Lempira, Honduras. Además de ser director del proyecto de comunicación popular de Radio Tenan, Hernández Rivera era líder de la comunidad indígena Lenca a la cual…  
1982. El Salvador: se confirmó el uso del software Pegasus para espiar a periodistas  

Luego de una investigación conducida por diversas organizaciones internacionales, se determinó que al menos 31 periodistas han sufrido el hackeo de sus teléfonos celulares con el sistema creado por la compañía israelí NSO Group. La Asociación de Periodistas de El Salvador (APES) le exigió al Estado salvadoreño una respuesta acerca del presunto uso que podrían estar dando a Pegasus. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia cualquier forma de vigilancia ilegal contra lxs trabajadorxs de prensa y se solidariza con lxs comunicadorxs afectadxs. Una investigación encabezada por The Citizen Lab, espacio que depende de la Universidad de Toronto en Canadá, acompañada por organizaciones…  
1983. Tanzania: Six media workers died in car crash  

Five journalists and their driver died in a ghastly car crash on Tuesday 11 January in Nyamikoma area in Busega district, Simiyu Region in northern Tanzania.  The journalists were traveling in the convoy of the Simiyu Regional Commissioner, David Kafulila, to a public event in Ukerewe, as part of the tour of Mwanza province.  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Journalists Workers Union of Tanzania (JOWUTA) in extending its sincere condolences to the families of the journalists who lost their lives and to all the media fraternity in Tanzania.  The vehicle was reportedly involved in a head collision with a minibus coming in the opposite…  
1984. India: Kashmiri Journalist arrested for uploading protest video  

Sajad Gul, a trainee journalist affiliated with the Kashmir Walla, was arrested on January 5 and accused of disseminating false information via social media which promoted anti-government sentiment. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its India affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), condemn the misuse of the law and urges for his immediate release. Journalist Sajad Gul, 26, was arrested by security forces a day after he posted a protest video by a family of a Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) militant who was killed on January 3 in a security operation in Srinagar. Sajad Gul’s video-tweet on January 4 showed the family of the deceased militant, Salim Parray protesting against…  
1985. Abel Ngapemba, Steven Msengi, Johari Shani, Husna Mlonzi, Anthony Chuwa  

The five journalists have died in a ghastly car crash in Mwanza, northern Tanzania, when a minibus coming in the opposite direction and attempted to overtale other cars crashed into the vehicle carrying the journalists and other officials who were on a tour with regional Commissioner. According to a statement issued by JOWUTA, the Mwanza Regional correspondent Abel Ngapemba, Ukerewe correspondent, Steven Msengi, Johari Shani of the Uhuru Media Group, Husna Mlonzi and Anthony Chuwa of ITV all died on the spot, while a sixth journalist died while receiving treatment in hospital. The crash also claimed the lives of eight other passengers in the convoy. Journalists' safety,…  
1986. Perú: sentenciaron a un periodista por citas textuales que utilizó en un libro  

Cristopher Acosta fue condenado a dos años de prisión suspendida y al pago de una indemnización al dirigente político César Acuña, quien lo denunció tras la publicación del libro “Plata como cancha”. La misma pena fue impuesta también al director de la editorial, Jerónimo Pimentel. La Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) repudió el fallo y aseguró que el mismo “sienta un pésimo precedente para la actividad periodística en el país y el ejercicio de la libertad de expresión”. Durante la mañana de hoy, el periodista de investigación Cristopher Acosta fue sentenciado a dos años de prisión en suspenso y al pago de 400 mil soles en carácter de reparación al ex gobernador y…  
1987. Yemen: Journalist Hala Badawi arrested over social media posts  

Yemeni journalist and media activist Hala Fouad Badawi has been under detention since 30 December by Yemeni military intelligence command in Hadhramaut Governorate, in the country’s southeast. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) condemn her arrest and urge the competent authorities to release her immediately. The YJS reported that Hala Badawi was arrested on Thursday, 30 December, over her reports and recent social media posts calling for improving living conditions and holding to account those responsible for corruption in government institutions. Sources also confirmed that the authorities seized her phone and working…  
1988. Pablo Isabel Hernández Rivera  

