En marge du sommet de la Ligue arabe, qui s'est tenu les 1er et 2 novembre à Alger, capitale de l'Algérie, des journalistes marocains n'ont pas été…

On October 29, the ruling Myanmar junta banned independent online news outlet The Irrawaddy and accused the publisher of violating national security…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Manal Ajrama, deputy editor of the state-run Radio and Television Magazine and a member of the Egyptian Journalists’ Syndicate, was jailed for 15 days…

UNESCO, international organisations, press freedom groups, media and journalists' organisations have adopted a new safety roadmap for journalists. The…

Thai independent publisher and critic of China Sam Yan Press claim they were offered funds by a Chinese businessman to shut down operations. The…

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), on the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day to End Impunity of Crimes Committed against…

The Ministry of Intelligence and the Intelligence Organisation of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps have accused two female Iranian journalists who…

Check out IFJ affiliates' actions to denounce impunity for crime against journalists.

Broadcast journalist Mohamed Isse Hassan, a reporter for M24 TV, was killed in a double car bomb blast in Mogadishu on October 29. Three other media…

On International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists on November 2, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South…

In a week crucial to the future of their media, dozens of Hong Kong journalists, who relocated in recent years to the UK, gathered on 1 November at…

A new report released today by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the international community to increase pressure on…

On October 23, the High Court of Malaysia ruled that the former media workers of Utusan Malaysia, which ceased its operations in October 2021, are…

Reporter Sadaf Naeem was tragically crushed to death under a political lorry container while covering Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) long…

Romelson Vilcin murió luego de recibir el impacto de un proyectil de gases lacrimógenos en la cabeza, en las inmediaciones de una comisaría de la…