Two weeks after the terrible earthquake that shook Northern Syria and Eastern Turkey, Kenan Şener, Secretary General of the Ankara Journalists…

French weekly Le Poher had to evacuate its office on 20 February 2023 after an anonymous caller said a bomb had been placed in the office in Carhaix,…

“Journalists and media workers have a fundamental right to do their work free from harassment. Unifor believes that media employers, unions, digital…

Concerns have been raised for journalist and women’s rights activist Sophia Huang Xueqin, who is said to have been experiencing severe health issues…

En vísperas del primer aniversario de la invasión rusa de Ucrania, el 24 de febrero, Sergiy Tomilenko, presidente de la Unión Nacional de Periodistas…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Concerns for media independence and press freedom in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have been raised following the government’s announcement of a swift 12-day…

Hong Kong’s Chief Executive in Council has instated a mandatory minimum of 30 minutes of programming dedicated to ‘national education, national…

La Federación Colombiana de Periodistas (FECOLPER) presentó ayer su reporte anual de agresiones y afectaciones a periodistas y medios de comunicación…

Le 17 janvier dernier, le tribunal correctionnel de Béthune a condamné à 5 mois de prison avec sursis un homme qui avait harcelé en ligne, puis menacé…

Russian journalist Maria Ponomarenko has been jailed for six years for posting on Telegram about a deadly attack by Russian warplanes on a theatre in…

Indian income tax authorities have raided BBC offices in India on February 14, allegedly investigating tax evasion charges against the media outlet…

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has ordered the shutdown of leading independent media outlet Voice of Democracy (VOD) on February 13 ahead of the…

El comunicador fue baleado por personas a bordo de una motocicleta cuando se encontraba circulando con su vehículo por las calles del departamento de…

A framework agreement which will guarantee journalists’ professional, economic and social rights and safeguard press freedom was signed by the…

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) has published today its annual State of Media Report documenting on two killings, 95 attacks against…