    The 34-year-old director of Radio Tenan was assassinated in the Tierra Colorada community in the department of Lempira, after being shot while walking to church from his home and was found by his family. In addition to being director of the popular communication project of Radio Tenan, Hernández Rivera was a leader of the Lenca indigenous community to which the radio belonged and from which he promoted the creation of the Indigenous and Peoples University. She was also a member of the network of Human Rights Defenders.  Radio Tenan is a critical medium that denounced acts of corruption of the municipal mayor Efraín Guadalupe Muñoz. Members of the media assure that…  
1989. Haití: dos periodistas fueron asesinados por una banda armada  

Wilguens Louis-Saint y John Wesley Amady fueron heridos en un tiroteo y luego quemados vivos por una pandilla en Laboule, en las afueras de Puerto Príncipe, el 6 de enero. Un tercer periodista habría logrado escapar. La Assocation des Journalistas Haïtiens, organización afiliada a la Federación Internacional de Periodistas se encuentra en la zona para recabar información sobre lo sucedido. Los periodistas fueron asesinados mientras realizaban una cobertura en el barrio Laboule 12, uno de los barrios más ricos de las afueras de la capital haitiana, en donde se estaban dando enfrentamientos entre bandas criminales que se disputan el control del territorio, dado que por allí pasa la única vía…  
1990. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 1 and 7 January 2021. English: Media watchdog says 45 journalists killed in 2021 – Al Jazeera 45 reporters and media workers killed 'at work' in 2021 – TRT World 45 journalists killed in 2021 in one of the lowest tolls ever, says media watchdog – Times of Israel Afghanistan: Media watchdog raises concern over detention of Noorin TV Owner – ANI News 45 journalists and media staff killed in work-related incidents during 2021 – Prameya News A…  
1991. Muratkhan Bazarbayev  

According to a statement by UNESCO’s Director-General, the journalist who worked for Almaty TZ was killed while he was reporting on the anti-government’s protests. The vehicle he was driving came under attack during clashes between protesters and security forces. Another member of his team was also injured during the attack. Journalists' safety, Kazakhstan, IFJ, Impunity  
1992. Wilguens Louis-Saint , John Wesley Amady  

  Wilguens who worked for the local media Tele Patriote and Tambou Verité and John Wesley who was a correspondent of Canadia station Radio Ecoute FM , were targeted by members of gang in a shooting incident in Laboule, outside Port-au-Prince.  The journalists, who were initially injured in the attack, were subsequently burned alive. According to media reports, the journalists were in the area to cover the Laboule 12 neighborhood, one of the richest neighborhoods on the outskirts of the Haitian capital, where clashes were taking place between criminal gangs that are fighting for control of the territory, which has the only alternative land route that connects the capital with…  
1993. Pakistan: High Court to indict media owner and journalists for corruption case report  

On January 7, the Islamabad High Court will frame contempt charges against The News International’s owner, Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman, and two of its staff, Aamir Ghauri and Ansar Abbasi, for publishing an affidavit accusing Pakistan’s former Chief Justice, Saqib Nisar, of corruption. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned by the court's decision to commence punitive proceedings against journalists and calls for the annulment of all charges. Senior journalist with The News International, Ansar Abbasi, published a report on November 15 last year containing an affidavit accusing former Chief Justice, Mian Saqib Nisar, of misconduct while in office. The affidavit was prepared…  
1994. Hong Kong: CitizenNews closes days after Stand News raid  

Hong Kong’s independent news organisation CitizenNews ceased operations on January 4 due to concerns for staff safety. It came less than one week after another independent online news outlet, Stand News, shut down after its newsroom was raided by the police and seven people were arrested over “seditious publications." The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses deep concern over the Hong Kong government’s crackdown on independent media. On January 2, CitizenNews announced that it would cease operations starting January 4. It said its website would no longer publish new content and would eventually shut down some time later.  The decision was made with “a heavy heart,”…  
1995. 45 journalists and media staff killed in work-related incidents during 2021, says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today published its annual list of journalists and media professionals which reports 45 killings during 2021 in 20 countries, a drop from 65 killings recorded last year in 2020. Since 1991, according to the IFJ figures, 2721 journalists have been killed around the world. The figure represents one of the lowest death tolls since the IFJ began publishing annual reports on journalists killed in work-related incidents, including targeted killings, crossfire fatalities as well as bomb attacks. The Asia Pacific region tops the regional list with 20 killings, before the Americas (10), Africa (8), Europe (6) and the Middle East and Arab World on…  
1996. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 24 and 31 December 2021. English: Hong Kong's media crackdown portends tough 2022 for free press, Japan Times A Journalist was stabbed in the street in Kabul, Newsgram Protection For Peace? Nobel Peace Prize Winners Call For Journalist Protections In The Wake Of Threats, OWP Policy contexts and conflict, the News International  Repression, resistance – and innovation, the News on Sunday John Nichols On Biden’s Prosecution Of Julian…  
1997. Afghanistan: Taliban temporarily detain Noorin Television owner  

