At least 28 journalists, covering protests against Omnibus Law, were attacked by police in Indonesia on October 8. The International Federation of…

Belarusian riot police detained dozens of protesters in several cities on Sunday as thousands rallied for the ninth consecutive Sunday rally against…

Nabeel Jakhura and Shabi Al Hassan, the president and assistant vice president of BOL Network respectively, were abducted in Karachi on October 8. The…

The Cambodian Ministry of Information plans to propose an additional clause to the current press law to protect against the harassment of female…

The Managing Editor of the Ghanaian Digital Newspaper, Whatsup News and Vice–President of the Private Newspapers Publishers Association of Ghana…

IFJ in the news !

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Interview with Maria Shirazi, Sub-Editor, The News International, Pakistan

UPDATE 9 October 2020 Montenegrin journalist Jovo Martinovic was  sentenced to 18 months in prison on 15 January by a court in Podgorica,  after being…

¡Es el día internacional de la salida del armario! Para celebrarlo, el consejo de Global Unions lanza nuestro sitio web LGBTI. Aquí compartimos…

Vietnamese authorities have charged human rights campaigner and journalist Pham Doan Trang for conducting anti-state propaganda on October 6. The…

At least 242 journalists have tested positive for Covid-19 in a period from March 30 to the end of September. The International Federation of…

Journalists and unions across the country have staged protests to reject the Omnibus Law on Job Creation which was passed on October 5, arguing that…

Journalists have provided an essential service during Covid-19 by keeping public informed. With a spike this week in Covid-19 cases in the country, it…

Journalists and media workers face travel restrictions due to the government’s strict new stay-at-home orders. The restriction will also affect…

Journalist Siddique Kappan has been arrested and booked by the Mathura police in Uttar Pradesh for allegedly instigating communal violence. The…

Google’s offer to pay to license news has been welcomed by journalists’ unions around the world as an important first step, but the pledge of just…