Journalist Abdoul Aziz Djibrilla of Naata Radio was attacked and killed by unidentified gunmen on 7 November on the Gao- Ansongo road in northern…

El 13 de noviembre, Israel bloqueó el acceso al canal libanés Al-Mayadeen TV en Israel y los territorios palestinos ocupados por "razones de…

“All topics can include a gender angle”. These were the words of Valbona Sulçe, one of the four mentors who joined the Peer-to-peer activity bringing…

Student journalists Abu Sayed Rony and Abdul Alim were attacked by a group of political activists at Rajshahi College, after taking photos of…

Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi has accused several international media of employing photojournalists who it suggested might be…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

On 6 November, Palestinian journalist Hanaa Mahameed was harassed and threatened by a group of Israeli journalists, including the correspondent for…

Two Tamil journalists were harassed and questioned by police on October 28 for coverage of an ongoing farmer’s protest, forcing them to sign written…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has welcomed the minister’s commitment to meet leaders from its affiliate the Journalists’ Union of…

Radio anchor Juan Jumalon was fatally shot by an unidentified assailant inside his home-based broadcast studio in the southern Misamis Occidental…

Approximately 30 journalists were attacked and had their equipment seized while covering a protest demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Los asesinatos de trabajadorxs de los medios de comunicación en la región, más allá de la variación interanual en términos de cifras, continúan siendo…

Para conmemorar el Día Internacional para poner fin a la impunidad de los crímenes cometidos contra periodistas el 2 de noviembre, la FIP hace un…

Más de 80 asociaciones y sindicatos de periodistas de todo el mundo piden hoy al gobierno israelí que tome medidas concretas para proteger la vida de…

On October 29, police and military personnel raided the office of the independent news outlet, the Development Media Group, arresting reporter Htet…