On December 26, the Taliban detained Haji Arif Noori, owner of the independent Noorin Television station, and raided his Kabul home before releasing him two days later. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns Noori’s arrest and calls on the Taliban to cease its attacks on press freedom and allow freedom of expression. A group of Taliban-affiliated militia raided and searched Noori’s home in Kabul’s Karte Parwan area before taking him to an unknown location. According to family members, the armed group identified themselves as members of the militia affiliated with the Taliban and operated without a warrant. The Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) confirmed…  
1998. Hong Kong: Police detain seven journalists linked to Stand News after raiding newsroom  

On December 29, Hong Kong police raided the newsroom of the pro-democracy online news outlet, Stand News, and arrested a total of seven journalists over “seditious publication.” The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the authorities' crackdown the city's independent media and calls for the immediate release of all those detained. Over 200 officers from Hong Kong’s National Security Department were deployed to search and seize information at Stand News’ newsroom in Kwun Tong with a warrant issued under the National Security Law. Police reported that six people related to the publication were…  
1999. Belarus: 32 journalists will spend New Year’s Eve in prison  

32 journalists will spend New Year’s Eve in prison in Belarus. This is one of the figures in the annual review of repression that the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) drew today. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) call on the international community, including the Council of Europe, to take action. In 2021, 113 journalists were arrested in Belarus just for doing their job. 32 are still in detention. In the same year, 146 journalists’ homes and editorial offices were searched, 13 media outlets were officially labelled as extremist, and the only independent organisation representing journalists, BAJ, was dissolved by the regime of Belarusian…  
2000. Russia: Tribunal orders dissolution of Human Rights NGO  

A Moscow tribunal ordered the closure of Memorial International, a human rights group, on 29 December, for failing to label its documents as drafted through “foreign agents”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) in denouncing this excessive measure and renewed attack against freedoms in Russia. Memorial International, the oldest human rights NGO in Russia, was investigating the millions of deaths that occurred under Stalin at the time of the ruling. The NGO is expected to appeal the decision. Russian authorities increasingly use the “foreign agent” label to charge independent journalists, media organisations, and…  
2001. Hong Kong: Jimmy Lai and six former Apple Daily staff face new sedition charge  

Founder of Next Digital Jimmy Lai and six former executives and senior employees of the now-defunct pro-democracy newspaper, Apple Daily, are facing a new charge over “seditious publications,” less than a month after Lai was found guilty of taking part in the Tiananmen Massacre vigil in 2020. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly protests the authorities’ campaign for quelling critical voices and calls for the dropping of the charge against all seven people. On December 28, Hong Kong’s prosecutors placed a new charge against Jimmy Lai Chee-ying, accusing the jailed media tycoon of breaking the law which forbids anyone to “print, publish, sell, offer for sale,…  
2002. Argentina: un video reveló que un ex ministro impulsaba causas judiciales para dañar a las organizaciones sindicales  

La filmación, tomada en 2017, muestra una reunión entre el ex ministro de Trabajo de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Marcelo Villegas, y un grupo de empresarios en el que les aseguraba que tenían una estrategia coordinada con el poder judicial y avalada por los gobiernos nacional y provincial de ese momento para avanzar en juicios contra personas vinculadas a algunos sindicatos. En esa reunión, de la que también participaban otros funcionarios públicos, Villegas afirmó: "créeme que si yo pudiera tener -y esto te lo voy a desmentir en cualquier parte-, si yo pudiera tener una Gestapo, una fuerza de embestida para terminar con todos los gremios, lo haría". Estos dichos, que hacen referencia…  
2003. Île Maurice : nouvelle loi, nouvelle attaque contre la presse  

