El domingo 17 de marzo un hombre disparó y mató en la vía pública a Leonardo Gabriel Hernández, periodista crítico de las autoridades locales y el…

Representatives from governments in every continent today joined the IFJ, journalists unions, editors groups, public broadcasters and media…

El 16 de marzo fue asesinado en su domicilio Santiago Barroso Alfaro, quien había denunciado el día anterior la presencia de personas vinculadas a la…

Forty-two journalists have been targeted by Hamas forces in the past five days while covering street protests against falling living standards in the…

A group of around 100 anti-government protesters stormed the building of the Serbian national broadcaster RTS in Belgrade on Saturday 16 March,…

Afghan journalist Sultan Mohammad Khairkhah was shot and killed as he drove to work on March 17 in Khost, south eastern Afghanistan. The International…

During a visit to Indonesia, the Timor Leste Press Council signed several agreements with local organisations to promote press freedom in Timor Leste…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

The IFJ has welcomed today's historic vote of the European Parliament to call for an end to the harassment and persecution of BBC Persian journalists…

El Sindicato dos Jornalistas Profissionais do Município do Rio de Janeiro y la Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ) denunciaron este lunes 11 de…

En la tarde del lunes 11 de marzo, el periodista radial Luis Carlos Díaz fue detenido por funcionarios del Sebin luego de que su casa fuera allanada.…

Afghan journalist Nisar Ahmad Ahmadi survived an assassination attempt in Helmand, Afghanistan on March 12. The International Federation of…

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) call on the European Parliament to adopt a copyright directive that benefits all…

Two German journalists were compelled to leave Turkey on Sunday, 10 March 2019, after their press accreditations were not renewed for 2019 without any…

Sabina Inderjit is the General Secretary of the Indian Journalist Union and senior vice president of the IFJ.

The editor and a publisher of Shillong Times were fined for contempt of court, while another journalist was threatened with legal action over their…