Le 30 novembre à Maurice, un projet de loi sur l'Autorité indépendante de radiodiffusion (IBA) qui permettra aux autorités de pénaliser les radios indépendantes et d’ordonner la divulgation des sources, a été voté. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) appelle le gouvernement mauricien à renoncer immédiatement à cette loi et à assurer de meilleures conditions de travail pour les journalistes. Un amendement à la loi régissant l'Autorité indépendante de radiodiffusion (IBA) de Maurice pourrait permettre à l'avenir à un juge d'ordonner la divulgation de sources journalistiques. Les médias ou les journalistes qui refusent de les révéler risquent une amende de 10 000 euros et cinq…  
2004. Sai Win Aung  

    The editor of the Federal News Journal was killed in an attack by military forces while reporting on refugees in Kayin state’s Myawaddy township, near the Thai border. Sai Win Aung, also known as A Sai K, was fatally shot by Myanmar’s armed forces, the Tatmadaw, in an artillery attack against members of the resistance group the People’s Defence Force (PDF).   In a statement, UNESCO Director-General, Audrey Azoulay, condemned the killing, saying that “Media workers like Sai Win Aung risk their lives to keep the public informed. Their work deserves to be recognized and their safety protected in line with international…  
2005. Tunisie : la liberté de la presse est attaquée  

Le 10 décembre 2021, Najla Bouden, cheffe du gouvernement tunisien, a appelé les ministres et secrétaires d’Etat à obtenir confirmation des services de communication du Président avant de s’adresser à la presse, en rejetant l’accès aux médias indépendants non inscrits auprès de la Haute autorité indépendante de la communication audiovisuelle (HAICA). La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT) pour réclamer le retrait de cette circulaire. La circulaire, intitulée “Sur les règles de la communication gouvernementale”, fixe les règles selon lesquelles les membres du gouvernement pourront s’adresser aux…  
2006. A look back at our achievements in 2021  

Before we say goodbye to a challenging year, it is time to remember some of our great achievements over the last 12 months, which wouldn't have been possible without the amazing support of our members.  2021 was marked by the devastating assault on Afghan journalists and particularly on women, following the takeover of Kabul by the Taliban.  We are especially proud of the unions and associations of journalists that dedicated immense time and effort to helping our Afghan colleagues. Although much remains to be done to provide asylum and security to our brothers and sisters, the solidarity from our affiliates across the world has been remarkable and we could never have achieved what we…  
2007. Pacific: IFJ, UNESCO launch kit to defend media freedom in the Pacific  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), in partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), has launched its ‘Defend Media Freedom – Pacific Media Kit’, which shares information and resources for the continued advocacy of press freedom across the Pacific. The media kit comes at the culmination of the IFJ and UNESCO’s project titled ‘Building the Capacity of Media Associations to Assess Regulatory Environments and Strengthen Professional Journalism in the Pacific’, which began with national assessments of the media regulatory environment in early 2020 by journalist associations in Fiji, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. The…  
2008. Afghanistan: Kabul Times reporter detained and attacked  

Sayed Rashed Kashefi, a reporter with the Kabul Times and Rasa TV, was allegedly beaten and detained for over six hours while covering a fight at an aid distribution site in Kabul’s 5th district. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Afghanistan affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), condemn the journalist’s detention and urge the Taliban authorities to swiftly investigate the incident. On December 11, Abdul Matin Rahimzai, director of the Taliban administered Kabul Directorate of Refugee Affairs, and his bodyguards, interrupted Kashefi as he filmed a scuffle between one bodyguard and several female aid recipients. Kashefi’s hands were tied…  
2009. Belgique: le harceleur d'une journaliste condamné  

L'homme qui a harcelé pendant 9 ans la journaliste et autrice belge Myriam Leroy sur les réseaux sociaux a été condamné le 21 décembre à 10 mois de prison avec sursis et 3000 euros de dommages et intérêts par la justice belge. La Fédération internationale des journalistes se joint à son affiliée l'Association des journalistes professionnels de Belgique (AJP), pour saluer une décision cruciale qui envoie un message fort à l'encontre de ceux qui souhaitent faire taire les femmes journalistes sur les réseaux sociaux. Le 21 décembre un homme a été condamné par le tribunal correctionnel de Bruxelles (Belgique), à 10 mois de prison avec sursis, au suivi d'une formation sur les violences…  
2010. Poland: Media freedom groups urge President Duda to veto ‘Lex-TVN’  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) joined 16 media freedom and journalists’ organisations in writing the following letter to the Polish President, urging to apply a presidential veto to the lex TVN. Dear Andrzej Duda, President of the Republic of Poland, The undersigned international media freedom and journalists groups are writing to urge you to apply a presidential veto to the so-called “Lex-TVN” amendment passed by the Sejm on December 17, which we believe poses a fundamental threat to media freedom and pluralism in Poland. This bill represents a direct attack on the independence of the country’s biggest private broadcaster, U.S-owned TVN, and its…  
2011. Migrant Narratives: an indispensable resource for journalists covering migration  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) have joined forces to launch the Migrant Narratives project, a new digital platform which provides essential resources, tips, activities and best practices for media workers reporting migrants' stories. Visit Migrant Narratives website Migrant Narratives is a tool for journalists and those who want to understand more about labor migration. It showcases the best reporting on labour migration issues and the winners of all the ILO Global Media Competition on Labour Migration editions. The website provides key tools and tips for journalists to cover migrants' stories, including the best toolkits,…  
2012. Togo : Deux journalistes arrêtés et détenus pour avoir critiqué des ministres  

Deux journalistes togolais, Ferdinand Ayite et Joel Egah, respectivement directeurs de publication du bihebdomadaire L’Alternative et de l’hebdomadaire Fraternité, ont été arrêtés et détenus par la Brigade de Recherche et d'Investigation (BRI) vendredi 10 décembre à Lomé, la capitale, pour "outrage à l'autorité, diffamation et diffusion de fausses informations". La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié l'Union des Journalistes Indépendants du Togo (UJIT) pour condamner cet acte d'agression et de suppression de la liberté des médias. Selon le communiqué de l'UJIT, les journalistes Ferdinand Ayite et Joel Egah ont été placés en détention en raison de leurs…  
2013. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 10 and 17 December 2021. English Opinion: A blow for Julian Assange and for press freedom, DW Nobel Peace Prize winners warn of growing disinformation threat, Al Jazeera Nobel Peace Prize winners call for journalist protections, The Washington Post Report Shows Afghanistan's Women Scribes Are Unwilling to Give Up Their Claim on Media Space, The Wire Nobel Peace Prize Winners Muratov, Ressa Call For Commitment To…  
2014. Nepal: Three sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Dekendra Raj Thapa  

Dailekh District Court has sentenced three people convicted of the murder of Dailekh based journalist, Dekendra Raj Thapa, to life imprisonment. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Nepal affiliate, the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) welcome the court’s order and urge Nepali authorities to expedite the justice process of other pending cases. On December 12, the Dailekh court sentenced Bam Bahadur Khadka (aka. Arun), Keshav Khadka and Bam Bahadur Khadka to life imprisonment, or 20 years, for the murder of journalist Dekendra Raj Thapa 17 years ago. District Judge Dandapani Lamichhane also jailed Bhakti Ram Lamichhane for three years, for assisting the murderers…  
2015. Myanmar: DVB reporter Aung San Lin arrested by military  

Aung San Lin, a reporter for the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), was taken into junta custody during a midnight military raid on his home in the Sagaing region’s Wetlet Township. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the journalist’s arrest and calls on Myanmar’s military to immediately release Aung San Lin. Around midnight on December 11, approximately 20 soldiers arrived at Aung San Lin’s residence in Pin Zin village and arrested him. The journalist was transferred to a Wetlet police station before being transported to the Shwebo Interrogation Centre on December 12. Aung San Lin was reportedly beaten during his arrest, according to family members present at the…  
2016. Maroc : la presse victime de la pandémie  

Le Conseil National de la Presse (CNP) a publié un rapport sur les difficultés rencontrées par la presse marocaine en temps de Covid-19 et l'impact du virus sur un secteur en crise depuis plusieurs années. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) demande au gouvernement de continuer à soutenir les journalistes pendant la pandémie. Le CNP indique qu’un certain nombre de subventions ont été distribuées à la presse, notamment 22,6 millions d’euros alloués au secteur des médias à la fin de l'année 2020 pour soutenir les salaires et les entreprises n’ayant pas reçu d’aide l’année précédente. Ce chiffre atteint 32,7 millions d’euros si on y ajoute l’aide exceptionnelle versée au…  
2017. Syria: IFJ and SJU demand release of jailed journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Syrian Journalists Union (SJU), in calling for the release of journalist Mohammed Al Sagheer in a letter to the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC). The journalist was arrested on 7 June, 2019 in Northeast Syria and sentenced by a military anti-terrorism court to 25 years in jail. For over two years, Al Sagheer’s family, the IFJ and our Syrian affiliates have been demanding information about his state of health and the charges he was facing. In August 2021, Khalid Alhasan, a journalist who was arrested with him in the same case, was released from jail. On September 16, Al Sagheer’s family informed the IFJ that his…  
2018. Hong Kong: Media tycoon Jimmy Lai convicted over Tiananmen Massacre vigil  

Founder of Next Digital Jimmy Lai has been sentenced 13 months in prison for inciting others to take part in the Tiananmen Massacre vigil on June 4, 2020. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly protests against the sentencing of Lai and calls on the Hong Kong authorities to drop the charges and immediately release him. On December 9, Jimmy Lai Chee Ying and two other democratic campaigners, Chow Hang-tung and Gwyneth Ho Kwai-lam, were found guilty of charges relating to their involvement in the Tiananmen Massacre vigil in 2020, which was banned in Hong Kong by the police for the first time in three decades, citing Covid-19 concerns.   The…  
2019. Hong Kong: Government accuses Wall Street Journal of incitement  

The Hong Kong government has accused The Wall Street Journal of “incitement,” claiming it may have broken the city’s electoral law over an editorial published on November 29. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Hong Kong authorities to cease harassment of media and to respect freedom of the press. On December 1, Hong Kong's Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Erick Tsang, sent a letter to The Wall Street Journal, saying the editorial published by the United States-based news outlet contained “baseless assumptions” that were "not only factually incorrect but also scaremongering."  Tsang said he…  
2020. Gender Talks: KUJ’s online session with media students  

The Karachi Union of Journalists (KUJ) conducted two online sessions to mark the United Nations’ 16 Days of Activism with students at Karachi University in Pakistan on December 4, writes Lubna Jerar Naqvi. The sessions, titled 'Media’s role in reporting gender & issues faced by women journalists’ and ‘Breaking the glass ceiling in the media’,  included two speakers: journalist Maria Shirazi and journalists and media consultant Fatima Zakir. Both Shirazi and Zakir spoke about their experience working in the media, the issues they faced in the workplace, and how it was important to keep striving hard regardless of the obstacles in one’s…  
2021. Rwanda: “If you do not think about the public interest you are not doing journalism”  

The Head of the Media Sector Coordination Monitoring Department of the Rwanda Governance Board, Jean Bosco Rushingabigwi, told young journalists on Friday, 10 December, in Kigali, that if they do not think about the public interest when writing their stories, then they are not doing journalism”. Speaking at the opening ceremony of a two- day Youth Working Group Workshop on Digital Organising, Trade Union Reform and Youth Recruitment, organised by the Rwanda Journalists Association (ARJ) in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) under the Union to Union (UTU) Project 2021, Rushingabigwi emphasised that journalists should always have their readers, listeners…  
2022. Guinée: atelier de travail pour les jeunes sur l'organisation numérique  

L'Association des journalistes Guinéen (AJG), en collaboration avec la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), a organisé les 7 et 8 décembre à Conakry, capitale guinéenne, un atelier sur la syndicalisation numérique, la réforme syndicale et le recrutement des jeunes journalistes. L'atelier, qui s'inscrivait dans le cadre d'un projet soutenu par Union to Union (UTU), a rassemblé 20 jeunes journalistes travaillant dans les médias publics et privés ainsi que dans les médias en ligne. Le représentant du Commissaire de la Haute Autorité de la Communication (HAC), Amadou Touré, a rappelé que la majorité des jeunes journalistes âgés de 22 à 35 ans travaillent pour des médias en ligne.…  
2023. México: el Estado pide disculpas por el caso de un periodista desaparecido  

En la víspera del Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, las autoridades mexicanas reconocieron su responsabilidad en la desaparición y falta de justicia del periodista Alfredo Jiménez Mota, de quien se desconoce su paradero desde el 2 de abril de 2005. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) acompaña a los familiares del reportero que continúan su reclamo de justicia y el esclarecimiento del caso. Por primera vez en la historia de México, se llevó adelante la firma de un Acuerdo de Solución Amistosa y Acto Público de Reconocimiento de Responsabilidad entre el Estado Mexicano y las víctimas indirectas de la desaparición forzada del periodista Alfredo Jiménez Mota. Este acto…  
2024. Human Rights Day: 45 Journalists killed in 2021 and 365 still in prison  

To mark International Human Rights Day on December 10, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has published the lists of imprisoned and killed journalists in 2021. According to the Federation’s statistics, 45 journalists have been killed since 1 January 2021 and 365 are still behind bars. The two lists underscore the deepening crisis in journalism, with rights and freedom of journalists under sustained threat in many regions of the world.  According to the two IFJ lists - killed and imprisoned journalists -, 365 journalists are still in jail as of 10 December 2021, up from 235 last year. China (102), Turkey (34), Belarus (29), Eritrea (29), Egypt (27), Vietnam (21), Myanmar…  
2025. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 3 and 10 December 2021. English Global media group says journalist imprisonments on rise, APnews Report Shows Afghanistan's Women Scribes Are Unwilling to Give Up Their Claim on Media Space - The Wire UK High Court overrules earlier decision to block Wikileaks founder’s extradition to US - EU Reporter Nobel laureate: Media should fight for facts, not each other - Spectrum news Nobel Peace Prize winners call for journalist protections -…  
2026. Tunisie : la FIJ et le SNJT appellent le Président de la République à sortir de son silence  

A l'occasion du séminaire sur la qualité du journalisme, organisé conjointement à Tunis ce vendredi 10 décembre par la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et son affilié le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT), le Secrétaire général de la FIJ et le Président du SNJT ont appelé le Président de la République à répondre d'urgence aux journalistes tunisiens. «Le Président de la République et le gouvernement tunisien ne protègent plus les droits des journalistes. Nous déplorons de plus en plus d'attaques contre la liberté de la presse, du harcèlement, et le pouvoir ne s'exprime plus. » Par ces mots, Yassine Jelassi, le Président du SNJT, a lancé un pavé…  
2027. Assange can be extradited to the US, London court rules  

Wikileaks founder and investigative journalist Julian Assange could be extradited to the United States following a ruling by the United Kingdom’s High Court, which said Assange’s life would not be in danger if he were sent to the US. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the decision and will support any appeal Assange's legal team lodges. The US won its appeal against a January UK court ruling that he could not be extradited due to concerns over his mental health. The judge accepted Assange suffers from depression and that there is a high risk of suicide. If extradited, she considered it likely the US would send him to prison under special…  
2028. Alert: Filipino journalist who investigated Duterte drug war killed  

Jesus “Jess” Malabanan was killed on December 8 by two unidentified assailants at his family’s store in Calbayog City, Samar. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) is deeply concerned by the killing. According to the police report, the two assailants have not been arrested. Malabanan was a Pampanga correspondent for the national newspaper, Manila Standard Today and was part of the Reuters team in 2018 who won the Pulitzer Prize in International Reporting for reporting on the Philippine war on drugs. According to the Pulitzer citation, the stories exposed “the brutal killing campaign behind…  
2029. Afghanistan: IFJ releases report on Afghan women journalists on Human Rights Day  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Network of Women in Media, India (NWMI) have launched a joint report titled ‘In Their Own Words: Afghan Women Journalists Speak’, telling the lived experiences of women journalists struggling for their rights and their professions since the Taliban takeover in August, 2021. The report, supported by Norsk Journalistlag and launched on Human Rights Day on December 10, marks the culmination of 16-Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence. Through commissioning this report, the IFJ continues to shine a spotlight on Afghan women journalists and urges the international community to extend support in the shape of humanitarian…  
2030. Tunisia: Journalists' union to celebrate public interest journalism  

IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger will join the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT) at an event to announce the winners of the Public Interest Journalism Award in Tunis on 10 December 2021. The prizes will be awarded during a seminar co-organised by the IFJ and the SNJT entitled “Journalists’ rights as a pillar of public interest journalism and of human rights”. Participants will discuss these items during a panel with labour law experts, unionists and journalists.  The SNJT will also sign a collective agreement with Tunisian radio station Mosaïque FM on the same day. The President of the SNJT Yassine Jelassi said: “This [award] is to emphasise the role of…  
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